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History Of Graphic Design

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04-24-01: Design for the Real World

corita, about dragons, serigraph, 1965

art workers coalition (new york), 1970

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_2.html (7 of 11) [23/10/2002 22:22:20]

04-24-01: Design for the Real World

student strike workshop (boston), poster, 1970

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_2.html (8 of 11) [23/10/2002 22:22:20]

04-24-01: Design for the Real World

tomi ungerer, black power white power, poster, 1967

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_2.html (9 of 11) [23/10/2002 22:22:20]

04-24-01: Design for the Real World

the last whole earth catalog, 1971

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_2.html (10 of 11) [23/10/2002 22:22:20]

04-24-01: Design for the Real World

victor papanek, design for the real world, 1971


http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_2.html (11 of 11) [23/10/2002 22:22:20]

04-24-01: modern typographies

josef albers, stencil letterforms (drawing), 1925

herbert bayer, universal (monocase) alaphabet, 1925

jan tschichold, universal (monocase) alaphabet, 1929

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_3.html (1 of 7) [23/10/2002 22:22:37]

04-24-01: modern typographies

paul renner, futura (promo), 1927

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_3.html (2 of 7) [23/10/2002 22:22:37]

04-24-01: modern typographies

morris fuller benton, broadway (promo), 1927

w. starling burgess (attributed to stanley morison ("typographic advisor")), times new roman, c. 1903

a. m. cassandre, peignot, 1937

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_3.html (3 of 7) [23/10/2002 22:22:37]

04-24-01: modern typographies

fette fraktur, german blackletter

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_3.html (4 of 7) [23/10/2002 22:22:37]

04-24-01: modern typographies

eric gill, gill sans, 1928+

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/04-24-01_3.html (5 of 7) [23/10/2002 22:22:37]

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