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Лабы / 2 / lab.05.by mice / spice / src / csp_life

5.74 Кб
* file:         csp_life.h                                                     *
* version:      0.0.1                                                          *
* author:       d-evil [tmd] (mailto:d-evil.tmd@mail.ru)                       *
* description:  not available                                                  *


// headers
#include <afx.h>
#include <afxwin.h>
#include <afxdlgs.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <mstcpip.h>

#include "csp_parser.h"
#include "csp_file.h"
#include "csp_list.h"
#include "csp_filter.h"
#include "cdm_addr_info.h"
#include "win_errors.h"
#include "resource.h"

// csp_life declaration
class csp_life: public CDialog {

	HICON get_icon() const { return _icon; }
	void set_icon(const HICON icon) { _icon = icon; }

	virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
	virtual void OnOK() {}
	virtual void OnCancel() {}
	virtual void OnClose();

	int open_file();
	int close_file();

	int run();
	int stop();

	// protected constants
	static const int _WM_CAN_QUIT			= WM_USER + 0xCC;
	static const int _WM_DO_CLOSE			= WM_USER + 0xDC;
	static const int _WM_DO_OPEN			= WM_USER + 0xD0;
	static const int _WM_DO_CSP_FLUSH		= WM_USER + 0xCF;

	static const int _STATE_UNKNOWN				= 0xDEAD;

	static const int _STATE_BTNS_OPEN_DISABLED	= -1;
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_OPEN_CANOPEN	= 0;
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_OPEN_CANCLOSE	= 1;

	static const int _STATE_BTNS_RUN_DISABLED	= -1;
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_RUN_CANRUN		= 0;
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_RUN_CANSTOPR	= 1;	// running
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_RUN_CANSTOPP	= 2;	// paused

	static const int _STATE_BTNS_OPTS_DISABLED	= -1;
	static const int _STATE_BTNS_OPTS_ENABLED	= 0;

	static const int _BTNS_STATE_UNKNOWN	= 0xDEAD;
	static const int _BTNS_RUN_DISABLED		= -1;
	static const int _BTNS_RUN_CAN_RUN		= 0;
	static const int _BTNS_RUN_CAN_STOP		= 1;

	static const int _BTNS_LOG_DISABLED		= -1;
	static const int _BTNS_LOG_CAN_BROWSE	= 0;
	static const int _BTNS_LOG_CAN_OPEN		= 1;

	static const char *_DEF_CSS_FILE_NAME;
	static const char *_DEF_FILTER_FILE_NAME;
	static const char *_html_intro;
	static const char *_html_outtro;

	static const int _DTGM_MAX_LENGTH		= 0xFFFF;

	// protected controls
	CButton *_btn_open;
	CButton *_btn_browse;
	CButton *_btn_run;
	CButton *_btn_pause;
	CButton *_btn_clr_file;
	CButton *_btn_cr_new_html;
	CButton *_btn_write_html;
	CButton *_btn_view_html;
	CButton *_btn_rw_html;
	CButton *_btn_filter;
	CButton *_btn_show_list;
	CButton *_btn_exit;
	CEdit *_edit_file;
	CEdit *_edit_host;
	CEdit *_edit_html_file;
	CEdit *_edit_info;
	CStatic *_stt_html;
	CStatic *_stt_host;
	CStatic *_stt_file;
	CStatic *_stt_info;

	// protected event handlers
	void _on_btn_browse();
	void _on_btn_open();
	void _on_btn_run();
	void _on_btn_pause();
	void _on_btn_show_html();
	void _on_btn_write_html();
	void _on_btn_rw_html();
	void _on_btn_filter();
	void _on_btn_show_list();
	void _on_btn_help();
	void _on_btn_about();
	void _on_btn_exit();
	LRESULT _on_can_quit(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);
	LRESULT _on_do_open(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);
	LRESULT _on_do_close(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);
	LRESULT _on_close_list(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);
	LRESULT _on_close_filter(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);
	LRESULT _on_do_csp_flush(WPARAM pch, LPARAM hz);

	void _set_state_btns_open(const int state);
	void _set_state_btns_run(const int state);
	void _set_state_btns_opts(const int state);
	void _set_state_btn_write_html(const bool is_active);
	void _show_file_info(const bool running = true, const bool clear = false);

	int _run_proc();
	static int _run_proc_helper(csp_life *const life);

	// net part
	int _open_file();
	int _close_file();
	int _copy_css(CString &html_fn);

	int _make_socket();
	int _kill_socket();
	int _can_read(const SOCKET sock, const int timeout_ms = 500);
	int _can_read_sz(const SOCKET sock);
	int _buf_ctl(const bool alloc = true);
	int _read_datagram(const SOCKET sock);
	int _swallow(const SOCKET sock);

	// states and work
	HANDLE _thread_h;
	DWORD _thread_id;
	volatile bool _must_stop;
	volatile bool _running;
	volatile bool _paused;
	volatile bool _opened;
	volatile bool _can_quit;
	volatile bool _need_csp_flush;
	volatile bool _waiting_csp_flush;
	volatile bool _html_file_corrupted;
	volatile bool _list_closing;

	// net part
	SOCKET _sock;

	HANDLE _file;
	csp_file _csp_file;
	HANDLE _html_file;
	CString _css_file_name;
	CString _app_path;

	char *_buf;
	static const int _NET_BUF_SZ = 0xFFFFF;
	char *_dtgm;	// for compatibility with csp_parser
	int _dtgm_sz;
	sockaddr _saddr_gived;
	int _saddr_sz_gived;
	csp_parser _parser;
	bool _write_html;
	unsigned int _total_dtgms;

	// gui part
	HICON _icon;
	csp_list *volatile _csp_list;
	csp_list *volatile _tmp_list;
	csp_filter _csp_filter;
	int _state_btns_open;
	int _state_btns_run;
	int _state_btns_opts;

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