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English 2 / Вавилова Т.Д. Учебно-методическое пособиепо англ. яз

1.25 Mб

Упр. 9. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих выражений:

один из самых распространённых методов; неразъёмное соединение; свыше ста различных процессов;

хорошее свидетельство, доказательство; с точки зрения развития промышленности; успех 20-го века;

работа первооткрывателей, первопроходцев; главная победа, достижение; тщательные фундаментальные исследования; опоры линий электропередач; расплавленный металл;

чтобы обеспечить доброкачественный сварной шов; под слоем флюса.

Упр. 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста:

1.Сегодня Норильск превратился в крупный промышленный город.

2.В промышленных странах из-за коррозии теряется 1/3 производимых металлов (коррозия отвечает за …)

3.Инженеры-конструкторы несут ответственность за аварии проектируемых сооружений.

4.Существует доказательство, что люди умели плавить металлы ещё во 2 веке до н.э.

5.Существует доказательство, что древние римляне использовали свинец для изготовления водопроводных труб.

6.Существует доказательство, что в Индии применяли железо раньше, чем бронзу – ещё в 5 веке до н.э.

7.По крайней мере, три металла были известны первобытному человеку – золото, серебро и медь.

8.Морская вода содержит по крайней мере 3,5% различных солей.

9.Промышленность и транспорт не могут обойтись без нефти и газа.

10.Современный человек не может обойтись без электричества.

11.Достижения СССР и России в области сварки признаны во всём мире.

12.Николай Бернардос признан изобретателем дуговой электрической сварки.

13.Само собой разумеется, что сварка играет важную роль во всех отраслях промышленности.

14.Само собой разумеется, что проблема коррозии является одной из самых важных проблем промышленности.

15.Электрошлаковая (electroslag) сварка, изобретённая в СССР, явилась выдающимся достижением при сварке крупных деталей.

16.Лазер явился значительным достижением науки 20 века.

Упр. 11. Сверяясь с текстом, закончите следующие предложения:

1.Directly or indirectly welding accounts for …

2.From the industrial standpoint, welding …

3.A major breakthrough in metal welding technologies would have been impossible without

4.We think of welding as …

5.Welding processes may be classified …

6.A filler metal must be added in …

7.The most widely used fusion welding is …

8.A very popular pressure welding process is …

Упр. 12. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1.It goes without saying that welding will be the most widespread technique of joining together metallic and non-metallic materials.

2.Nuclear energy is entirely a 20-th century advance.

3.According to the source of heat required for melting the metals to be joined welding processes can be classified as electrical methods and chemical ones.

4.At present a great amount of new welding processes are being experimented on and introduced in industry.

5.Hardly can any modern machine be fabricated without using one of the welding processes.

6.The pioneering works of scientists from the Paton Institute of Electric Welding has made a breakthrough in welding large diameter pipes especially in severe weather conditions of the North.

7.In welding aluminium one should remember that as its thermal conductivity is high the workpieces to be welded are heated rapidly through the mass of the metal.

8.Arc welding processes in which a metal wire serves both as a filler metal and an electrode have found a widespread application.

9.Molten titanium absorbs oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen from the air, therefore it is welded in a medium of inert gases which protect it against oxidation and permit to obtain sound welds.

Упр. 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1.При помощи сварки можно соединять не только металлы с металлами, но и металлы со стеклом, пластмассами и другими материалами.

2.Современные виды сварки применяются как на земле, так и под водой и в космосе.

3.Сварка – самый распространённый метод соединения металлических конструкций.

4.Слой флюса защищает металлы от окисления, в результате получается доброкачественный шов.

5.При сварке сопротивлением детали, которые нужно сварить, подвергают значительному нагреву за короткий промежуток времени, затем применяют давление.

6.С точки зрения экономики, сварка сопротивлением чрезвычайно экономична и эффективна.

7.При сооружении трубопроводов произошёл значительный прогресс после того, как был изобретён аппарат «Север» для сварки труб большего диаметра посредством сварки сопротивлением.

8.Само собой разумеется, что учёные Института электросварки имени академика Е. Патона достигли значительных результатов в области технологии сварки, т.к. они использовали и используют последние достижения в области кибернетики, физики плазмы, физической и ядерной химии и других фундаментальных наук.

9.Первооткрывателями электрошлаковой сварки были учёные Института электросварки имени академика Е. Патона ещё в 1949 г.

Упр. 14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на текст “Welding”(Part I).

1.Where can welding be conducted?

2.What part of the GNP in industrialized countries does welding account for?

3.For what purpose did ancient craftsmen use welding as far back as 1,000 BC?

