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Анатомия бега (2010,иностр

7.47 Mб

Muscles Involved

Primary: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings

Secondary: gastrocnemius, soleus


Use the arms to add to the speed by drawing them back before stepping off the platform and swinging them vigorously upward as the feet hit the ground. Keep the back in neutral alignment, not arched or rounded.

Running Focus

This involves an eccentric contraction, stepping down from the box, leading into a concentric contraction, a traditional plyometric drill with the added bonus of beginning the exercise with a running-specific A step.

Box Step-Up


1.Stand with good posture facing a plyometric box or weight bench. The height of the box should not be higher than the knee.

2.Engage the quadriceps on one side, lift that foot off the ground, and place it on the bench at a 90-degree angle at the knee. Step up with the other leg in the same manner so that you are standing on the box or bench.

3.Immediately step down, reversing the pattern used to step up.

Muscles Involved

Primary: quadriceps, gluteus maximus

Secondary: hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus

Running Focus

This exercise mimics the A motion presented in chapter 3; however, it has little impact, and can be performed for significantly longer. Instead of touches, this exercise can be measured in minutes; for example, a sample workout could be 2 × 1 minute of slow step-ups followed by 2 × 1 minute of fast step-ups, followed by 2 × 1 minute of slow step-ups. Changing the speed of the step-up, the height of the platform stepped onto, and the time interval allows for variation. The exercise seems benign, but five minutes of stepping is plenty of time for a good burn of the glutes and quadriceps.

Cone Jump


1.Place three or four cones two feet apart in a straight line.

2.Stand six inches behind the first cone in a partial squat position with the arms by the sides.

3.Driving the arms, explode forward in a modified frogger, landing in a slightly deeper squat than when starting. Repeat over each cone.

Muscles Involved

Primary: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings

Secondary: gastrocnemius, transversus abdominis


Pause only briefly upon landing. To perform a less explosive version of this exercise, keep your feet level with each other and parallel to the floor.

Running Focus

The eccentric contraction is the landing, and the concentric contraction is the takeoff. The quads extend during takeoff, and the hamstrings and glutes eccentrically contract when landing.


Lateral Cone Jump

This variation changes the muscles used to include the gluteus medius and minimus, which aid in abduction, and the adductor muscles. Perform the exercise by turning sideways at the start, so your side is facing the cones. Perform the jump with the same body position, just move sideways over the cones.