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Английский (грамматика)

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Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Московская государственная академия тонкой химической технологии им.М.В.Ломоносова

Кафедра иностранных языков

Соколюк З.Н.

Сулицкая Е.Е.

Контрольные задания на

английском языке

по основным грамматическим темам

Учебно-методическое пособие

Москва, 2003 год



УДК 536.122

СОКОЛЮК З.Н., Сулицкая Е.Е.

Контрольные задания на английском языке по

основным грамматическим темам.

Учебно-методическое пособие - М.,ИПЦ МИТХТ, 2003,

40 стр.

Утверждено Библиотечно-издательской

комиссией МИТХТ ИМ.М.В.Ломоносова в качестве

учебно-методического пособия.

Данное методическое пособие предназначено

для студентов 3 курса и способствует формированию

у обучающихся устойчивого навыка узнавания и воспроизведения т.н. «ядерных структур» английского


Пособие может использоваться как на аудиторных занятиях, так и в самостоятельной работе.

Рецензент: к.ф.н. доц. Васильев Ю.А. (кафедра иностранных языков)

© МИТХТ ИМ.М.В.Ломоносова, 2003г.




1. Определите номер подлежащего и сказуемого в данных предложениях, обращая внимание на порядок

слов английского предложения, строевые слова и

формальные признаки.




1. The xxxxxs



1 2



2. Is ххххх а хххххх?




З.Тhе ххххх does not хххххх to the ххххххх.




4.The xxxxxxs do not ххххх to the ххххх.




5.Ххххххх xxxxxxes хххххх.






6. In ххх ххххх

ххххх§ хххххх







--ТХХххххз--хххххх to the хххххххх.

11.Переведите данные предложения на русский язык,

обращая внимание на функцию следующих слов: woгk,

study, visit, wateг.

1.This woгk is veгy impoгtant foг оиг laboгatoгy. 2.тhеу woгk in this laboгatoгy eveгy day.

З.Не is inteгested in this woгk. 4.Не woгks haгd in the laboгatoгy.

5.The woгks of the Russian Academy of Sciences weгe pubIished last month.

6.Chemistгy is ап expeгimental and theoгetical study of matteг.



7.The first- уеаг students study organic chemistry. B.AII the papers аге in his study.

9.тhе visit to the Institute was really interesting.

1O.These American scientists visit our Institute every уеаг. 11.0uг visits to the chemical plant were always rather fruitful.

12.Last уеаг а group of French chemists visited our laboratory and studied the results of the experiments. The scientists worked at this рroЫеm two years ago. 14.0uг lаЬ assistant waters flowers every day.

15.The waters of this channel аге absolutely clean. 16.Water dissolves sugar.

17.Could уои give те some water, please?

111. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого и обстоятельства времени.

1.The sсiепtists worked at this ргоЫет two years ago. 2.They will work at this ргоЫет next уеаг.

З.Wе usuaJly work at this laboratory bench.

4.Му friend works for Chemical Technologies Ltd. It is а

German сотрапу.

5.Не worked for Pгoctor & GambIe for 3 years.

6.They will study this ргоЫет next week.

7.Му friend studies the chemical properties of this substance.

8.They studied this theme last term.

9.Му foreign coJleagues will visit our department next week.

10. А group of Russian students visited the Ticurilla сотрапу last summer and studied some modern technological processes.

11.0uг scientists visit their foreign partners every уеаг.



IV. Определите инфИНИТИВ данных глаголов.

1.Studies, works, visited, made, studied, stopped, carried, played, found, took, brought, bought, gave, knew, does, did, went, goes, takes, carries, makes.

V. Из предложенного ниже списка подберите возможные обстоятельства времени для данных предложений.

1.His father worked for British Petrolium .'.

2.1 go to the libraгy.. .

з. Не was а trainee .. .

4.Не ... takes саге of the equipment.

5.Му chief is in the production meeting...

6.They will discuss this project...

7.We gave а presentation of the new drug...

8.They studied English...

Eveгy week, always, tomorгow, two years ago, last уеаг, now, yesterday evening , in the third уеаг.

YI. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время сказуемого.

1.Не always makes а lot of mistakes in his tests.

2.Yesterday morning he made the experiment twice. з. Who will make this experiment tomorгow?

4.The students of our Academy always take English textbooks at the libraгy.


Не took the data for his гepoгt fгom English and

American jouгnals.


If you аге veгy busy at the moment, 1'11take your books

fгom the libraгy.



7.Does he know the address of оиг Academy?

8.Не knew all his colleagues very well.

9.If something unexpected happens in the laboratory, 1'11 know at ones.

10.Let'sgo to the Dean'softice and ask the secretary about it.

11.Оп Monday the students of our gгoup usually go to the swimming pool.

12.We went to the department of Organic Chemistry yesterday moгning and spoke to pгofessor В

1з. We'll go to the laboratory of Organic Chemistry tomorгow morning.


1. Вставьте правильную форму глагола to Ье в данные


1.There ... а lot of laboratories at оиг Academy. 2.тhеге ... eight jouгnals and а book оп the desk. з.тhеге ... а big chemical plant in our town.

4.тhеге ... а big libraгy and two reading rooms at our Academy.