4.What was the leading research institution in the USSR in the field of welding technologies acknowledged throughout the world?

5.The knowledge of what basic sciences helped the scientists of the Paton Institute achieve outstanding results in their research?

6.What is welding?

7.In what branches of industry does welding find a widespread application?

8.How are welding processes classified?

9.What is fusion welding?

10.Who is the inventor of electric arc welding?

11.What is pressure welding?

Упр. 15. Прочитайте текст “Electroslag Welding”. Выполните упражнения



heavy duty ['hevI 'djHtI] a – громоздкий shaft [SRft] n – вал

Electroslag welding was invented and introduced into practice in the USSR in 1949 and found its first industrial application in 1950. In electroslag welding heat is generated by the electrical resistance of a molten slag (flux) to the passage of the welding current. No arc exists after the welding process has begun.

It is electroslag welding that offers a number of important advantages in comparison with other existing methods of electric arc welding of heavy duty and very thick metal pieces.

This method offers a high quality weld due to the protective properties of the slag. The slag prevents the workpieces to be welded to come into contact with the air oxygen. This method doesn’t require preliminary cleaning of the parts to be welded. Besides, the rate of welding has considerably increased – from 3 to 15 times (depending on the metal thickness).

An example of the electroslag application is welding of rotor shafts for electric generators. These shafts weigh 350 tonnes. In Japan in order to manufacture a part like that another shaft, a moulded one, weighing up to 500 tonnes is fabricated. It is a very complicated job. The scientists from the Paton Institute suggested assembling the shaft piece by piece out of several sections. These sections are joined together by means of electroslag welding. This method saves metal and energy, makes the workpieces even stronger and is known to be a labour saving method.

Besides electroslag method is successfully used in metallurgy and in repair jobs.

Упр. 16. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

электрошлаковая сварка впервые была введена …; промышленное применение; получать тепло; прохождение сварного тока; важные преимущества; по сравнению с; не требовать предварительной очистки; сложная работа; собирать по частям; ремонтные работы.

Упр. 17. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста (упр. 15), используя предлагаемые разговорные формулы:

I can’t agree with you; you are not right; on the contrary; in my opinion; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.

1.Electroslag welding was invented and pioneered in the 19 th century.

2.In electroslag welding heat is generated by burning a mixture of gases.

3.Electroslag welding can’t be used for welding very thick workpieces.

4.Slag can’t protect the workpieces against oxidation.

5.Workpieces are cleaned before welding.

6.The rate of welding is very slow.

7.In Japan electroslag welding is used for welding rotor shafts for electric generators.

8.In Japan the shafts like that are welded piece by piece.

9.Electroslag method has a limited field of application.

Упр. 18. Выполните следующее задание.

1.Определите основную идею текста.

2.Разделите текст на смысловые части.

3.Определите основную мысль каждой части.

4.Составьте аннотацию текста.

Упр. 19. Переведите текст “Resistance Welding” на русский язык, пользуясь словарём. Выполните следующие за текстом задания.


Resistance welding incorporates a group of processes in which the heat for welding is generated by the resistance to the flow of electric current through the parts being joined. It is a common practice to weld two overlapping sheets or plates which may have different thicknesses. A pair of electrodes conducts electrical current through the sheets forming a weld. The two outer surfaces of the sheets are clamped to provide a good electrical contact and pressure for containing the molten metal at the center of the joint. The surfaces must be clean. The current needed for resistance welding may be ten to one hundred times more than that used in arc welding, and the time to make a single weld is usually less than one second.

There are three major resistance welding processes: resistance spot welding, projection welding and resistance seam welding. In spot welding the current is concentrated at the point of joining using cylindrical electrodes which have spherical tips. Spot welds are usually made one at a time. In projection welding a projection or dimple is stamped in one of the sheets prior to welding which concentrates the current conducted by flat electrodes on both sides of the joint. In seam welding leaktight welds can be made by a series of overlapping spot welds. These are produced by introducing pulses of current from rotating wheel electrodes.

Resistance welds are made with either semiautomatic or mechanized machines.

Задание 1.

1.Определите основную идею текста.

2.Разделите текст на смысловые части.

3.Определите основную мысль каждой части.

4.Составьте аннотацию текста.

Задание 2. Прокомментируйте следующие тезисы, используя выражения из задания 2 стр. 22 (урок 2).

1.Electric current is the source for generating heat in resistance welding.

2.The two surfaces to be welded must be in contact.

3.The current strength for resistance welding must be as high as for arc welding.

4.In all types of resistance welding cylindrical electrodes are used.


