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3.96 Кб
#include <iostream.h>
#include <classlib\arrays.h>
#include <cstring.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// gdsii.h
// Defines types of data and structures in GDS-format

typedef unsigned char byte;		// use this type for 8-bit bytes
typedef short int s_int2;			// use this type for signed 2-byte int
typedef long int s_int4;			// use this type for signed 4-byte int

class Record;
typedef const char* (Record::*PointToFunc) ();

//  GDS-format record
class Record {
	byte* Current;
	static char* RecNames[]; 			// Contains records name
	static PointToFunc ProcNames[];	// Contains functions name
	const char* Header();
	const char* BgnLib();
	const char* LibName();
	const char* Units();
	const char* EndLib();
	const char* BgnStr();
	const char* StrName();
	const char* EndStr();
	const char* Boundary();
	const char* Path();
	const char* SRef();
	const char* ARef();
	const char* Text();
	const char* Layer();
	const char* DatType();
	const char* Width();
	const char* XY();
	const char* EndEl();
	const char* SName();
	const char* ColRow();
	const char* TextNode();
	const char* Node();
	const char* TextType();
	const char* Presentation();
	const char* Spacing();
	const char* String();
	const char* Strans();
	const char* Mag();
	const char* Angle();
	const char* UInteger();
	const char* UString();
	const char* RefLibs();
	const char* Fonts();
	const char* PathType();
	const char* Generations();
	const char* AttrTable();
	const char* STypeTable();
	const char* StrType();
	const char* ElFlags();
	const char* ElKey();
	const char* LinkType();
	const char* LinkKeys();
	const char* NodeType();
	const char* PropAttr();
	const char* PropValue();
	const char* Box();
	const char* BoxType();
	const char* Plex();
	const char* BgnExtn();
	const char* EndExtn();
	const char* TapeNum();
	const char* TapeCode();
	const char* StrClass();
	const char* Reserved();
	const char* Format();
	const char* Mask();
	const char* EndMasks();
	const char* LibDirSize();
	const char* SRfName();
	const char* LibSecur();
// Header
	s_int2	Length;			// total length of record including header
	byte		RecType;			// information of record type
	byte		DataType;		// information of data in record
// Data
	byte*	Data;					// data contain in record
	char* RecordName();
	friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Record& rec);
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& is, Record& rec);

struct RecordsList {
	Record* Rec;
	RecordsList* NextRec;

// GDS-file class
class GDSFile {
	string FileName;				// GDS file name
	RecordsList* List;			// Header pointer to list of records;
	RecordsList* Current;		// Pointer to current record
	int TotalRecs;					// Total number of records in GDS-file
		:	FileName(""), TotalRecs(0),List(0)	{}
	GDSFile(const char far* file)
		:	FileName(file), TotalRecs(0),List(0)	{}
	void SetName(const char far* fName);
	void Open();			// Open GDS-file
	void Reset()	{ Current = List; }	// Set current to home of list
	Record& Take();			// return current record;
	void NextRecord();	// move current pointer to next record
	bool IsTale();			// return true if current record is last
	char* RecordName();	// return current record name

// ------------------------------------------
//   inline - functions
// ------------------------------------------
inline void GDSFile::SetName(const char far* fName)
	FileName = fName;

inline Record& GDSFile::Take()
	return *(Current->Rec);

inline bool GDSFile::IsTale()
	return !(Current->NextRec);

inline void GDSFile::NextRecord()
	if (!IsTale())
		Current = Current->NextRec;

inline char* GDSFile::RecordName()
	return Current->Rec->RecordName();

inline char* Record::RecordName()
	return RecNames[RecType];

// end
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