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Задание на дом №2

XI. Выпишите из текста А:

1) глаголы, соответствующие следующим существительным:

aeration, manufacture, existence, conservation, harvest, distribution, difference, need, storage, provision, result

2) прилагательные, соответствующие следующим существительным:


height, depth, moisture, warmth, variety, fertility, advice, industry, rapidity, cloud, vegetation.

XII. Ответьте на следущий вопрос и обоснуйте свой ответ (по-английски) (устно)

Can wheat and corn bе grown on the same farm?

XIII. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык (письменно).

а)I. Сорта кукурузы сильно различаются по форме, размеру

и урожайности. 2. Кукуруза требует высокой температуры, обилия солнечного света и много влаги. 3. Кукуруза рас­тет лучше всего на плодородных суглинках. 4. Прохладная погода приводит к низким урожаям этой культуры. 5. Куку­руза выращивается для многих целей, б. Большое количество кукурузы широко используется на корм скоту?

б)I. Благодаря высокой влагоемкости эти почвы очень подходят для выращивания кукурузы. 2. Известно, что кукуруза является теплолюбивым растением и очень подвержена по­вреждению заморозками. 3. Почвенные и климатические ус­ловия опре;.е1яют глубину посадки. Обычная рекомендуемая глубина - L-3 дюйма. 4. Считается, что обработка кукуруза производится главным образом для борьбы с сорняками. 5. Как влияют на кукурузу обилие солнечного света и прохладная облачная погода? 6. Когда кукуруза выращива­ется на силос, норма посева увеличивается. 7. Каковы главные цели выращивания кукурузы? 8, Боли кукуруза вы­севается слишком рано, она может быть повреждена замороз­ками.

ХIV. Выполните лабораторную работу 2.



XV. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVI. Укажите, какие предложения противоречат содержанию текста А. Обоснуйте свой ответ (устно).

1.Corn is grown primarily for the production of grain. 2 There ia a great number of corn varieties differing in certain characteristics. 3. The main aim of cultivating com is to conserve moisture in the soil and to aerate, 4.Cool weather accompanied by high precipitation is known to be favourable for the production of com grain. 5. Corn is usually planted to the depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches, if the soil is rather cold. 6. Corn doesn't need much coisture, as a relatively small amount of water is required to pro­duce one pound of dry matter of this plant. 7. Soils hav­ing high water-holding capacity are believed to be best for com. 8. When fed to livestock, corn is usually produ­ced on the same farm. 9. The depth of planting com is uni­form for all soils. 10. At the beginning of the growing season water requirements of com are the highest.

ХVII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Озаглавьте его.


As with most cultivated crops plowing is usually the first step in seedbed preparation for com. Corn having a more extensive and deeper rooting system than the other cereals, deeper plowing and cultivation are required, both fall and spring plowing are practised in growing corn. The final preparation of the plowed land usually consists In pulverization of the top 4 inches of the soil. This


should he done immediately before the crop is planted in order to control weeds. Soil fertility is more important in growing corn then in growing any of the other cereals. Soils very rich in available nitrogen will cause lodging of the small grains, but they are desirable for corn. For these reasons, such practices as applying barnyard manure, ajd using commercial fertilizers at the time of planting and later as a side dressing are all used to provide the fertility needed for good growth of corn. But one should re­member that germination is much retarded ( замедлять )by fertili­zers coming in contact with the seed.In order to maintain high yields corn is usually grown in rotation with other crops,Corn rotations usually include a small grain, and a legume or a legume-grass mixture. As a rule, corn follows a legume or a legume-grass mixture.

ХVIII. Разделите текст на абзацы и передайте кратко основную мысль каждого абзаца (по-русски или по-английски) (устно).



Грамматика и лексика:. 1. Усилительная конструкция

It is ... that (who) .

2.Предложения типа It is necessary that…

3.Значения слова it (повторение).

4.Значения слова that (повторение).

Задание на дом № 1

I.Проработайте в разделе "Грамматика и словообразование" 24,30 стр. 34,39.

II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкции

1.It is ... that(who) (устно). 1. It is due to the high yields per acre that corn requi­res much moisture. 2. It is as livestock feed that corn is mainly used for. 3 It is our agronomist who developed a new variety of rye for our region.4. It is the growth habit of a plant that determines methods and time of its cultivation. 5.' It is a well-planned crop rotation that la considered to be the essential part of any modern farm­ing system. 6. It is the control of weeds that is the main object of cultivation.