Тема. Сварка (продолжение).

Грамматика. Participle II в функции обстоятельства с предшествующими союзами (повторение).

Упр. 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и выражения. Какие русские слова они вам напоминают?

actual, inspection, design, ionized gas, base metal, chemical composition, specified, ionic.

Упр. 2. При помощи суффикса – en образуйте глаголы от следующих прилагательных. Переведите на русский язык.

black a – чёрный blacken v – делать чёрным

deep, wide, weak, short, hard, thick,

Упр. 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

a film of oxides

to weaken the weld

a source of a filler metal a stream of an ionized gas high-speed cutting

by the way

the presence of impurities considerable internal stresses the purpose of heat treatment to improve the structure welded structures

Упр. 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Participle II в функции обстоятельства с предшествующими союзами: when, while когда; if если; unless

если ... не; until пока ... не;

1)When heated to 1000С water boils.

При нагревании до 1000С вода кипит. Когда воду нагревают до 1000С, она кипит.

2)Unless heated to a definite temperature metals do not melt.

Без нагревания до определённой температуры металлы не плавятся.

Если металлы не нагревать до определённой температуры, они не плавятся.

1.When used fluxes melt in the heat of the arc.

2.Unless acted upon by some external force the parts to be welded by resistance welding can't be joined.

3.Until cleaned, two workpieces couldn't be properly welded.

4.If selected the welding torch for welding particular workpieces should be the lightest equipment which will do the job satisfactorily.

5.Unless selected properly a filler metal can reduce the strength of the weld.

6.If applied a filler wire should be cleaned as thoroughly as the weld joints.

7.Unless removed after welding fluxes can cause corrosion of the weld and the base metal.

8.When applied the welding robot "Sever" welds the pipes ten times faster than a team of 12 welding operators.

9.Until tested welded pipelines cannot be put into operation.

Упр. 5. Слова к тексту “Welding” (Part II).

1.preparatory [prI'pxrqtqrI] a

2.precede [prJ'sJd] v

3.actual ['xktjuql] a

4.choice [COIs] n


A lot of preparatory work must be done before welding.


Cleaning precedes welding.

действительный, фактический, актуальный

Actual data were obtained by complex calculations.


The choice of a welding technique depends on many factors.

5.joint ['GOInt] n

6.moreover [mL'rouvq] adv

7.consumable [kqn'sjHmqbl] a

8.nonconsumable a

стык, соединение

Brazed joints in aluminium alloys have a good resistance to corrosion.

более того

Moreover, brazed joints in aluminium alloys possess good strength.

зд. плавящийся

The composition of consumable electrodes must be similar to the composition of the metals to be welded.

зд. неплавящийся


Tungsten is widely used for nonconsumable

9. shield [SJld] v




As with other reactive metals, in welding zirconium

10. shielding n

must be shielded from air.



The shielding of the zirconium weld must be made


with very pure argon, helium or a mixture of these

11. shielding a




Zirconium can be welded with tungsten electrodes in


the environment of shielding (inert) gases, filler metal

12. separately ['sep(q)rItlI] adv

being zirconium or one of its alloys.



Aluminium and some semiconductors such as


graphite and magnetite must be kept separately as in

13. melt v (through)

contact with them aluminium corrodes.



The welder should be very careful not to melt


through the whole thickness of the metal otherwise

14. tough [tAf] a

the structure can break.

жёсткий, прочный

15. manual ['m? njuql] a

Austenitic stainless steels are both tough and ductile.



Manual welding of pipelines in the past often resulted

16. hardfacing n

in failures.

наплавка твёрдым сплавом


Titanium carbides are often used for hardfacing new

17. penetrate ['penItreIt] v

and worn parts to increase their resistance to wear.



In liquid corrosion monitoring a liquid penetrates


into any defects open at the surface and then a


coloured powdered material is applied on the

18. penetrating a




The penetrating rate in turbo-drilling is faster than

19. red shortness n

the one in conventional rotary drilling.



Red shortness is a negative structural phenomenon of

20. deteriorate [dI'tIqrIqreIt] v

steels which leads to failures of constructions.



Even a properly applied coating of paint does not last


forever. It breaks down and deteriorates within a

21. weldability ["weldq'bIlItI] n

year or so due to the effect of the environment.



Weldability of steels can be improved by removing


exceeding amounts of carbon, phosphorus and

22. predetermined ['prJdI'tWmInd] a


заранее определённый


The colour of your eyes is predetermined by the

23. hold (held, held) v

colours of you parents’ eyes.

