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Ik_1s_Unit 1.Computer Users.Present Tenses.docx
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  • Grammar review.

  1. Present forms

  2. The present simple and present continuous.


  4. FORM

  5. I /You work.- He/She/ It works.

  6. Do you work? – Does he work? Yes, I do./ No, he doesn’t.

  7. I do not (don’t)work. – He does not (doesn’t) work.

  8. USE

  9. The Present Simple используется

  • для неизменного состояния ( permanent states), повторяющихся действий (repeated actions) и повседневных занятий (daily routines).

  1. He works at a hotel. (permanent state)

  2. He lays the tables and serves dinner every day. (daily routine/ repeated action)

  • для фактов, которые являются правдой, и законов природы

  1. It rarely rains in the desert.

  • для расписания ( поездов, самолётов) и програм.

  1. The plane to London takes off at 6:50 am.

  • Для спортивных комментариев (sports commentaries), рецензий (reviews) и повествования (narration).

  1. Hill kicks the ball and passes it to Dawson. (sports commentary)

  2. Laura Hunt acts superbly in the film.(review)

  3. So, the prince tells her…(narration)

  1. The present simple используется со следующими временными выражениями (timeexpressions):always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, never,etc., every day /week /month/ year, etc., on Mondays/ Tuesdays, etc., in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, at night/ the weekend, etc.


  3. FORM

  4. I am (‘m)/ You are (‘re)/ He is (‘s) working.

  5. Are you/ Is he working? Yes, I am./ No, he isn’t.

  6. I am (‘m) not/ He is not (isn’t)/ They are not (aren’t) working.

  7. USE

  8. The Present Continuousиспользуется

  • для действий, происходящих сейчас (now), в момент речи (atthemomentofspeaking); для временных действий (temporaryactions); действий, которые не окончены на данный момент, но не происходящих в момент речи (actionsthataregoingonaroundnow,butnotattheactualmomentofspeaking).

  1. Helen is working hard these days. Right now she’s reading a newspaper.(She is not working at the moment of speaking.)

  • c always, когда мы хотим выразить раздражение и неудовольствие по отношению к действию, происходящему слишком часто.( too often, more often than normal)

  1. You’re always forgetting to pay the bills.

  • для действий, которые мы уже запланировали совершить в ближайшем будущем, особенно если время и место уже определено.(future arrangements)

  1. Melanie is getting married at 3 this afternoon.(The time and the place for the wedding ceremony have been decided.)

  • для ситуаций, которые изменяются и развиваются (changing and developing situations)

  1. More and more forests are disappearing because of fires.

  2. ThePresentContinuousиспользуется со следующими временными выражениями (timeexpressions): now, at the moment, these days, at present, tonight, nowadays, still, etc.

  3. Adverbs of Frequency

  4. The Present Simple часто используется с наречиями частоты ( always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never, etc.), чтобы показать, как часто происходит действие.При помощи этих наречий мы отвечаем на вопрос How often?

  5. e.g. How often do you go to bed early?

  6. I always/ usually go to bed early.

  7. 100 75 50 25 10 0

  8. always usually often sometimes rarely/seldom never

  9. Наречия частоты ставятся перед смысловым глаголом (main verb, e.g. listen, watch), но после глагола to be, вспомогательных и модальных глаголов, таких как do, can, must, etc.

  10. Наречия rarely, seldom, never имеют негативное значение, поэтому не употребляются со словом not.

  11. e.g. Do you buy expensive clothes? No, I never do.

  12. State Verbs

  13. State verbs (Stative verbs) – это глаголы, которые обычно не используются во временах группы Continuous, потому что они описывают состояние, а не действие. Они включают в себя следующие глаголы:

  • глаголы, которые выражают предпочтение, симпатию (likes) и неприязнь, предубеждение (dislikes):like,love,hate,dislike,enjoy,prefer,etc.

  1. e.g. Cathy likes romantic films.

  • глаголы восприятия, понимания, осознания (perception): believe, know, notice, remember, forget, recognise, understand, realise, seem, think, see(=understand),etc.