III. Переведите следующие предложения (устно).

1. То ensure prompt germination it is necessary th-it tha soil be warm and moist to a considerable depth. 2. To obtain the highest yields it is important that both crop rotation and fertilization be used. 3 It is recommended that two potato varieties differing in the time of matu-


rity should be grown on the same farm. 4. It Is important that com follow such crops as winter cereals, sugar beets or legumes. 5. It Is desirable that manure should bo appli­ed in the fall preceding com planting;

IV. Напишите словарную форму следующих слов:

preferring, known, cooler, believed, inches, given, highest, better, applied, existing, beet, varieties, less, supplies.

V. Найдите в тексте A:

1) усилительную конструкцию it is ... that (2й и б-й абзацы);

2) причастие; П в функции правою определения к существительному (4-й и 7-й абзацы);

3) независимый причастный оборот;

4) неполные предложения.

VI. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте чтение текста в лаборатории (лабораторная работа № I).

Text A


Potato, Solanum tuberosum, known both as the Irish potato and as the white potato, is related to such plants as tomato, eggplant, and tobacco. Potato is believed to have been cultivated first in Peru. It was carried to Spain, Italy, and Germany about the middle of the 16th century.

It is the importance of potato as food that is gene­rally recognized. In addition to its extensive use as food, potato is used both in agriculture as livestock feed and in industry. Now it is grown in most countries of the world.

Profitable yields appear to be possible where the


average growing season temperature is between 60° and 70° F, and where the rainfall reaches 12-18 inches, being well distributed over a period from three to four oonths. That ie why commercial production is largely limited to the areas where the climate is fairly cool and moist.

Soils preferred are drained sandy loams well supplied with organic matter and available plant food. If well-drained, peat or muck soils are particularly good for pota­to production. Potato is known to be tolerant of soil aci­dity. It makes a satisfactory growth and yield on a soil with a pH range of 4.8 to 5.4.

The best planting date should provide cool, moist conditions when the plants are blossoming and setting tubers, and relatively short days in the growing season for maximum tuber development.

It is because of the economy of the ecoromy seeding material that most seed tubers are cut into pieces. However, the cut freed is not better than whole tubers from the standpoint W yield1, and cuttiflg adds to labour cost. Moreover, when at, the seed is more subject to drying out and diseased.

The depth of planting varies with the soil type and the equipment used, 5 to 4 inches generally being the best depth. The fertility ot the soil and its moisture-holding lapaeity, the climate, the variety, and the amount of fer­tilizer applied affect spacing withing and between rows.

At present almost all potatoes grown on a commercial seale are harvested by mechanical two-row diggers, that dig, pick up and load the crop.


When ready to store, the tubers snould be clean, matu­re and free from injury. It is necessary that the temperatu­re be between 36 and 46 F to prevent sprouting. There should be enough ventilatldn to provide oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide and heat of respiration.

Пояснения к тексту

1)from the standpoint of … — c точки зрения;

2)on a commercial scale - в промышленном масштабе.


greatly - в большой степени очень,весьма,,

highly - в высшей степени чрезвычайно,

largely - в значительной степени сильно

Лексический минимум к тексту А

extensive, profitable, peat, muck, tolerant, acidity, to blossom, to set, piece, whole, to be subject to, to dig, digger, to sprout, to eliminate.


VII. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № I.

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие that(those) в различных значениях (устно).

1.The system of crop rotation that is used on our farm has raised soil fertility and improved soil etructire.2. The roots of alfalfa penetrate into the soil much deepen' than those of other cereals. 3. It is undesirable that cut­ting of seed tubers be done, for cut seeds are more subject to diseases. 4. It is the organic matter content of the soil that can be increased with difficulty. 5. Forage crops Brown on our farm are better titan those grown on the neigh­bouring farm. 6.The seedbed for potatoes- should be plowed - 32


­to a considerable depth, so that best conditions for tuber development be ensured. 7. The variety of corn developed by our Experimental Station does better in our region than that one. 8. It is well known that fine pulverization of the soil minimizes moisture losses. 9. The selection of a proper variety, that is, the variety that is best adapted to any given soil and climatic conditions is essential for obtain­ing high yields.