зд. выдерживать


The dam wasn’t strong enough to hold the flood

24.relieve [rI'lJv] v

25.ultrasonic ["Altrq'sOnIk] a

26.prescribed [prIsk'raIbd] period of time

27.to refine the grain

28.submerged [sqb'mWGd] arc welding

29.(gas) shielded metal arc welding

30.inert-gas tungsten-arc welding

31.electron beam welding

32.laser ['leIzq] (beam) welding


облегчать, уменьшать

The corrosion rate of aluminium coupled to copper in seawater is relieved greatly when the seawater is deaerated.


Ultrasonic testing is a nondestructive method of determining wall thickness or the location of defects within any material capable of conducting sound.

заранее определённый период времени

Smelting of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals is performed for a prescribed period of time.

улучшать структуру

Heat treatment of stainless steels is employed to refine their grains, for them to meet special conditions and to be used for special applications.

дуговая сварка под флюсом

дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в среде защитного газа дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа

электроннолучевая сварка лазерная сварка

Прочитайте текст “Welding” (Part II). Выполните следующие задания.

1.Скажите, какие подготовительные шаги нужно предпринять, чтобы сварочный шов был хорошего качества.

2.Найдите в тексте случаи употребления Participle II с предшествующими союзами.


The preparatory steps which precede actual welding are significant to any successful welding operation. Such things must be considered as a welding method to be used, the choice of the base and filler metals, the actual joint design and often the inspection methods which are to be used.

The proper cleaning of the surfaces to be joined is one of the main conditions for obtaining high-quality welds in the majority of welding processes. Moreover, the heating of metals to a high temperature causes oxidation and a film of oxides is formed on the heated surfaces that weakens the weld. To avoid it, a flux is applied to the heated metal. At the welding heat the flux melts, and the oxide particles are dissolved in it together with any other impurities which may be present. Fluxes are used in submerged arc welding. The inventor of this method was a Russian engineer N.G. Slavjanov who first demonstrated this method as early as 1888. He was the first to use consumable electrodes.

Another way to obtain a sound weld is to weld metals in the environment of inert gases, mainly argon or helium or their mixture. These gases are called shielding gases. When used shielding gases improve the quality of the weld as well.

Shielding gases may be used in arc processes, with both consumable and nonconsumable electrodes being applied. Consumable electrodes serve both as conductors of electricity and a source of a filler metal. An example of this process is gas-shielded metal-arc welding.

In welding processes with nonconsumable electrodes the conductor of electricity is a metal electrode and a filler metal is provided separately. Inert-gas tungsten-arc welding in which a tungsten electrode is used is an example of this process. It was introduced in the 40's for welding magnesium. Nowadays it is of great significance for welding not only magnesium but also aluminium, titanium, stainless steels.

Later plasma arc welding was developed. It is a kind of inert-gas-shielding processes. Plasma is a stream of ionized gas. It is so hot and dense that it melts through thick metals and works efficiently on even the toughest alloys. Plasma welding can be used on the materials that do not conduct electricity. This method is used not only for welding but also for cutting aluminium and stainless steels, as well as for high-speed cutting of carbon steels. By the way, different welding processes can be used for cutting metals and for hardfacing.

There are some more melting processes which are certain to play important roles in years to come. In electron beam welding a stream of electrons is focused on the welding zone. The beam has a great penetrating power, it can be used to weld almost any metal, in almost any thickness.

In laser beam welding a beam of light is used instead of a beam of electrons. Like the electron beam, this light has a great penetrating power.

As mentioned above one of the preparatory steps which preceeds actual welding is the choice of a base metal and a filler metal. A sound weld can be obtained when the base metal possesses good weldability which is affected by the chemical composition of the metal, its physical properties, the degree of alloying, the presence of impurities and the heat treatment to which it is subjected. So before welding one must know all these data and choose the filler metal of the proper composition.

The following elements present in the base metal if they exceed the permissible amounts can deteriorate the weldability of steels. Carbon if it exceeds 0.3 per cent causes brittleness of the weld. Phosphorus in amounts more than 0.04 per cent increases brittleness as well. The sulphur content being over 0.04 per cent, red shortness is caused.

The concentration of heat in a small area in welding can lead to considerable internal stresses. To avoid it heat treatment is used. Heat treatment is a very important engineering process. The purpose of heat treatment is to improve the structure of steel and to obtain higher or specified mechanical properties. The metal structure is changed by means of 3 techniques, i.e.:1) heating the metal to a predetermined temperature; 2) holding it at this temperature for a prescribed period of time and at last 3) cooling it at a prescribed rate. The types of heat treatment applied in practice are: 1) annealing, 2) normalization, 3) hardening and 4) tempering.