  1. e.g. I don’t believe a word he’s saying.

  • глаголы, показывающие чувства (senses):see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound.Мы часто используем can и could с этими глаголами, по отношению к тому, что мы видим и слышим в момент речи.

  1. e.g. The soup tastes delicious.

  2. John must be in the attic. I can hear his footsteps.

  • другие глаголы: be, contain, fit, include, matter, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have(=possess), weigh, wish, keep (continue), etc.

  1. e.g. This book is mine. It belongs to me.

  2. Иногда, некоторые глаголы состояния употребляются в формах времён группы Continuous, но значение изменяется.

  1. I think she’s Italian. (=believe)

  1. I’m thinking about my holiday. (= am considering)

  1. The soup tastes awful. (=has an awful flavour)

  1. She’s tasting the soup. (=is testing the flavour of)

  1. I can seean aeroplane in the sky. (= percieve with my eyes)

  1. I’m seeingJill tonight. (=am meeting)

  1. Susan lookstired. (=appears)

  1. Susan is lookingat some photos. (=is studying)

  1. The room smells of perfume. (=has the smell)

  1. The cat is smellingits food. (=is sniffing)

  1. This towel feelssoft. (=has a soft texture)

  1. Jill is feelingher son’s forehead. (=is touching)

  1. He is selfish. (character- permanent state)

  1. He is beingselfish. (behaviour- temporary state)

  1. He hasa sports car. (possesses)

  1. He is havinglunch now. (= is eating - idiom)

  1. I seewhat you mean. (=I understand)

  1. You’re seeing things. There’s no one in the house. (=you’re imagining)

  1. She appearsto be very upset. (=she seems)

  1. My brother’s band is appearingat the Great Pallas. (=they’re performing)

  1. Those trousers fityou perfectly. (=they are the right size)

  1. Sue is fitting new cupboards in the kitchen. (=she is putting)

  2. Некоторые идиомы с have:

  3. have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner;

  4. have a bath/ shower/ swim/ party;

  5. have a(n) accident/ experience/ dream

  6. have a difficulty/ fun/ trouble, etc.

  7. NOTE: a) I’m enjoying this play a lot. (specific preferences)

  8. but: I enjoygoing to the theatre. (general preferences)

  9. b) глаголы look, feel, hurt, acheмогут использоваться во временахSimpleиContinuous, не меняя значения предложения.

  10. e.g. You look fabulous today. – You are looking fabulous today.

  11. She feels sick. – She’s feeling sick.

  12. but: I usually feeltired in the morning. (notI’m usually feeling)

  13. **************************************

  14. Note: Мы не используем neveragainсthe present simple

  15. e.g. I’m never painting the house by myself again. (NOT: I never paint the house by myself again.)

  16. Grammar Exercises.

  1. Expand the following into sentences in order to make true statements with doesn’t or don’t where necessary.

  1. water/ boil/at 100 C

  1. Water boils at 100 C.

  1. rice/ grow/ on trees

  2. Rice doesn’t grow on trees.

  3. chicks/ hatch/ from eggs

  4. kangaroos/ live/ in Spain

  5. plants/ need/ water to grow

  6. rain/ fall/ from clouds

  7. astronauts/ travel/ in submarines

  8. cows/ lay/ eggs

  9. pandas/ live/ in Italy

  10. elephants/ eat/ meat

  11. fish/ walk/ on land

  12. the sun/ set/ in the east

  13. bees/ give milk

  14. caterpillars/ turn/ into butterflies

  15. wool/ come/ from sheep

  1. Read the following extracts and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Then, say what use of these tenses each extract shows.

  1. These days, it seems everything1) is changing(change). Cities 2)___________________ ( become) bigger and busier every year, technology 3)__________________ (develop) faster than ever before, and scientists 4) __________________ (learn) more about the way things work.

  2. Water 1)_______________ ( boil) at 100 C and 2) ________________ (freeze) when the temperature 3) _________________ (drop) below 0 C. Salt water 4) ______________ (be) different, however.

