- •I. Make up sentences with your advice to an infant's parents:
- •III. Tell us what you think it is interesting to do for a child when he or she is alone at home. Start with:
- •IV. Say what is dangerous for a child to do. Start with:
- •V. Say in what cases the accident can take place.(Don’t forget to use Present instead of Future after “if”!)
- •VI. Ask and answer for a young parent and a pediatrician giving his
- •II. Make up sentences:
- •III. Find the correct order of first aid actions in case of a fracture according to the text:
- •Il Play the parts of a mother (grandmother, etc) of a child with sun/heat stroke who is calling the emergency aid for help, and a doctor or a member of a rescue team giving advice. Start with:
- •II. Ask and answer 5 questions covering the main information of the text “Animal Bites”.
- •III. Close the books and complete the following sentences:
- •I. Answer the questions:
- •II.Close the books and complete the following sentences:
- •III. Speak about:
- •3. Some advice on first aid in an emergency
- •3.First Aid Measures (Treatment). Меры первой помощи (Лечение)
- •II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
- •II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
- •III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов I курса педиатрического и лечебного факультетов
СПб., ГОУ ВПО ГПМА, 2009.
Составители: Могилева И.И., Гальфанович И.Л., Дайнеко М.Ю., Кузина В.А., Панкова М.М., Тюмина Л.М., Юдина Е.М. Компьютерная вёрстка: Земляной Д.А.
Ответственный редактор: зав. кафедрой иностранных языков СПбГПМА, доцент, кандидат филологических наук Могилева И. И.
Рецензент: доцент кафедры иностранных языков экономики и права Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, кандидат филологических наук Д. М. Вольфберг
Методические указания содержат тексты по теме «Первая помощь» и состоят из пяти разделов. Первый включает в себя небольшие тексты, предназначенные для пересказа и обсуждения, упражнения для активизации лексики по теме и списки слов с переводом к каждому тексту. Второй раздел содержит тексты той же тематики для различных видов чтения (как со словарём, так и без словаря), реферирования и письменного перевода. В третий раздел вошёл дополнительный материал для ролевых игр по теме. Четвёртый раздел представляет собой активный словарь лексики, необходимой для беседы о мерах первой помощи. Пятый раздел состоит из тестов для контроля усвоения как информации, содержащейся в материалах указаний, так и их лексики. Все тексты взяты из оригинальной английской литературы справочно-популярного характера и газет.
© СПбГПМА, 2009
More children die from accidents each year than from any other cause. And yet the majority of these accidents could have been prevented.
It is not too hard to keep the baby safe during the first year of his life, because most of the time he is in a crib, a playpen, and a carriage or held by his mother. But when the child begins to get around he needs constant supervision. He must explore the world for himself, but he has no sense of danger. He does not use his eyes alone in learning about the world: he will lick, taste, squeeze, listen and toss. Ordinary things in the house become dangerous when the child reaches the exploring age. Among the common items are lamp cords, electric sockets, ashtrays, fireplaces, irons left with the cord dangling down, pins and scissors. As the child grows older he covers more territories indoors and out. Just how little we can rely on him is proven by the number of accidents which occurs to adventurous and curious children.
Accidents are the leading cause of death in children at the age of 2-3, and a fifth of all poisonings happening at just this age. Poisons kill more children than polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough and streptococcal infections combined. Other leading causes of death in young children are cars, falls, fire and drowning.
In spite of all care children get hurt. They fall off beds and stairs, cut themselves with broken glass. Parents have to learn to accept some accidents as a part of growing up. If you constantly remind your child to be careful he becomes overanxious about his own welfare, and it can lead him to having more accidents or hurting more severely when he does encounter danger. Through a reasonable amount of experience with heat, sharpness and pain a child learns to explore with caution.
