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темы для экзамена / 11.Modern lifestyle

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Modern lifestyle . Unit 11.

Many of us in the busy twenty-first century are finding it more and more difficult to remember everything . Once upon a time we just blamed getting older for our absent-mindedness , but now experts are blaming our modern lifestyle . They say that we become FORGETFUL GENERATION and that day after day we overload our memories . Here we have some stories , which prove that appointment .

Ellen finished university last year and goy a job in the same town . And one day , for some reason , rather than go to work for 9 o’clock , she got the bus and went to the university for an 11 o’clock lecture . And when she came there , she suddenly remembered that she had finished university and that she was two hours late for work .

Josh is studying law in London and at the end of last term he packed his suitcase as usual and went to King’s Cross station to catch the train home . He was sitting revising for his exams , and inspector came to check his ticket . “Thank you ,sir . We’ll be in Newcastle in about an hour”, he said . Suddenly Josh recognized , that his parents had moved from Newcastle to Plymouth when he was ten .

Fiona some time ago got dressed , ready to go to work . she put on her smart black suit . She had been working at home the night before – preparing for a very important meeting . She left home and walked down to the bus stop . Just before she got on the bus , she looked down , and she was still wearing her fluffy , pink bedroom slippers .

Stories of forgetfulness like these are familiar to many of us . And such cases ,as experts say , are not just related to age , but can be cause by our way of life . These days , is that many companies have far fewer employees . This means that one person often does several jobs . Jobs that before were done by many people are now done by a few . If you have five things to do at once , you become stressed and forgetful . I think , that people in work situations , at a meeting or something , have the experience where they start a sentence and halfway through it , they can’t remember what they are talking about , and they can’t finish the sentence . It’s a terrible feeling – you think you are going insane .

Part , actually the most important, of the solution is recognizing the problem . And one of the best ways to remember things is a notebook , or just a piece of paper . At the beginning of every day write yourself a list of things to do – and it gives you a really good feeling when you cross things off the list as you do them .

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