  3. This film 1) ________ (be) great! It 2) _____________(have) an all-star cast and the script 3) __________ (be) very funny. The action 4) _____________ (begin) when two young men 5) ________________ (try) to rob a bank…

  4. ….Rogers 1) _______________ (kick) the ball and 2) ________________ (pass) it to Jones. Jones 3) ______________ (run) down the pitch. He 4) _______________ (pass) the ball to Smith who 5) ________________ (shoot) and 6) _____________(score)!

  1. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous, and then explain the meaning of each verb.

  1. This food _______________ (taste) delicious.

  2. Mother _______________ (taste) the sauce to see if it needs more salt.

  3. I ________________ (think) I’ll buy the black dress, not the red one.

  4. She ________________ (think) of going to study abroad.

  5. The Smiths _______________ (have) a cottage in the mountains.

  6. Susan ______________ (have) dinner with her cousin Helen tonight.

  7. After a short walk through the park, he always ___________ (feel) relaxed and cheerful.

  8. I _________________ (feel) in my pocket for my keys.

  9. Tom ______________ (see) the company director in a few minutes.

  10. When I open my bedroom window every morning, I _____________ (see) the tall cypress tree in the garden.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. Dave _____________ (live) in Glasgow and ________________ (work) for an advertising company. He _______________ (have) a good job and ______________ (earn) a lot of money. He ________________ (meet) many people every day and _______________ (lead) a busy life. The company ________________ (expand) rapidly and today he ___________ (see) a new client.

  2. John and Anna ________________ (fly) to Paris on Monday for a holiday. Their flight _______________ (take off) at 7.10 in the morning and ___________ (arrive) in Paris at 8.10. Anna’s cousin _____________ (own) a house there, so they ___________ (stay) with him.

  3. My neighbour _______________ (bang) on the walls of his flat when he ___________ (do) repairs. This week he ________________ (install) a new bath, and the noise _____________ (drive) me crazy. He ___________________ (not/ seem) to care about the way he ________________ (bother) other people.

  4. Tom is an athlete. Every morning he ____________ (swim) ten laps in the pool and _____________ (lift) weights for an hour. This year he _____________ (train) harder because he ______________ (want) to compete in the next Olympic Games.

  1. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or present continuous.

  1. Are you hungry? Do you want(you/ want) something to eat?

  2. Nicky ______________ (think) of giving up her job.

  3. (you/ believe) ___________________ in God?

  4. I _______________ (feel) hungry. Is there anything to eat?

  5. Who is that man? What ______________________ (he/ want)?

  6. Who is that man? Why ______________________ (he/look) at us?

  7. Alan says he’s 80 years old, but nobody _____________ (believe) him.

  8. She told me her name, but I _____________________ (not/ remember) it now.

  9. Air _________________ (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

  10. I can’t understand why he _______________ (be) so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.

  11. He never thinks about other people. He _________ (be) very selfish.

  12. Excuse me, ______________ (you/ speak) English? – Yes, a bit.

  13. Listen to those people. What language __________________ (they/ speak)?

  14. Let’s go out. It _______________ (not/ rain) now.

  15. You _____________________ (always/ watch) television. You should do something more active.

  16. The rate of unemployment ________________ (decrease) slowly.

  17. Water ________________ (freeze) at 0 degrees Celsius.

  18. We _________________ (go) to the opera next Saturday.

  19. The hole in the ozone layer _________________ (become) bigger and bigger.

  20. Mammals _____________ (feed) their babies on milk.

  21. “ What’s that noise?” – “It _______________ (sound) like Jane playing her trumpet!”

  22. I ______________________ (never go) to that restaurant again! The food was horrible.

  23. The Greens _____________________ (play) golf with my parents this weekend.

  24. “What do you know about snakes?” – “I know that they are reptiles and they _______ _______(lay) eggs.”

  25. “Your hair _________________ (look) great today! Have you had it cut?” – “ Yes, I had it done yesterday.”

  26. Every morning when I ________________(wake up) I ____________ (smell) fresh coffee coming from the kitchen.