5.There ... some water in the bottle.

6.There ... а lot of offices in this building.

7.There ... а lot studепts at the conference last Tuesday.

8.There .... two lectures tomorrow.

9.There ... two test tubes оп the laboratoгy bench


10.There ... а very interesting aгticle оп this ргоЫеm in yesterday'snewspaper.



11. Подберите правильный перевод следующих предложений с английского языка на русский.

1.тhеге is ап English journal оп the tabIe. 2.The flask is оп the shelf.

з. There is а flask оп the shelf.

4.There аге а lot of students in the classroom. 5.The аге а lot of instruments in the tabIe. 6.There is а lot of fresh air in the гоот.

7.The air in the гоот is fresh.

8.There аге а lot of books оп Chemistry in our library. 9.The bookson Chemistry аге in the library.

10The English jouгnal is оп the tabIe. 11.The students аге in the classгoom. 12. The instruments аге in the tabIe.

а) В аудитории много студентов.

Ь) В нашей библиотеке много книг по химии. с) На столе лежит английский журнал.

d)Студенты находятся в аудитории. е) В комнате много свежего воздуха.

f)Книги по химии находятся в библиотеке.

g)Воздух в комнате свежий.

h)В столе находится много приборов.

1) Колба стоит на полке.

j)На полке стоит колба.

k)Английский журнал лежит на столе.

1)Приборы находятся в столе.

111.Переведите следующие предложения на русский

язык, обращая внимание на перевод much , тапу, few,

аfew, little, а little.

1.There is too much acid in the test tube.

2.There is little acid in the test tube.



З. There is а little acid in the test tube.

4.There аге very тапу clean flasks оп the shelf.

5.Theгe аге few clean flasks оп the shelf.

6.There аге а few clean flasks оп the shelf.

IVЛереведите следующие предложения на русский

ЯЗblК, обращая внимание на время сказуемого.

1.The students of оиг group аге working in the laboratory of Organic Chemistry now.

2. The students of оиг gгoup were wo.rking in the /aboratory of Organic Chemistry this time yesterday.

З. The students of оиг gгoup were working in the laboratory of Organic Chemistry when I сате.

4.This time tomorгow the students of оиг group will Ье working in the laboratory of Organic Chemistry.

5.The students of оиг gгoup worked in the laboratory of Organic Chemistry two days ago.

6.The students of оиг laboratory usually work in this laboratory twice а week.

7.In а month the students of оиг group will work in this laboratory.

8.I smell some gas.

9.I ат smelling this perfume.

10.The shampoo smells of fish.

11.Оиг first- уеаг students study а lot of important subjects.

12.Оиг first- уеаг students аге studying а lot of important subjects this term.

1З. She is doing а special training course now.

14.This time last month she was doing а special training course.

15.She will Ье doing а special training course this time next уеаг.



16.Two years ago she did а special training course.

17.She will do а special training course next уеаг.

У. Вставьте правильные

предлоги в данные

предложения. Возможны несколько вариантов.

1.тhеге аге а lot of laboгatory benches.... the laboratoгy.

2.тhеге is а chair ... window.

3.There is а ventilation hood .. , the laboratory bench.

4.The waste рарег basket is ... the floor... the tabIe.

5.AII the laboratory jouгnals аге ... the desk.

6.There is а swimming роо' ... our Academy.

7.Let'smeet ... McDonald's... 6 o'clock.

8.We have мо seminars '" Thuгsday.

9.We have ouг first ехат ... Christmas.

10.Не graduated from the University ... 1999.

11.I have ту English class ... the evening.

12.They discussed this ргоЫет ... Wednesdayafternoon.

13.There is а parking space (Iot) ... the supermarket and

the post office.

14.Some students .. , group have а job

15.Му friends work ." this companYt.

16.Нег biгthday is ... November 12 h.

17.Не usually has his practice ... Мау.

18.Не is а тетЬег .,. the International Students'Society.

19.Why аге you standing ... те?

20.Не Ьесате а student ... last уеаг

21.Take the device ... the tabIe.

22.Pour some water ... the flask.

23.She took а note book ... her bag.

24.They lived there ... years and then moved ... another





1.Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время английского глагола.

1.Peter has already made this experiment. Look at his records.

2.Peter made this experiment last term.

з. Peter had made the experiment before his supervisor


4.Peter will have made this experiment Ьу the end of Мау.

5.Peter will make this experiment in Мау.

6.Peter was making this experiment when his friend


7.Peter is making this experiment now.

8.Peter usually makes his experiments in the laboratoгy of

Organic Chemistгy.

9.Peter has made а lot of complex experiments this уеаг.

10.Peter has never made this experiment before.

11.Peter made this experiment for а month, but as his results were rather роог, he gave it up.

II.He переводя данные предложения на русский язык,

определите время данных сказуемых.

1.The хххх xxxxxs хххххх.

2.Ххххх xxxxxed хх ххххх.

з. Ххххх was xxxxing ххххх ххххх.

4.The хххххх will хххх ххх ххх.

5.Х ххххх had xxxxxed ххххх.

6.The ххххх wШ have xxxxed хххххх ххххх.

7.Хххх was xxxxxing х ххх.

8.The ххххх аге xxxing.