Words to be remembered:
accident - несчастный случай
die – умирать, death - смерть
cause – причина, причинять, вызывать
prevent - предотвращать
hard = difficult - трудный
keep (kept, kept) - держать, хранить
hold (held, held) - держать в руках
supervision – наблюдение («видение сверх, над)
sense - чувство
danger (ous) - опасность(ный)
as – по мере того как, когда, т. к.; как, в качестве
lead (er)– вести (лидер)
poison (ing) - яд, отравлять(отравление)
fall (fell, fallen) - падать
in spite of - несмотря на
care (ful/less) - внимание, забота(внимательный)/(беззаботный)
cut - резать
break (broke, broken) - ломать
majority=most of - большинство
safe - безопасный, находящийся в безопасности
reach - достигать
explore - исследовать
common = ordinary- обычный
indoors/out(doors) - в помещении/ на улице
hurt - поранить(ся)
grow up – вырастать, взрослеть
amount = number - количество
experience - жизненный опыт
heat - жар
pain - боль
as – по мере того как, когда, т. к.; как, в качестве
Words for better understanding:
playpen ~ манеж
crib - детская кроватка
carriage - коляска
lick - лизать
taste ~ пробовать на вкус
squeeze - сжимать
toss - подбрасывать
item - предмет
cord - шнур(провод)
socket - розетка
scissors - ножницы
rely on - полагаться на
prove - доказывать
adventurous - авантюрный, любитель приключений
curious - любопытный
scarlet fever - скарлатина
whooping cough - коклюш
fire - огонь, пожар
drowning - утопление
glass - стекло
accept - принимать, признавать
remind of - напоминать о
(over )anxious - (чересчур) беспокойный
welfare - благополучие
reasonable ~ разумный
caution – предосторожность
Answer the questions:
1. At what age do children need constant supervision?
2. What things may become dangerous for little children at home?
3. How do children learn about the world?
4. Should the parents worry about the children’s accidents too much? Why not?
5. Can parents prevent accidents with little children? How can they do it?
II. Close the books and complete the sentences:
1. When the child begins to get around he needs...
2. The child needs to be protected because
3. When the child reaches the exploring age ordinary things in the house...
4. When he learns about the world he...
5. Such common things as ... become dangerous.
6. Leading causes of death among young children are...
7. Children get hurt when they fall off...
8. They cut themselves with...
9. Parents must know that accidents are a part...
10. If you constantly tell your child to be careful he...
11, A child learns to explore with caution through its experience with
While every effort must be made to prevent accidents, minor hurts are a part of a child's initial education. While at all times he must be protected from burns and scalds, it is no harm if he has felt the heat of a teapot or a saucepan. He soon realizes what hot is, and when told not to touch it because it is hot and will burn, he will usually listen. There must be a constant balance between protection and education.
Specific don`ts. Never leave a child alone in the house. Never leave a child near fire or near the stove or heater. Do not allow the child to play with matches. Do not leave him near the hot iron. Do not leave a hot teapot near the edge of the table, or a hanging tablecloth with the tea tray on it. Never hold the baby in your lap while drinking anything hot, or while smoking or cooking. Never leave a child alone near a bucket of water or a bath tub. Keep all the electric wires safe and in good condition. Unplug electric appliances when not in use. See that the safety latch is on the kitchen gas. Do not leave the child alone in the kitchen. He is better safe in a playpen while you are cooking. Cleaning agents, drugs and insecticides should be locked up in a cupboard. Do not leave medicine lying around. Even commonly used medicine like aspirin or iron tablets is dangerous for the baby. Always read the label before administering any medicine. Do not keep any medicine without any label. Do not keep cleaning agents in cola bottles, jam jars and so on. Do not refer to medicine as "sweetie".
Keep all small objects like coins, buttons, beads and nuts away from the baby's reach. Sharp objects such as scissors and knives should not be left lying around. Toys and furniture with lead paint mustn't be used. No child should be allowed to run with anything sticking out of his mouth. If he falls, it will injure his mouth and palate. Children mustn't be allowed to put plastic bags on their heads or cords around their neck.
The bars on the side of the baby's cot or playpen should be close enough, so that the child's head cannot get though them. There should be a barrier for stairs, gates, heaters and fireplaces.
