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Министерство образования российской федерации



И.В.Монахова, Т.Г.Мордвинцева, В.А.Стороженко, Т.А.Стремовская


по обучению чтению научно-технических

текстов на английском языке

(для студентов I курса дневного отделения и ФАФО)

Москва 2001

П. М Пушнова, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП

Н. Г. Шишурина, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП


Настоящие методические указания предназначены для обучения студентов I курса дневного и вечернего отделений чтению научно-технических текстов на основе организованных в систему упражнений, обеспечивающих формирование у студентов определенных навыков и умений чтения и способствующих развитию навыков устной речи и письма.

Методические указания состоят из 3 разделов, структура каждого из которых предусматривает постепенный перенос внимания с овладения навыками оперирования языковыми средствами на решение смысловых задач.

Задания в разделах вводятся либо простой инструкцией, либо правилом-инструкцией, позволяющей развернуто показать способ решения задачи. Инструкция завершается образцом выполнения с ключом, что создает предпосылки для самостоятельного выполнения заданий. Каждое задание включает в себя 5-10 однотипных единиц (слов, словосочетаний, предложений, микротекстов), аналогичных образцу.

Структура разделов, наличие таблиц, ключей к заданиям позволяют использовать методические указания как на занятиях для самостоятельной работы под руководством преподавателя. так и для внеаудиторной работы.


Раздел I. Функции глагола “to be”.

Личные формы глагола “to be”…………………………………..4

Раздел II. Функции глагола “ to have”.

Личные формы глагола “to have”………………………………14

Раздел III. Формы и функции причастия и герундия……………………….28

Р а з д е л 1

Функции глагола “to be”.

Личные формы глагола “to be”.





I am


I was


I shall be

We shall be

You are

You are

You were

You were


You will





He will be

They be

She is

She was





Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола “to be”

(a - am; b - is; c - was; d - were; e - be)

  1. Now I .... a student of the Moscow State University of Food Production.

  2. The texts of this text-book …. sometimes very long.

  3. The Great Galileo ... the father of the science of strength of materials.

  4. How many times a week …. you at the University last year?

  5. Cambridge and Oxford .... the oldest Universities in Great Britain.

  6. When …. he in Minsk last time?

  7. Moscow .... not the capital of our country in 1917.

  8. What lake .... the deepest in the world?

  9. …. these student doing exercises or …. they copying a text?

10. What year will the first year of the 21st century ...?


Таблица 1

+ предлог + существительное; наречие

смысловой глагол (сказуемое)


быть, находиться

  1. Moscow University is on Vorobyovy Hills.

Московский Университет находится на Воробьевых горах.

+ существит., прилагат.

числит., инф., герундий

составного именного


быть, значить

  1. You will be engineers in five years.

Вы будете инженерами через пять лет.

My aim is to master English.

Моя цель – овладеть английским языком.


часть сказуемого

+ инфинитив

составного глагольного


должен, должна, должно, должны

  1. He was to discuss the matter with the Dean yesterday.

Он должен был вчера обсудить вопрос с деканом.

продолженные времена


не переводится

  1. I am reading an English book now.

Я сейчас читаю английскую книгу.

+ причастие

вспомогательный глагол

+ причастие II

не переводится в настоящем времени

5а. Elections to the State Duma are held every four years.

Выборы в Государственную Думу проводятся каждые четыре года.

(часть сказуемого)

страдатель-ный залог


был, была, были будет (будут)

5б. When were these letters and telegrams received?

Когда были поучены эти книги и телеграммы?

Задание II. Определите функцию глагола “to be” в заданных предложениях. Против номера каждого предложения поставьте цифру, которой обозначена данная функция в таблице №1 (1-5), с. 5.

e.g. 1. Our Institute is not far from the "Sokol" underground station.

2. The Institute of Food Industry was founded in 1930.

Ключ: 1-1, 2-5.

  1. Students are to take exams twice a year.

  2. Strength of materials is one of the basic engineering disciplines.

  3. Muscovites are building new underground lines in various parts of Moscow.

  4. The first man-made space flight will be one of the greatest scientific achievements in the history of mankind for all time.

  5. Where were you an hour ago?

  6. The Moscow Kremlin is in the centre of the city.

  7. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev was an honorary member of American, Berlin, Danish, Parisian and Roman Academies of Sciences.

