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Murder for Christmas Part 2 Chapters 3.doc
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Part 2 Chapters 3, 4, 5


Active vocabulary words

  1. upholstery

  2. fade v.

  3. discord n.

  4. peal v.

  5. pantry n.

  6. dubiously adv.

  7. latch n.

  8. demurely adv.

  9. sheepishly adv.

  10. tilt n.

Word combinations

  1. to take no notice

  2. to keep (to be) in tune

  3. to look smb. up

  4. for a flash

  5. to butt in on smb.

  6. to and fro

Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

broad; voice; discord; bronzed; sweet; satin

1. ___________ upholstery

2. ___________ forehead

3. determined ___________

4. ___________ melody

5. harsh ___________

6. ___________ face

Match the following set phrases to their definitions. Find them in the text and suggest your variants of translating them in the context.

1. to take no notice

2. to look sb up

3. for a flash

4. to butt in

a. to pay no attention to sth. or sb.

b. to force oneself into the conversation or company of others

c. to visit someone you know, esp. when you are in the place where they live for

d. for a very short time


Allusion is a statement that refers to something in an indirect way. For example, David said that his mother read him Jack the Giant Killer when he was six years old. Here we have a reference, a hint about David’s mother perception of her husband, Simeon Lee.

Examples of allusion:

-Scrooge syndrome – (allusion on the rich, grieve and mean Ebeneezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens’s “Christmas Carol”)

- The software included a Trojan Horse – (allusion on the Trojan horse from Greek mythology)

Pick out and explain other examples of allusion in the text.

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Обивка дивана совсем потеряла цвет. Почему бы нам не купить новый диван?

  2. Мальчик услышал шаги в коридоре. «Не может быть!» – подумал он. «Я же закрыл дверь на защелку». На мгновение он затаил дыхание и прислушался к шагам. Они уже были где-то совсем близко.

  3. Что за невоспитанный ребенок! Разве можно так бесцеремонно входить!

  4. Пожалуйста, перестань ходить туда-сюда. У меня уже кружится от тебя голова!

Look at the following words from the story and write the correct form of the word in the blank spaces.











Complete the sentences with the correct idioms from the list. Be sure to put the verb in the correct person and tense.

take no notice

look smb. up

butt in on smb.

keep in tune

to and fro

  1. This is the best way to insure that your guitar will always be ……………………….

  2. Busses go …………………… between the center of the city and the city limits.

  3. When you are in town next time, ……. me…….. .

  4. I don’t like when my younger sister ……………………….. me, while I’m talking with my friends.

  5. The woodcutter declared that he had not seen the fox, and yet pointed to the hut where the latter lay hidden. The huntsman……………………………… of the signs, but believing his word, hastened forward in the chase.

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