- •I. Make up sentences with your advice to an infant's parents:
- •III. Tell us what you think it is interesting to do for a child when he or she is alone at home. Start with:
- •IV. Say what is dangerous for a child to do. Start with:
- •V. Say in what cases the accident can take place.(Don’t forget to use Present instead of Future after “if”!)
- •VI. Ask and answer for a young parent and a pediatrician giving his
- •II. Make up sentences:
- •III. Find the correct order of first aid actions in case of a fracture according to the text:
- •Il Play the parts of a mother (grandmother, etc) of a child with sun/heat stroke who is calling the emergency aid for help, and a doctor or a member of a rescue team giving advice. Start with:
- •II. Ask and answer 5 questions covering the main information of the text “Animal Bites”.
- •III. Close the books and complete the following sentences:
- •I. Answer the questions:
- •II.Close the books and complete the following sentences:
- •III. Speak about:
- •3. Some advice on first aid in an emergency
- •3.First Aid Measures (Treatment). Меры первой помощи (Лечение)
- •II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
- •II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
Il Play the parts of a mother (grandmother, etc) of a child with sun/heat stroke who is calling the emergency aid for help, and a doctor or a member of a rescue team giving advice. Start with:
You can /you must/ you should or like this: .../Do it/Don’t do it/ immediately!
An animal scratch or bite can be very frightening. The child may need extra comfort and attention in the next few days or weeks to get over the experience.
The first thing to do is to wash the bite thoroughly with water to remove the animal’s saliva immediately. Then you should wash the wound with soap for another five minutes and rinse it thoroughly. Consult the doctor the same day. It is very important to do stitches, if any are needed, within the first 12 hours after the bite.
Later the wound should be examined for signs of infection. They are: increased redness or swelling around the wound, pain or foul odor, discharge from the wound, skin warm or hot to touch at and around it, the child may get fever. In case of infection the doctor should be called at once. Until the wound is healed, the child should avoid activities that may cause the wound to open.
Any animal bite may transmit rabies. If the bite was from a pet, you should try to find out if it had taken shots for rabies and its date, to be told to the doctor. When possible, the animal should be isolated for 10 days and watched for any change in behavior.
Tetanus may also be transmitted by bites, so you should know the date of the child’s last tetanus shot.
Preventing animal bites. It is important to teach children how to avoid being bitten by an animal. If approached by a dog who may attack, you should never scream or run. You should stand very still with your hands at your sides and avoid eye contact with the dog. Once the dog loses interest in you, slowly back away until he is out of sight. If the dog does attack, give him your bag, book, jacket, anything you can put between you and the dog. If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your ears and don’t move.
Children should be taught never to tease an animal or pull its tail, even if they know the animal. They should always walk away (but never run!) if a dog begins to growl when approached. A dog should not be bothered while it is eating. Don’t go near stray dogs or animals you don’t know
Words to be remembered:.
bite (bit, bitten) – укус, кусать
scratch – царапина
frighten - пугать
get over (the experience) –справиться (с пережитым опытом)
thoroughly – тщательно (but: through – через, сквозь)
soap – мыло
rinse - полоскать
stitches – швы, накладывать швы (на раны): do stitches, stitch the wound
(tetanus) shot – укол (прививка) от (столбняка)
wound - рана
sign - признак
swelling – опухоль, отек
foul odor – неприятный запах
discharge - выделения
heal - заживать
avoid – избегать
rabies - бешенство
cause – причина, вызывать
pet – животное, живущее в семье, домашний любимец
stray (dog) – бродячая (собака)
watch = observe - наблюдать
behavior - поведение
approach – приближаться, подходить
scream – кричать, визжать
stand still – стоять смирно, тихо
lose - терять
back away – пятиться назад, чтобы уйти
out of sight – не видно, вне поля зрения
curl (into a ball) – свернуться клубком, сгруппироваться
move – двигать(ся)
tease - дразнить
pull (its tail) – тянуть (его за хвост)
growl - рычать
bother – тревожить, беспокоить
while – в то время как
I. a) Read the text to find out some important facts about rabies (its cause, the way of transmission, the incubation period, the rabies symptoms in a dog, other names of rabies, first aid measures); b) now explain it to parents what they should know about rabies
Rabies is caused by a virus which is present in the saliva of affected animal, mainly the dog. Rabies is transmitted through bites and even licks, if the skin surface is open with a scratch, wound or sore. The virus travels to the brain and symptoms begin 4-8 weeks after the bite. Sometimes there may be a delay of over two years. The disease is always fatal, so every effort should be made to prevent it.
The pet dog should be protected against rabies by injections. However, one has no control over stray dogs. It is important to recognize a rabid animal. It may go off its food completely, behave in a strange manner or later run around biting people without any provocation. It has difficulty in swallowing, dribbles saliva all over and foams at the mouth.
The name hydrophobia is given to the disease because the animal cannot swallow and may even start convulsing at the sight of water.
In dumb rabies the animal is quiet and it appears as if a bone has got stuck in its mouth. If you try to remove the bone with your hand the dog may bite you.
The wound should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, and the dog should be tied and observed for 4 - 5 days. If it seems to be quite well at the end of this time it can be considered healthy. You should consult a doctor immediately after a dog's bite. All hospital casualty departments stock anti-rabic vaccine and know the indications, doses and so on.
Bites on head, face and neck should be treated with anti-rabic vaccine even while the dog is being watched. The treatment can be stopped after 4 days if the dog appears normal and healthy.
Words for better understanding:
saliva - слюна
affect - пора
lick - лизать
skin surface – поверхность
protect - защищать
in a strange manner – странно (странным образом)
swallow - глотать
convulsion - судорога
at the sight of – при виде
dumb - немой
remove - удалять
sore - ссадина
delay - задержка
effort - усилие
completely - полностью
foam - пена
appear - выглядеть
casualty=victim – пострадавший, жертва
treat – обрабатывать, обращаться с чем-то, лечить