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Анатомия бега (2010,иностр

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Muscles Involved

Primary: hamstrings, gluteus maximus

Secondary: gastrocnemius, external oblique, internal oblique

Running Focus

Many distance runners complain that they feel chronic tightness in the lower back because of the accumulated mileage they have run in training. The jarring impact of a heel strike plus a lack of flexibility has caused many a runner to discontinue training and find another sport. How can you alleviate such a problem? Exercises like the bent-leg good morning, which actually strengthens and stretches the hamstrings in one exercise, work well. Again, like most of the exercises in this book, the bent-leg good morning is a simple exercise to perform, and it has multiple benefits. Aside from strengthening the hamstrings and glutes, it also helps stretch these muscles, helping to loosen the connective tissue between the muscles and the bones of the lower back and the pelvis. This kinetic chain also affects the knees because a more supple lower back pulls less on the hamstrings, in turn allowing the kneecaps to track normally.


Straight-Leg Good Morning

The good morning can be performed with straight legs, but runners with chronically tight hamstrings should perform the exercise with bent legs because of the emphasis on hamstring flexibility. Once greater flexibility is attained, the straight-leg version can be incorporated.

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift


1.Stand with feet slightly apart and legs slightly bent, with each arm extended downward holding a dumbbell with an overhand grip. There is a slight natural curve in the lower back.

2.Gradually bend at the waist, lowering your back in a single plane while maintaining the natural curve in the back, with the dumbbells almost scraping the quads and knees as you bend.

3.Return to the upright position once you can no longer lower the weight.

Muscles Involved

Primary: hamstrings, gluteus maximus

Secondary: erector spinae


The dumbbells should not reach the floor. The slight curve in the lower back should prevent that much movement.

Running Focus

This intense exercise emphasizes the upper legs, specifically the hamstrings and glutes. It is extremely functional in that it works the muscles the way they work when running, more so than the hamstring curl. As has been noted previously, the balance between the larger quadriceps group and the hamstrings is the key to extension and propulsion during the gait cycle. To ensure uninterrupted training, avoidance of injury can be almost guaranteed by performing exercises like the dumbbell Romanian deadlift that help stretch and strengthen the back of the upper legs. Also, given the demands of fast-paced running on the hamstrings, fast-twitch muscle fibers of the hamstrings are best trained with higher-

intensity exercises like the dumbbell Romanian deadlift.



1.Using a squat rack, slide under the barbell and center the barbell on the deltoid and trapezius muscles, not the vertebrae of the neck. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and splayed slightly.

2.Inhale deeply, expanding the chest. Maintain the natural curve in the lower back while straightening up and lifting the barbell off the rack.

3.Establish proper position by taking a few steps backward, repositioning the feet and reestablishing the accentuated curve in the lower back.

4.Look toward a point above head level, and initiate the squat action by bending forward at the hips, which will lower the rear. When the thighs are parallel to the floor, straighten the legs and return to the initial position while exhaling.

Muscles Involved

Primary: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus Secondary: hamstrings, external oblique, gastrocnemius

Running Focus

The squat is primarily a quadriceps exercise, but because of its stability demand, it also helps strengthen the core, hamstrings, and muscles of the lower leg. Heavy weight can be lifted, but it is not necessary to make this exercise effective. Squats should be performed during the same session as the dumbbell Romanian deadlift or the good morning to create balance between the front and back of the legs.

Like the machine incline leg press, the squat creates explosive power due to its emphasis on the large muscle groups. Therefore, it is best suited for runners training for shorter events such as the 5K or for track racing in the sprints or middle distance events. Because it is a general strength exercise, not a functionally-specific strength exercise, it is suitable during the introductory phase for all runners. Its emphasis on core stability can aid all runners at every phase of the training progression.


Single-Leg Squat With Dumbbells

This exercise aids in developing the adductor muscles of the inner thigh. Stand about two to three feet in front of a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Place the top of one foot (laces of the shoe down) on the bench behind you. Lower your body until the forward leg is bent 90 degrees at the knee and the knee of the rear leg is almost touching the ground. Push back up using the quadriceps muscles of the forward leg. After performing a set of 12 on one leg, switch legs. The weight of the dumbbells does not need to be heavy. Initially, until good form is established, no added weight is necessary.