  8. You are to keep to the left in the streets of London.

  9. Ink was invented in Egypt.

  10. Foreign books and magazines were sold in the new book-shop last week.

  11. Student scientific conferences are usually held at our University in April.

Задание III. Составьте утверждения, отражающие Вашу точку зрения (или реальный факт), используя подстановочную таблицу.


1) The “Moscow News” newspaper is known all over the world.

2) The “Moscow News" newspaper is very popular both in our country and abroad.

1. London

widely discussed by Muscovites.

2. April 12


the Day of Astronautics.

3. American astronauts

taking part in celebrating the 850th Anniversary of the Foundation of Moscow.

4. The construction of the third circle road around Moscow


to fight for peace all over the world.

5. The aim of all progressive-minded people

divided into two parts by the river Thames.

6. The Millennium of Christianity in Russia

will be

to take place at the end of this century.

7. The elections to a new parliament

held in our country at the end of 1999.

8. Beauty contests


an important historical event in the life of our country.

9. Muscovites

take place in various cities and towns of Russia.

10. The beginning of the next century


very popular both in our country and abroad.

11. The newspaper “Moscow News”

to take part in a joint flight to the orbital station “Mir”.

Задание IV. Прочитайте текст. Переведите его письменно, обращая

внимание на функцию глагола “to be”.

There are some new seas in our country. The new seas are large and deep. The new seas are to give water to the new canals. New seas are made in order to have big reservoirs of water for irrigation.

Задание V.

Прочитайте данные предложения. Укажите номера тех из них, в которых сказуемое выражает действие в развитии (Present Continuous).


1. Our University trains specialists for Food Industry.

2. The students are working in the laboratory now.


  1. My friend studies at the Moscow State University of Food Industry.

  2. She usually prepares her lessons in the reading- room of the University.

  3. She is making progress in English.

  4. On Saturdays the students of our group carry out experiments in the laboratories of the University.

  5. They are taking their exam in Mathematics in Room 45.

  6. We speak English with our teacher at the English lessons.

Задание VI. Составьте ситуации, выбрав соответствующие предложения из правой и левой колонки.


1. The translation is not ready yet.

1. She uses special dictionaries.

2. Her translation is always good.

2. She is looking up some more words in the dictionary.


1. The exams are over.

2. The exams are always easy for him.

1. He is spending the winter vacation in the country.

2. He knows the subjects well and masters them.


1. The reading-room of the University is already closed.

2. The reading-room of the University is large and light.

1. She likes to study there.

2. She is going home to study.


1. We are having an English test now.

2. The English test is always easy.

1. The students write it very well.

2. The students of the group are thinking and writing.


1. His answer is wrong.

2. He usually gives right answers.

1. He is trying to find his mistake.

2. He never makes mistakes.


1. He is a full-time student.

2. He is in the reading-room of Moscow University.

1. He is studying the problem of the higher education.

2. He studies at the daytime department.


1. The experiments are over.

2. Their experiments are always successful.

1. They are closing the laboratory.

2. They carry them out skilfully.


1. The conference is very interesting today.

2. Our University holds a scientific conference in April.

1. Many students take part in it with great interest.

2. Mr. Nikolaev is making his report in Spanish.


1. There are oxygen and hydrogen cylinders in our laboratory.

2. Oxygen and hydrogen are gases.

1. We are carrying out an experiment with these two gases.

2. They combine and form water.

Задание VII. Составьте высказывания, подобрав к предложениям в левой колонке их логическое продолжение из правой колонки. Обоснуйте Ваш выбор.


Don’t enter the laboratory


1. The students make various experiments.

2. The students are carrying out a very important experiment there.

1. I like English classical literature.

1. I am reading English sentences.

2. I read many English books.

2. Excuse me, I have no time to help you now.

1. I am studying for the exam in Mathematics.

2. I study for the exams in the evenings.

3. She comes home tired.

1. She finishes her work late.

2. She is finishing her work.

4. Don’t interrupt the teacher.

1. She explains very well.

2. She is explaining new grammar material.

5. The lecture on History of Russia is interesting today.

1. The students listen to the lecturer with great interest.

2. The students are listening to the lecturer very attentively.

6. He knows English well.

1. He is translating an article from English into Russian slowly.

2. He translates from English into Russian without any difficulty.

7. Be very attentive.

1. Professor N. delivers lectures on Chemistry and Physics.

2. Professor N. is delivering his lecture on Chemistry.

8. My friend is in the Library of Foreign Languages now.

1. She writes all her scientific reports in English.

2. She is writing a scientific report for the conference.

Задание VIII. Прочитайте предложения и укажите номера тех из них, в которых сказуемое выражает действие в развитии. (Present Continuous).

сочетание (be + V + ing) является простым сказуемым в Present Contnuous, если подлежащее означает субъект, совершающий данное действие.

e.g. He is busy: he is reading an interesting English book.

Это же сочетание является составным именным сказуемым, если подлежащее обозначает предмет или процесс, суть которого раскрывается в именной части сказуемого.

e.g. His favourite occupation is reading English books.

  1. 1. This factory is producing a lot of new machines.

2. The main task of this factory is producing a lot of new machines.

B. 1. My friend is now studying for his exams so he is reading much and working hard.

2. The way of mastering English is reading much and working hard.

C. 1. The scientist’s plan is visiting the International Conference.

2. What are the scientists of this Institute doing? They are visiting the scientific conference.

D. 1. Their aim is holding a scientific conference in April.

2. You will find them in the hall, they are holding a conference there.

E. 1. This student’s task is carrying on the research work on Chemistry.

2. At present the students are carrying on much research work at the University.

F. 1. The main way of getting scientific training is taking a post-graduate course.

2. Is your sister a student? No, she is taking a post-graduate course now.

  1. 1.Mr. Nikolayev is a skilled teacher of English; now he is training some

specialists who will work abroad.

2. The problem of higher education in Russia is training highly-qualified specialists.

Задание IX. Определите намерение автора и уточните его, назвав одно из следующих слов:

а) always, usually - действие совершается обычно или регулярно;

b) now - действие совершается в данный момент;

c) mainly - действие отражает суть объекта или процесса.

e.g. 1. In Russia young people … study at the Universities for five or six years


2. The role of computers in all spheres of life is … growing (now).

  1. 3. The most difficult problem for foreign students is ... studying Russian


1. In Russian schools and institutes classes ... start on September 1.

2. Electronics is ... becoming very important in various branches of industry.

3. Thousands of young people ... graduate from Russian higher schools every year.

4. The basic form of study for the correspondent student in our country is … home assignments.

5. Millions of people on Earth know English and their interest in the language is ... growing.

6. The aim of the tourists’ visit to the old Russian towns is ... studying Russian culture.

7. The college graduate in Russia ... meets the demands of modern production, science, technology and culture.

Задание X. Прочитайте следующие тексты. Выберите из данных к ним утверждений те, которые, по Вашему мнению, соответствуют содержанию текста.


A. Let us see how Siberia is developing. A number of reasons explains it. One of them is that it is a land of various resources. The discovery of Siberian diamonds, gold, aluminium is greatly increasing our county’s industrial potential . The most important reason for rapid progress in Siberia itself is developing the oil deposits.

The Siberians are now constructing large petrochemical enterprises which will serve the progress of Siberia’s industry. Another reason is the availability of various transport facilities.

Siberia’s appearance is changing rapidly. New cities, towns, villages are growing and becoming more and more beautiful.

1. The author tells us about rapid development of the Far East.

2. The Siberians are now using imported oil as raw material for large petrochemical enterprises.

3. The Siberians are discovering new deposits of diamonds, gold and aluminium.


B. The “Open University” opened its doors for everybody in 1971. The main aim of the “Open University’ is teaching all those people who missed the chance of going to a conventional university. About 55000 students of all ages study at the “Open University”. Teachers study there because they want to improve their qualification. Retired people or mothers also study at the “Open University” for now they have time to study. The task of the “Open University” is organising lectures broadcast on BBC television and radio for the students who study by correspondence. The University sends the texts of lectures and writing assignments to the students. Usually there are no entrance exams. After 5 years of studies the students get a diploma.

1. The author tells us about one of the Russian higher schools.

2. Students study at the “Open University” by correspondence.

3. The “Open University” is opening its doors just now.

4. One of the ways of studying at the “Open University” is listening to the lectures broadcast on BBC television and radio.

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