IX. В следующих предложениях определите, где слово it не переводится (устно).

1. Corn is a warm-weather plant. It теапз it requires rather high temperature and a lot of sunshine during its growth. 2. It is high temperature that is especially unfavourable for wheat, as it results in losses due to lodging. 3 As cot­ton is subject to frost injury, it is necessary to plant it when the danger of cold weather is over. 4. It is profitab­le to grow potatoes in regions where cool and moist conditi­ons prevail. 5. It should be remembered that crop rotation alone cannot maintain soil fertility for a long time. 6. Rice serves as the principal food for many people. It is usually eaten whole. 7. It is a leading forage crop as its food value is high and adaptability is wide.

X. Переведите следующие группы слов, содержащие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени (устно):

more profitable; the worst conditions, higher precipitation, less moisture, the most tolerant, larger pieces, much more subject to, to the greatest extent, better distribution, the best practice.


XI. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.

Задание на дом № 2

XII. Скажите, от каких прилагательных образованы следующие наречия, и назовите их русские эквиваленты (устно):

fairly, daily, relatively, actually, wholly, generally, freely, annually, heavily, normally, commonly.

ХШ. Составьте предложения, соединяя части, подходящие по смыслу (устно).

a) they are primarily uti­lized as human food.'

b) to prevent sprouting

1.The temperature in potato storage

should he low enough

2.There is a number of dis-

advantages in using out

seed tubers,

c) high labour cost of cutting being one of them

d) high temperatures ac­companied by abundant rainfall.

3.Well-drained friable soil

high in organic matter

4.Though potatoes are known to be used extensively as livestock feed and in in­dustry,

5. Heavy vegetative growth end

e) usually produces the least yields of tubers.

email tub ere result from

ХIV. Ответите no-английски на вопрос:

Can potatoes be planted in autumn and why?


ХУ. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык (письменно).

а)1.Картофель широко выращивается в большинстве стран мира. 2. Картофель, являясь ценной пищей для человека, используется также на корм скоту. 3. Промышленное производство картофеля ограничивается районами с довольно прохладным и влажным климатом. 4. Картофель выращивается на различных почвах: суглинках, супесях, торфянистых и т.д. 5. Картофель убирают механическими копалками.6. Картофель должен храниться при температуре не выше 40° F

б)1. Картофель, как полагают, был привезен в Европу в середине 16 века. 2. Будучи очень важным источником питания для человека, картофель широко возделывается

по всему миру. 3. Довольно прохладный и влажный климат больше всего подходит для выращивания картофеля. 4. Соответствующая температура особенно важна в то время, когда картофель образует клубни. 5. Для посева картофель

иногда режут на куски, но разрезанные клубни более подвержены болезням, б. Глубина посева, как известно, зависит от типа почвы. 7. Расстояние внутри и между рядами изменяется а зависимости от плодородия почвы, ее влагоемкости, сорта картофеля и климата. 8. Карто­фель выкапывается, подбирается и загружается механичес­кими копалками. 9. Чтобы предотвратить прорастание, кар­тофель хранят в xopoшo вентилируемом помещении ври тем­пературе 36 -40 F.

XVI. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2



ХVII. Проверка домашнего задания.

ХVIII. Ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы к тексту А (устно).

1. How are potatoes used?

2. In what climatic conditions do potatoes grow best?

3. What soils do potatoes require?

4.What are the disadvantage's of cutting seed tubers?

5.What affects spacing within and between the rows?

6.How are potatoes harvested?

7. What conditions are necessary for safe potфto storage?

XIX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Догадайтесь, по контексту о значении выделенных слов.



Potatoes should be grown in a planned crop rotation to keep the soil fertile, maintain its friable texture and or­ganic matter content, and reduce crop loss from insects and diseases. The rotation for potatoes depends on the crops grown in the area. It has been found that the highest potato yield and the best quality are obtained when the potato crop follows alialfa and is planted on the same land only onoe la six or seven years.

Jertilisatflen of the potato crop varies greatly on different soil types. A green manure crop preceding potatoes is considered desirable, and animal Manure is excellent as a fertiliser. The potato plant responds (реагировать )


well to available nitrogen. Complete fertilizer is general­ly used in commercial potato-producing regions, although sometimes nitrogen юг- not be necessary on muck soils. Where manure is ujed, the only additional material needed may be superphosphate.

For many years the most commonly followed method of applying fertilizers has been side dressing. But experiments have shown that the use of one half of the fertilizer ap­plied broadcast before plowing, with the latter half appli­ed in the usual manner gives better results than when all is applied as side dressing.