If applied heat treatment relieves internal stresses in the metal, refines the grain and reduces hardness. The metals become more plastic and ductile.

After welding welded structures should be inspected to avoid failures. There are different ways of welds inspection, among them radiography (using highly penetrating X-rays and gamma rays), ultrasonic testing, electrical resistance principle.

It should be mentioned that due to the development of new branches of industry new welding processes are being developed and introduced successfully, e.g. ionic, diffusion, ultrasonic, electromagnetic processes and others.

In conclusion it should be noted that there are manual, semi-automatic and automatic welding processes.

Упр. 6. Найдите в тексте понятия, выраженные следующими словосочетаниями:

to take place before something; arc welding with flux application;

gases protecting metals against oxidation; electrodes which are fused while welding; a metal added in arс welding;

a stream of an ionized gas;

a process of coating worn out parts with very hard materials; in future;

the ability of metals to form sound welds;

the process which is used to improve the mechanical properties and the structure of steels; to improve the structure of the metal.

Упр. 7. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

1.preparatory steps preparatory works preparatory measures

2.to precede welding

to precede heat treatment to precede hardfacing

3.a joint design

a welding torch design a welding unit design

4.sulphur content

alloying elements content impurities content

5.manual welding manual labour manual machine-tool

6.to determine the flux composition to determine the weld quality

to determine the presence of impurities

Упр. 8. Сверяясь с текстом, подберите нужное значение для выделенных слов в данных словосочетаниях и переведите их:

1.by means of different techniques – техника, способ, методика, метод, технический приём;

2.to avoid failures – неуспех, неудача, авария, повреждение, провал, недостаток;

3.a film of oxides – оболочка, фотоплёнка, плёнка, лёгкий слой чего-либо;

4.oil does not dissolve in water – таять, испаряться, растворяться, разжижать;

5.a sound weld – здоровый, правильный, глубокий, тщательный, крепкий, доброкачественный, неповреждённый.

Упр. 9. Прочитайте группы однокоренных слов; обратите внимание на способы словообразования; переведите их на русский язык:

prepare – preparation – preparatory; precede – precedent – preceding; actual – actually;

success – successful; choose – choice;

inspect – inspector – inspection; oxide – oxidize – oxidation;

consume – consumption – consumable – nonconsumable; shield – shielding;

separate – separation – separately; significant – signification;

ion – ionic – ionize – ionization – ionized; dense – density;

tough – toughness;

penetrate – penetration – penetrating; brittle – brittleness,

melt – molten.

Упр. 10. Переведите на русский язык.

1.The results of the study of plasma-arc processes are of practical interest as they increase the ability to produce metallurgically sound, deep penetrating welds with minimum energy.

2.The ductility of the weld fusion zone as shown by the mechanical property tests changes greatly therefore heat treatment is required after welding.

3.This paper deals with the process known as consumable electrode spot welding. Gas shielding is provided by either a mixture of argon and oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide, or bу carbon dioxide alone. The consumable electrode spot welding, of course, is a completely different spot-welding process and is not to be confused (путать) with resistance-type spot welding as commonly known. The consumable electrode spot welding process is now being utilized in the automobile industry with considerable success.

The studies showed that the material savings when using this welding process are relatively small and that the big savings are in time and labour. In one plant, twelve consumable spot welding operators are reported to bе producing the same number of operations formely produced by twenty one operators using oxy-acetylene and covered electrode welding (сварка покрытым электродом). Consumable electrode spot welding is being used to weld medium-carbon steels, as well as stainless steels and aluminium alloys.

4.As oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen of the air deteriorate the quality of titanium welding, it must be welded in inert gas shielding.

5.Electron beam (EB) welding requires highly sophisticated (сложный, современный) expensive equipment. Most welding is done in vacuum. EB welding produces good-quality welds which are characterized by narrow weld zones and good penetration. It is useful for complex hard-to-reach welds.

6.For welding zirconium standard welding equipment is generally used. Tungsten electrode inert gas (TIG) shielded arc welding technique is the most widely used. If filler metal is used, it must be zirconium or one of its alloys. One must know that zirconium should not be welded to other metals, except possibly titanium.

Упр. 11. Переведите следующие предложения:

1.Качество шва, получаемого при помощи сварки давлением, зависит в значительной степени от приложенного давления и температуры, до которой металлы нагревают в момент сварки.

2.Повышенное содержание углерода, фосфора и серы в сталях ухудшает качество сварного шва, который становится очень хрупким.