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arid – сухой, засушливый, безводный

prosperous – процветающий, успешный, благополучный

harbour – гавань, порт

spectacular – впечатляющий, волнующий, захватывающий

pace of life – темп жизни

resident – житель

thriving – преуспевающий, процветающий

the Gold Rush – Золотая Лихорадка

1. Complete the sentence using the adverbial of purpose or reason.

Nowadays many tourists like to visit Australia ………….

2. Before reading the text, answer the question: Which city is the Australian capital? (Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne). Read the text and check your answer.

Australian cities – a trip to australia

Much of the land in Australia is so arid that people are unable to live on it in its undeveloped state. That explains why most Australians live in metropolitan areas, many of which line the coast, and why Australia is considered one of the world’s more urbanized countries. Australia’s cities each have their own unique character, with plenty to keep the visitor busy, however long your stay.


Sydney is Australia’s largest city, with a population of more than 4 million. It is a prosperous business centre and people are still enjoying the success of the 2000 Olympic Games.

The city was founded by the British as a prison colony in 1788 – they chose the place because of its natural harbour. All who visit Sydney come away with memories of seeing one of the most beautiful harbours in the world, made even more spectacular by the famous bridge and opera house.


Melbourne is Australia’s second city with half a million fewer people than Sydney. For those who live there, however, there is no better place in the world to live. It has parks and gardens and plenty of excellent restaurants. The city was founded early in the 19th century and became a major financial centre during the Gold Rush. It was Australia’s capital city until the Federal capital, Canberra, was founded in 1927. The city has a warm, open feel to it, though as any local will tell you the weather can change from fine and warm to cold and windy in no time at all.


The capital of Western Australia is known as the most remote capital city in the world. It lies on the west coast, between the Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Desert – nearly 3,500 kilometres from Sydney. It has a population of about one and a half million, about 90% of the population of the state.

Being so far away from the centre of Australian life, Perth is not as busy as either Sydney or Melbourne. It has retained a quiet dignity and a slow pace of life. Many of its old Victorian buildings survive to add to the charm of the city.


The third largest city in Australia is widely regarded as the best city for the quality of life it offers its residents. The capital of Queensland has a tropical climate and its 1.8 million people enjoy greenery, outdoor restaurants and open-air cinemas. It wasn’t always the case. Brisbane was a prison colony until 1842.

Now a thriving, though relaxed, business centre, its warmth, both in the weather and the friendliness of its people have helped to make it the fastest growing city in Australia. It has a growing tourist industry, being the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef as well as to the Queensland.

3. Read the text again and choose the best ending for each sentence.

1. Every city has …

A. many visitors.

B. different characters.

C. a different character.

D. places with character.

2. Sydney is …

A. a prison colony.

B. a harbour.

C. a bridge.

D. more than 200 years old.

3. The capital city of Australia …

A. is Melbourne.

B. is Canberra.

C. has good weather.

D. has many good restaurants.

4. Perth is known …

A. as a busy city.

B. for its history.

C. as a quiet place.

D. for being isolated.

5. Brisbane is said to be …

A. a tropical city.

B. famous for its gates.

C. a good place to live.

D. a national capital city.