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Unit III. Jury service

Vocabulary notes

  1. Trial by jury –

  2. Judge trial –

  3. To serve on a jury –

  4. A panel –

  5. At trial –

  1. To listen to evidence –

  2. To present evidence –

  3. A juror –

  4. To be selected at random –

  5. The electoral register –

  6. To be eligible for jury

service –

  1. To be ineligible for jury service–

  1. To meet the requirements –

  2. To be disqualified from jury service –

  3. To be excused from serving on a jury –

  4. To hear a case –

  5. To decide the facts –

  6. To decide matters of law –

рассмотрение дела с участием суда присяжных

судебный процесс без участия присяжных

исполнять обязанности присяжного

группа, жюри, члены комиссии

во время судебного процесса (разбирательства)

заслушивать доказательства

представлять доказательства


отбираться произвольно, наугад

список избирателей

иметь право исполнять обязанности присяжного

не иметь права исполнять обязанности присяжного

соответствовать требованиям

быть лишенным права исполнять обязанности присяжного

быть освобожденным от обязанностей присяжного

заслушивать, разбирать дело

выносить решение по фактам

решать вопросы права

  1. To decide matters of fact

  2. Judge's directions (instructions) –

  3. To leave the courtroom –

  4. To retire to the jury room –

  5. To elect a foreman –

  6. To consider the verdict –

  7. To find the defendant guilty –

  8. To find the defendant not guilty–

  9. To return a verdict –

  10. To announce a verdict –

  11. To return a verdict of guilty –

  12. A verdict of conviction –

  13. To return a verdict of

acquittal(of non-guilty) –

решать вопросы факта

напутствие присяжным

покинуть зал судебных заседаний

удалиться в комнату присяжных

избирать старшину присяжных

обсудить вердикт

признать подсудимого виновным

признать подсудимого невиновным

выносить вердикт

объявить решение присяжных

вынести обвинительный вердикт

обвинительный вердикт

вынести оправдательный вердикт

Task 1. Read the following text to learn about the jury system.

The Jury

A jury is a group of men and women legally chosen to hear a case and to decide the facts from the evidence presented. Juries are used in civil and criminal cases. Trial by jury in civil cases is not common.

In criminal cases juries of 12 persons are used in all trials in the Crown Court. It is the duty of the judge to decide all matters of law, while the duty of the jury is to decide matters of facts. For centuries the jury has been regarded as extremely important, particularly in criminal cases.

Jurors are selected at random from the electoral register. Most people aged 18 to 70 are eligible to serve on a jury. To be eligible, a person:

  • must be on the electoral register, which means aged 18 or older;

  • have been resident in the United Kingdom for the last 5 years or more;

  • must be able to communicate in the English language.

Certain persons are disqualified from jury service. A person will be disqualified:

  1. if, at any time in the last 10 years he has served any part of a prison sentence, youth custody or detention, or has been given a suspended sentence of imprisonment.

  2. if, at any time in the last five years he has been placed on probation.

The following persons are ineligible for jury service: judges, persons concerned with the administration of justice, the clergy and persons who have, or are still suffering from a mental illness.

Certain classes of persons may be excused from jury service. They are people with important business, doctors and dentists, Members of Parliament. They are “excused as of right”.

Other persons may be excused from jury service on request if they show good reason. These include students sitting for examinations, mothers with young children, people with a poor knowledge of the English language, and people with certain physical disabilities [1].

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