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К теме № 3: Многофункциональные слова

1. Translate the following sentences with there, it, that, which, what into Russian:

There is a certain rule to be used in this case. There are many options to choose from here. There has been recently developed a new approach to this. There seems to be another solution to the problem. There must be a new instrument to deal with this issue. There a few things I want to clear up.

Take it seriously. It might help. It is not at all easy to put it into practice. It is thought that this approach will be more helpful. In our case it is a usual procedure.

The suggestion was made that all the departments were represented on an equal basis. That the commercial would do no harm was obvious. The idea it is that we might reduce the time for this operation. The paper that was presented by a visiting lecturer from the UK aroused great interest.

The extent to which all the components are involved depends on the situation. Pierre and Marie Curie were mostly engaged in researching radioactive elements, in which field they made most essential discoveries. Factors are investigated which play an important role in the process under study. The way in which this was achieved is not exactly what we have in mind.

What I have tried to do is to give an analysis of the situation. What really matters is the attitude to the problem. What approach is the best should be decided in advance. We didn’t know what the nature of this phenomenon was. What was the formula you used in your calculation? The answer will depend on what you decide. If this is the norm, what about the other cases? What followed was the study of possible solutions.

2. Translate the following sentences with polyfunctional words into Russian:

In the short period since the collapse of the former USSR, there have been formed new relations in the region. The only legal place available for gambling is a casino. As the time passed, we were able to see the changes. It is difficult to believe it, for so many attempts have been made. It was their only chance to be involved in the project. As we are to take four exams in this coming session, I don’t think I’ll be able to join you. Both this countries have like tendencies of development. Macroeconomic stabilization is necessary, since it is the only way to market reforms.

3. Identify the function of one and give Russian equivalents of the italicized words:

1. Reading books enlarges one's horizons. 2. It takes one much time and effort to carry out calculation of this kind. 3. Your definition is somewhat different from the one mentioned above. 4 The choice of the critical concentration is an arbitrary one. 5. One accepts standards which are specifically biological. 6. The technique does not allow one to isolate each individual component. 7. One cannot be surprised if one is not accustomed to the situation which is nullified by the surprise.

4. Identify the function of this (these) and give Russian equivalents of the italicized words:

1. These outstanding discoveries were made by Russian scientists at the beginning of this century. 2. Usually a second alloy layer appears between the outer coating and the base metal, and it is probable that this consists of different compounds. 3. Two basic schemes of replica are possible, these are illustrated in Fig. 1. 4. The definition does not make any mention of the rates of adsorption. These may be quite different for different materials. 5. I do not remember who was the first at this laboratory to use this term.