Words to be remembered:
effort - усилие
minor( hurt) - незначительный, второстепенный
while - в то время как
protect( ion) - защищать( защита)
burn - ожог
harm( ful/less) - вред (ный/безвредный)
feel (felt, felt) - чувствовать
teapot - чайник
hot - горячий
touch - дотрагиваться
alone - один
heater - обогреватель
allow - позволять
edge (of the table) - край стола
hang (hung, hanged) – вешать, висеть
drink (drank, drunk) - пить
smoke - курить
cook - готовить (еду )
bath - ванна
electric wire (=cord) - провод (шнур)
condition - состояние
use - использовать
drug = medicine - лекарство
label - этикетка
administer (a drug) - назначать
object - предмет
away - прочь
injure - ранить, травмировать
mouth - рот
palate - нёбо
head - голова
neck - шея
bag - мешок
around - вокруг
side - бок, сторона
get through - пролезть
close - близко
enough - достаточно
Words for better understanding:
scald - ошпарить
saucepan - кастрюля
properly - правильно, надлежащим образом
stove - плита
matches - спички
tray - поднос
in your lap - у вас на коленях
bucket (of water) - ведро
(un) plug - включить в розетку (выключить)
appliances - приборы
latch - защёлка, щеколда
jam jar - банка с вареньем
coin - монета
bead - бусина
nut - орех
lead paint - краска со свинцом
stick (out of his mouth) - высовывать(ся)
bars - перекладины
barrier - барьер
cot= crib - детская кроватка
stairs - лестница
cleaning agent - чистящее средство
I. Make up sentences with your advice to an infant's parents:
Never leave a child Do not allow Do not keep Keep |
near a heater, fire or stove to play with matches near a hot iron, a bucket of water or a bathtub alone in the kitchen small objects like coins, nuts away from the baby's reach medicine locked up medicine without a label medicine lying around small objects like beads lying around to run with anything sticking out of his mouth to put plastic bag on his head |
II. Read and translate. Remember: must = should.
1.Cleaning agents, drugs and insecticides should be locked up in a cupboard, 2.Sharp objects such as scissors and knives shouldn't be left lying around. 3.No child should be allowed to run with anything sticking out of his mouth. 4.Children mustn't be allowed to put plastic bags on their heads or cords or strings around their neck. 5.From an early age the child should be taught everything about road safety. 6 .Toys and furniture with lead paint mustn't be used. 7.The bars on the side of the cot should be close enough, so that the child's head cannot get through them, 8,There must be a constant balance between protection and education. 9.There should be a barrier for stairs, heaters and fireplaces.
III. Tell us what you think it is interesting to do for a child when he or she is alone at home. Start with:
It is interesting to.,.
IV. Say what is dangerous for a child to do. Start with:
It is dangerous for a child to...
V. Say in what cases the accident can take place.(Don’t forget to use Present instead of Future after “if”!)
Start with:
An accident will happen if.. (the child plays with matches)
VI. Ask and answer for a young parent and a pediatrician giving his
advice. (Make it a chain)
Parent: Should I do anything about ..(the stairs?) Doctor: You should put a barrier before the stairs.
VII. Give a talk to young parents having toddlers at home on their infants’ safety. Use should and should not in your recommendations.
Electric shock results from touching an exposed electric wire or from defective plugs and electric appliances like kettles, heaters, refrigerators and so on. If the shock is a serious one, the child may stop breathing and become unconscious.
First the child's contact with the electric current should be broken. While doing this remember that water and metal are conductors of electricity. Break the contact by using a dry wooden stick to remove the wire off the child. Or you can push the child away from the wire. Do this while standing on a dry surface. Do not touch the child or the electric wire with bare hands as they conduct the electric current, too.
If the child has stopped breathing, artificial respiration should be started immediately while someone else rushes for medical aid. If the heart is not beating, a second person must do the cardiac massage. Keep up both till the child starts breathing and the heartbeats return. Take the child to the hospital as soon as possible, or send for a doctor if that is quicker.
Words to be remembered:
result from/result in - возникать от/приводить к
touch - прикасаться
electric wire - электрический провод
break (broke, broken) - ломать, рвать
bare (hands) - голый (голыми руками)
breathing = respiration - дыхание
dry - сухой
wooden - деревянный
stick - палка
remove - удалить
while - в то время как
push away - оттолкнуть
as soon as possible - как можно скорее
exposed electric wire - оголённый электрический провод
become unconscious - потерять сознание
current - ток
artificial - искусственный
rush - мчаться
return – возвращаться
L Find the sentences which are true according to the text
l. If the child does not breathe, artificial respiration should be started immediately. 2.A child may stop breathing because of drowning, electric shock, and gas inhalation. 3.Touching an exposed electric cord will result in an electric shock. 4.Place the child on his back, quickly wipe fluid, or any foreign matter from the mouth, open the air passages by raising neck and tilting head back. 5.If the heart is not beating, one must do the cardiac massage and artificial respiration at the same time. б.You should go on with both actions till the child starts breathing and the heartbeats return. 7.Never give artificial respiration to a person who is breathing. 8.Keep it in mind what substances can conduct electricity. 9. In a serious shock the child gets unconscious. 10. A metal stick will help you to save the child.