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Текст 4В

Грамматический материал: Participle I, II; Gerund

Упр. 1. Быстро прочитайте текст и найдите в нём ответы на следующие во­просы:

  • из каких слоёв состоит атмосфера?

  • информация о каких характеристиках воздуха необходима метеорологу для работы?

  • какие основные факты стали очевидными в результате проведённых изме­рений атмосферных параметров?


Structure of the Atmosphere.

Measurement of the Atmosphere

Meteorologists have discovered that the atmosphere has a structure, and three main layers are recognised:

  1. The troposphere, which lies between about 8 and 14 km (5 and 9 miles) high; it is a zone of temperature decrease with height ancj^within it is confined over 90 per cent of the atmosphere's water vapour.

  2. The stratosphere or upper layers, up to a height of about 100 km (60 miles) in which temperatures are very low and fairly constant; there are no clouds and practically no water vapour or dust and no convection currents.

  3. The ionosphere or the uppermost layer; in this layer there are electrons and ions which influence radio waves.

Measurement is the first essential in any science and the meteorologist must have measurements of the weight, heat, water content and movement of air. Such measure­ments form the raw material with which he works. He requires precise information about four things:

a) Pressure, i.e. the weight of air above a unit area; this is measured by a ba­rometer.

    1. Temperature, i.e. the measurement of the heat or molecular energy of the air; this is read by a thermometer.

    2. Humidity, i.e. the water content of the air which is measured by a wet and dry bulb hydrometer. •

    3. Velocity, i.e. the speed and direction of wind which is measured by an ane­mometer.

Four important facts have become apparent from measuring the atmosphere:

      1. Temperature drops at a fairly regular rate with ascent; this'decrease is about 0- 6 °C for every 100 metres or 1 °F for every 330 feet; this general decrease is known as the lapse rate.

      2. Pressure follows a similar pattern, decreasing: normal barometric pressure at sea level is 760 mm (29.9 inches) but decreases at the rate of 1 cm for every 108 m of ascent; this fact, incidentally, is taken into account in the calibration of aneroid altime­ters.

      3. Air pressure acts not downwards only, but in all directions, since air is fluid; in areas of high pressure, however, the air tends to be stable and the winds fairly con­stant, but in areas of low pressure the converse applies.

      4. In the upper air, i.e. in the stratosphere, it has been recently discovered that there are extremely strong air currents, "jet streams" as they have come to be called; the precise role they have in affecting the Earth's weather is not yet fully known.

Упр. 2. Какие из нижеперечисленных предложений отражают основные идеи текста?

  • Измерения необходимы в любой науке: метеорологу для своей работы нужны данные о весе, тепло- и влагосодержании воздуха, его движении.

  • Измерения атмосферных характеристик проводятся разными способами.

  • Атмосфера - сложная система взаимодействующих факторов.

  • В процессе изучения поведения атмосферы постоянно выявляются опре­делённые закономерности.

  • В результате проведения измерений в атмосфере были выявлены четыре важные закономерности.

  • Атмосфера состоит из трёх слоёв.

  • Атмосфера не имеет чёткой верхней границы.

Упр. 3. В правой колонке найдите подходящие по смыслу продолжения от­резков предложений.

pressure is - upper layers up to a height of about 100 km

temperature is - the weight of air about a unit area the ionosphere is - the upper most layer the stratosphere is - the speed and direction of wind

humidity is - the measurement of the heat or molecular energy of the air

velocity is - the water content of the air

Упр. 4. Найдите в тексте описание четырёх основных закономерностей, ка­сающихся атмосферных процессов.

The scientific study of the phenomena and physical processes of the atmosphere is termed meteorology. Climatology concerns the various climates of the Earth. A firanch of the latter is microclimatology which is the detailed study of local climates.

The term weather denotes the conditions of the atmosphere at a given place at a specific time; climate is the average of the customary weather conditions of a place.

A distinction must be drawn between the elements or ingredients of climate and the factors or determining causes.

