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Eviews5 / EViews5 / Example Files / docs / Index_prg

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EViews 5 Sample Program Directory Index Each of the following links corresponds to a sample program directory located in ".\Example Files". Click on the appropriate link for an annotated depiction of the programs in a given directory. You may open any of these program files by clicking on File/Open/Program… in the main EViews menu, navigating to the directory, and selecting the appropriate file. To run the program, either click on in the program window, or enter the command run, followed by the program name, in the command window. See Chapter 6 of EViews 5 Command and Programming Reference for more details on EViews programming basics.   grad Sample programs for applications of gradients. graph Sample programs for graphs. logl Sample programs for the log-likelihood object as listed in Chapter 22 of the EViews 5 User's Guide.  model Sample programs for model object.  pool Sample programs for pool object. resample Sample programs for Monte Carlo methods.  roll Sample programs for moving (rolling) sample methods. series Sample programs for generating new series. Also see x12 and tramo. sspace Sample programs for state space object applications. stats Sample programs for generating statistics. tramo Sample programs for running Tramo/Seats.  var Sample programs for vector autoregression (VAR) object. x12 Sample programs for running the Census X12 seasonal adjustment program. Also contains example programs to compare X12 and Tramo/Seats.

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