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Россия и международное сообщество (англ).doc
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3. Choose the best ending to these incomplete sentences:

1. The Parliament consists of …

  1. one branch only

  2. two chambers

  3. several committees

2. 450 members of the State Duma …

  1. are elected from single-member districts

  2. are selected on the basis of party lists

  3. are filled by

3. The federation Council and the state Duma sit …

  1. separately

  2. together

  3. with other governmental subcommittees

4. Military forces cannot be used outside the country without the approval of

  1. the State Duma

  2. the Federation Council

  3. the President

5. Appointment of the supreme body of the judicial branch is within the competence of …

  1. the Chairman of the Government

  2. The Federation Council

  3. The treasury

6. Charges against the President can be issued by …

  1. the government

  2. the deputy chairmen

  3. the State Duma

7. The Chairman’s candidate is appointed by …

  1. the deputy Chairman

  2. the Federation Council

  3. the President

  1. Say if it is true or false:

    1. The Federal Council doesn’t approve decisions on changes of borders between the constituent entities.

    2. It is within the competence of the State Duma to appoint and dismiss the Chairman of the Central Bank.

    3. The government consists only of the federal ministers.

    4. The Chairman’s candidate is not to be approved by the State Duma.

    5. Should the selected candidate be rejected three times, the President appoints the Prime Minister himself.

    6. A draft budget is to be discussed by the State Duma.

    7. Measures to ensure state security are carried out by the government.

  1. Paragraph check. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each paragraph (1-6) of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

        1. The structure of the Federal Assembly.

        2. The powers of the State Duma.

        3. The laws considered by the Federation Council.

        4. The appointment of the Chairman of the Government.

        5. The duties and powers of the government.

        6. The issues within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council.

        7. The procedure of no confidence in the government.

  1. Read the text in detail to answer the following questions:

    1. What is the Federal Assembly?

    2. In what way are the members of the Federal Council elected?

    3. Are there clear limitations of competence in each chamber in the Federal Assembly?

    4. What chamber has the right to conduct closed sessions?

    5. What chamber is responsible for the consideration of financial problems?

    6. In what case can the President announce new elections?

    7. Whose duty is the insurance of state security?

    8. Who has the right to bring charges against the President for his impeachment?

Word study

7. Match these words and word combinations with Russian equivalents:

    1. to carry out

    2. to appoint

    3. to execute

    4. to pass

    5. to consider

    6. to approve

    7. to issue

    8. to sign

    9. to select

    10. to announce

    11. to assign

    12. to present

    13. to realize

    14. to ensure

    15. to vote

    16. to dissolve

    17. to form

1. deputy Chairman

2. charges

3. law/ decisions

4. hearings, measures

5. decisions, selections

6. new elections

7. the Prime Minister

8. the state budget

9. law, document

10. questions, issues

11. policy

12. no confidence

13. a draft

14. rights, freedoms, legality

15. the State Duma


8. Give English equivalents for the following words:

    1. Совет Безопасности

    2. Федеральное Собрание

    3. Генеральный прокурор

    4. Помощник председателя

    5. Совет Федерации

    6. Совет Министров

    7. комиссия

    8. комитет

    9. Счетная палата

    10. Верховная власть

    11. лишать власти

    12. расторжение договора

    13. освобождение от должности

    14. военное положение

    15. расходы денежных средств

    16. вопрос о (не)доверии

    17. отвергать закон