The elements of both weather and climate are those physical conditions prevail­ing at a given time and place in the atmosphere. They comprise the following:

  1. temperature,

  2. pressure,

  3. wind,

  4. moisture, which includes: (i) humidity,

    1. cloud and fog,

    2. precipitation,

  5. sunshine. ' ^^^^ пРиг^т. y*>u**c/>cf с

The elements of climate result from the interaction of a number of factors or de­termining causes, chief of which are as follows:

  1. latitude, u^p <-

  2. altitude, i г

  3. relief features, /><*L ' г p

  4. distribution of land and sea, • \utirc i^^cfi^

  5. pressure, 9 <• >•

  6. air masses and winds, во^цилиь с и

  7. storms, ум

  8. ocean currents, о ел-ол e чсt< > S-

Упр. 2. Опираясь на информацию, полученную из текста, внесите поправки в следующие утверждения:

    1. Meteorology is the scientific study of local climates.

    2. Microclimatology is a branch of meteorology.

    3. Latitude is an element of weather.

    4. The term weather denotes the average of the climate conditions of a certain


    1. Climatology concerns physical processes of the atmosphere.

Упр. 3. Выпишите из текста термины, относящиеся к понятию "Weather" в одну колонку, а слова, относящиеся к понятию "Climate" - в другую.

Упр. 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

      1. The scientific study of the phenomena and physical processes of the atmos­phere is termed...

      2. ... concerns the various climates of the Earth.

      3. ... is the detailed study of the local climates.

      4. The condition of the atmosphere at a given place at a specific time is...

Текст 4Д

Грамматический материал: Past Indefinite и Participle II.

Лексический материал: конверсия (повторение).

Упр. 1. Прежде чем прочитать текст, вспомните, что вам известно об атмо­сферном давлении, каким прибором и в каких единицах оно измеряется.

Упр. 2. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

  • От чего зависит количество солнечной радиации, получаемой землёй в данной точке в определённый момент времени?

  • Почему давление воздуха действует во всех направлениях?

  • Почему суша нагревается быстрее воды?

  • Как изменяется давление воздуха с высотой?

  • Как влияет температура воздуха на изменение давления и почему?

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Air and Air Temperature

, Air has weight, and because of the height of the atmosphere its weight exerts a ■pressure of 0.9 kg per square centimetre upon all surfaces. Since air is fluid, this pres-

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sure acts not only downwards but in all directions. Air pressure is measured by means of a barometer. Norrhal barometric pressure at sea-level is 760 mm or 29.9 inches or 1,013 millibars, but pressure decreases with height.

Pressure is not uniform over the Earth's surface but varies considerably from re­gion to region. These differences result from:

  1. ■■ u-U-tf.

    'variations in air temperature; and

  2. variations in water-vapour content of the air. . ■ -■>

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Any increase in temperature causes air to expand, this, in turn, causes the air to

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rise, a process known as convection. Air containing water-vapour is lighter than dry air because water-vapour is

Resulting from these variations is a movement of air from cooler, drier areas,

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with high pressure, to warmer, damper areas, with low pressure.

Apart from a small amount of terrestrial heat - heat released from the centre of

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Q Earth - the sun is the sole source of heat, and the radiant energy received is termed in­solation. The amount of solar energy received depends upon a number of factors or conditions: _ r. ,, о ci, ,, ,, ,tci<

    1. The sun's output of radiation, which fluctuates slightly.,

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    1. The Earth s distance from the sun, which varies seasonally.

    2. The obliquity of the sun s rays, which varies Seasonally.

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    1. The diurnal sun-period, which varies With latitude and the season.

    2. The transmission, reflection and absorption of the atmosphere. ' c ^ The solar energy which reaches the Earth's'surface warms the land and water sur- ^

faces which, in turn, radiate energy back into the air, a process known as radiation: Land and water undergo differential heating. Land warms up more rapidly and intensely than water because:"" itUJ:

a) land has a lower specific heat;


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