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Лондонское метро

Лондонское метро - первая подземная железная дорога в мире. Первая линия была пущена в 1863 году, а уже в 1906 по линиям метро пошли поезда на электрической тяге. Сейчас Лондонское метро или "труба" – The Tube - как его здесь называют - одно из крупнейших в мире: 275 станций на 12 линиях.

Метро работает с 5:30 до 24 часов по будням и субботам и с 7:00 до 23:00 по воскресеньям. Утренний час пик заканчивается примерно в 9:30, вечерний продолжается с 16 до 19 часов.

Оплата проезда в метро Лондона.

Все станции метро поделены на 6 зон: 1 зона - это центр Лондона, 6 зона - окраины. Стоимость билета зависит от количества проезжаемых зон. Одна поездка внутри первой зоны стоит £1.50 для взрослых и £0.60 для детей. Если взрослый путешествует с действующим билетом, то он может провезти собой в метро до четырех детей младше 11 лет бесплатно. Если вы планируете совершить несколько поездок, то выгоднее приобрести Travelcard. Они бывают сроком на год, месяц, неделю или день. Поездка на один день в пиковый сезон стоит £6.60. Карты Travelcard действительны для оплаты поездок как в метро, так и в автобусах и на некоторых пригородных поездах. Билеты можно приобрести на всех станциях метро, в кассах или автоматах. В случае, если касса закрыта, а в автомате нет нужного вам проездного, то можно купить простой билет, а, приехав на станцию назначения, обменять его на необходимый вам, доплатив разницу в цене. Штраф за безбилетный проезд составляет £20.

Unit 3. The Place I live in. My Country.

A land flowing with milk and honey.

Bible: Exodus, III, 8.

Nature is a house to dwell in.

Charles Lamb

Recommended grammar:



3.1. Read the information about Russia, find all the geographical names on the map and be ready to give presentation on Russia in class.

Russia or Russian Federation (Russian Rossiyskaya Federatsiya), is an independent republic in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, the world’s largest country by area. In general, Russia’s climate is similar to that of Canada. Much of the land lies north of the 50th parallel of latitude and far from the moderating influences of oceans. Like Canada, although colder and with greater temperature extremes in many places, most of Russia has a harsh continental climate. Although climate, and to some degree soils, limit the country’s agricultural wealth, mineral wealth is considerable: Russia’s mineral resources are unmatched by any other country.

Russia’s borders measure more than 20,100 km (12,500 miles). In the north Russia is bounded by extensions of the Arctic Ocean: the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi seas. In the east the country is bounded by the Pacific Ocean and several of its extensions: the Bering Strait (which separates Russia from Alaska), the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Sea of Japan (East Sea). In the extreme southeast Russia abuts the northeastern tip of North Korea. In the south it is bounded by China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Black Sea. In the southwest it is bounded by the Ukraine, and in the west by Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, the Gulf of Finland, and Finland. In the extreme northwest, Russia is bounded by Norway. Lithuania and Poland border Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave on the Baltic Sea.

The capital and largest city is Moscow. Administratively until 2005, Russia included 89 subjects of the Federation: 21 republics; 6 territories known as krays; 10 national areas called okrugs; 49 regions, or oblasts; 1 autonomous oblast; and 2 cities with federal status. In 2004 there was initiated a process of consolidation of national areas with bigger subjects. So far the people of 5 okrugs have supported this process.

In both total area and geographic extent Russia is the largest country in the world. With an area of 17,075,200 sq km (6,592,800 sq miles), Russia constitutes more than one-ninth of the world’s land area and nearly twice the area of the United States or China. From north to south Russia extends more than 4,000 km (2,400 miles) from Arctic islands in the Barents Sea to the southern border along the Caucasus mountains. From the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea to Big Diomede Island (Ratmanov Island) in the Bering Strait, Russia’s maximum east-west extent is almost 10,000 km (6,200 miles), a distance encompassing 11 time zones and spanning nearly half the circumference of the Earth. Russia stretches across parts of two continents, Europe and Asia, with the Urals and The Ural River marking the boundary between them.

Russia’s principal islands lie in the Arctic and Pacific oceans and their extensions. Farthest north, in the Arctic Ocean, is Franz Josef Land, an archipelago consisting of about 100 small islands. The other main Arctic islands, from west to east, include the two islands of Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island, the group of islands called Severnaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island. Between these major islands lie numerous small islands and island chains. In the Pacific ocean are the Kuril Islands, which extend southwest in an arc from the Kamchatka peninsula to the main islands of Japan. Russia occupies and administers all the Kuril Islands, although ownership of the southernmost islands is disputed with Japan. The Pacific also includes the large island of Sakhalin, which separates the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan.

Russia contains complex geologic structures and surface formations. Very simply, however, the landmass consists of vast plains in the west and north, and a discontinuous belt of mountains and plateaus in the south and east. The upland and mountainous regions include most of Siberia and extend to the Pacific.

Russia can be divided into several broad geographic regions. From east to west they are the Great European Plain; the Ural Mountains; the mountain systems and ranges along much of Russia’s southern border; and the lowlands and uplands of Siberia, including the West Siberian Plain, the Central Siberian Plateau, and the mountain ranges of northeastern Siberia.

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