Weed control is also very important. A number of early-season annual weeds can be controlled by herbicides applied immediately' after planting, before the potatoes come up. Where late-season annual weeds are a problBm, her­bicides may be applied after the last cultivation.

ХХ. 1. Перечислите виды удобрений, используемых под картофель, и способы их внесения (по-русски или по-английски)

  1. Скалите, после какой культуры и почему картофель дает наивысший урожай (по-русски или по-английски).



Грамматика: 1. Сложноподчиненные предло-

жения (повторение).

2.Парные союзы (повторение).

3.Союзы (союзные слова) и их омонимы.

Задание на дом У I

I. Проработайте в разделе "Грамматика и словообразование" 31 стр. 41.

II. В следующих предложениях выделите условные придаточные; переведите предложения (устно).

1.If the soil contained more organic matter the yield of corn would be much higher. 2. The rate of sowing may be increased, provided the soil is rich in nutrients. 3. The seeds will not germinate unless the soil temperature is proper. 4. If grown for grain on fertile soil rye is usually less profitable than other cereals.

III.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на бессоюзное присоединение определительных придаточных предложений (устно).

1. The yield the new potato variety produces on our poor soil is rather high. 2.Soils potatoes prefer are well-drained sandy loams supplied with enough nutrients end water. 3. Tubers we use for planting are usually cut into pieces. 4. The depth the tubers are planted at varies with the soil type and the equipment used. 5. It is well known that the soil the root crops require should be fertile and deep.


IV. Определите значение слова as в следующих предложениях.

Переведите предложения (устно).

1.As root crops are ligh in sugar and low in protein they do

not supply a balanced diet. 2. As plants grow they require more nutrients and water. 3 In order to grow normally crops should absorb such minerals as calcium, magnesium and sulphur. 4. We have to apply much manure as this soil is too low in organic matter. 5. The nature of the soil

changes as the proportion of clay particles increases.

V. Выделите парные союзы в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения (устно).

1. Potatoes are mostly grown in areas where the climate is neither too hot nor too dry. 2. Both cut tubers and whole ones can be used for planting. 3« The yield of corn grain is not so high in our region as it is in the South. 4. Spring wheat removes nitrogen in greater amounts than either potassium or phosphorus. 5.The coarser is the seed the deeper it 3hould be sown. 6. Microelements are as important as primary elements.

VI. В последнем абзаце текста А выделите сложноподчинекыые предложения. Укажите союзы, которые вводят придаточные предложения.

УП. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте чтение текста в лаборатории (лабораторная работа № I).

Text А


The common feature of root crops is their fleshy underground storage organ. It is the root that these crops are widely grown for throughout the world both in' home


gardans and commercially. Compared to cereal and legume seeds, food stared in fleshy roots is watery and less concentrated. That is why root crops are not generally easily stored and transported. Most are abundant in carbohydrates and low in protein and oil and hence are useful "energy foods" but do not by themselves supply a balanced diet.Some root crops consumed as fresh vegetables such as car­rots, radishes, onions, etc. are valued both for their flavour and as sources of energy. Sugar beets have been developed for the extraction of sugar while their by-pro­ducts are a valuable food for livestock.

Main factors affecting the growth and best develop­ment of roots are growing-season temperatures, type of soil with a particular reference to its water content, draina­ge, acidity and the available nitrogen supply. As far as temperatura is concerned it should be different stages of growth. Since the size and quality of the root depend on the development of the foliage, comparati­vely high temperatures during the seedling stage permit the development of a large top. Somewhat lower temperatu­res after the tops are fully grown will result in the de­velopment of large, high-quality roots.

As a rule, the best yields of roots are obtained on sandy loams which are not acid and in which the moisture content can be maintained at a reasonable level. With the roots growing underground, a deep seedbed is necessary. When practicable, the land should be plowed in the fall so that it may be worked early in spring. In general the


soil recommended is tho one that is fertile, de<.p and of a texture which 1з easy to work.

In recent years root crop growing has been changed by several new developments. One of them is mechanization which facilitates growing and harvesting roots. Special root drills and mechanical thinners make it possible to eliminate most of hand labour formerly required for root crop production. Weedkillers or herbicides are known to have been developed for controlling weeds in most of the root crops. They can be applied either before plants emer­ge or after they appear. The former method is known as pre—emergence while the later as post-emergence applicati­on. If used with care,the weedkillers are highly effective in maintaining the soil free of weeds and hence in increas­ing root crop yields.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык