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3. Translate the sentences with Gerund into Russian paying attention to its different forms:

A. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engineer.

  1. He remembers having added some water to the mixture.

  2. They finished installing the apparatus only on Saturday.

  3. They began making the experiment in May.

  4. After failing his examination in January he had to take it again in February.

6 After graduating from the Institute he worked in the Far North.

  1. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work.

  2. There are different ways of obtaining the substance.

  3. The organizers of the conference were informed of his refusing to take part in it.

10.1 remember his having been interested in languages in his childhood.

B. 1.1 know of his having been sent to work to the Far East

  1. What is the reason for his having left our city so suddenly?

  2. We heard of the experiment having been started last week.

  3. He improved his report by changing the end.

  4. They objected to his staying at home.

  5. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build a new one in the centre of the town.

  6. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up.

  7. It is possible to set up power stations based on utilizing the heat of the Sun.

  8. The idea of creating a multi-stage rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky.

  1. Before being sent up the balloon was filled with a special gas.

  2. What apparatus do we use for measuring air pressure?

  3. Science requires experimenting.

  4. Speaking foreign languages is important for every educated man.

4. Give Russian equivalents of the sentences:

1. Mendeleev's having established a periodic law of nature has entered his name into the history book of the world science. 2. Success in science often results from the scientist's confining his attention to one problem for many a year. 3. The results of the experiment depended upon his having applied the proper technique. 4. The idea of scientists' being responsible for most ills of the present day situation is unfortunately quite popular. 5. A brain-storming session consists in everybody's proposing as many, and as wild, ideas as possible, without being concerned as to whether they are workable. 6. Science is sometimes humorously defined as a practice of the scientist's satisfying his curiosity at the expense of the Government.

К теме № 13: Модальные глаголы

1. Translate the sentences with Modal Verbs into Russian:

1. The management of the company can hardly have agreed with the demands of the workers on strike.

2. The agreement signed cannot be revised by one party only.

3. The energy crisis could lead to serious negative developments in the national economy over the rest of the year.

4. They could not possibly agree to the terms put forward during the talks.

5. They at least might have helped by sending their experts to provide technical assistance.

6. Their decision might have been caused by very urgent circumstances.

7. The employees may not use the Internet for their personal needs unless they stay after work.

8. They might want us to take this exam later this year.

9. The students need not photocopy the article for the seminar since it can be found in their economic text-book.

10. I think you should have joined them in their work, as it would have saved them time.

11. I can’t understand why he should have made this mistake.

12. The employers on strike would not talk to the representatives of the company management without the labor unions being part of the talks to back them up.

13. He needn’t have gone that far in his efforts to bring the matter back for discussion.

14. It could be argued that this measure of overcoming the crisis is the only reasonable one.

15. The recent statistic data on households should be of great importance for their conclusions.

16. Every dollar counts, and your contribution might become crucial for the whole project.