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Николаенко Н.Н. - Психология творчества

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Our main goal is to understand how visuo-spatial, particularly creative, thinking is supported by brain structures, and by the interaction of the cerebral hemispheres.

According to Yurii Lotman (1978) a necessary condition for each intellectual structure is its internal sign heterogeneity. No thinking system can consist of a single-language: it must include sign structures of different languages which are mutually untranslatable. In other words, there are two models of languages in human culture which are in competitive relations: a verbal-discrete language and a language of visual spatial images.

One of the languages - the verbal one - is connected with discrete sign elements and with a linear sequence of text organization. The other language - the language of images - is based on iconic or representational signs and is characterized by continuity and spatial organization of elements. In the case when it is necessary to convey a text by means of the language of images, exact translation of speech is impossible. Opposite pairs can be conventionally distinguished in bipolar organization at different levels of intellectual activity.

Bipolar organization at different levels of intellectual activity




continual icons signs






adult historical


childish mythological






verbal narration


iconic activity












perception and creation of whole musical





The world of childish mentality - which is mainly mythological - does not disappear and ought not to disappear in the mentality of an adult. It continues functioning as a generator of associations and one of active modeling mechanisms without which it is impossible to understand the behavior of an adult.

The impossibility of exact text translation from one language into another is the result of their different structure: in discrete languages the text disintegrates into signs whereas in continual languages the text itself is a sign; it is isomorphic with the sign.

Cognition of the world is constructed as a continuous system of internal translations. Translation of the untranslatable is essentially the mechanism of new thought creation.


The functional asymmetry of the brain is therefore of central importance, i.e., semiotic specification in the work of the left and right hemispheres. The scientific problem is to understand how the verbal language and the language of spatial images are connected with activity of the brain.

According to our hypothesis each of the hemispheres, while participating in activity of some kind, employs its own sign system. On the one hand, there exists a direct isomorphic perception of reality. It relies on an iconic sign system, i.e. on spontaneous images. These images are dependent on peculiarities of personality and emotional states. Variability and originality of the visual-spatial images implies that they are formed in perceptual space, in the individual's space of perception. Mechanisms of such perception are concentrated in the right hemisphere.

On the other hand, there exist conceptual reflections of reality. They are based on logical processing of sensual impressions. Such reflections rely on a symbolic sign system. Their mechanisms are concentrated in the left hemisphere.

During the process of world perception, each hemisphere employs its own language, its own sign model of the world. In the norm a continuous interaction and interference of sign systems of the right and left hemispheres take place and this seems to be a cardinal mechanism of mental activity, a mechanism of the creation of a new thought.

Already in the 1970s, ideas that mechanisms of speech and verbal thought were localized only in the left

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hemisphere while mechanisms of processing visuo-spatial information were connected with the right hemisphere proved at variance with experimental data and a need appeared to revise them. At present, it can be affirmed that both the left and the right hemisphere possess their own specific speech-and-

Inter action of the left and right hemispheres in creative process




Use of symbols; creation and

Use of icons; creation and

transformation of new symbol and a

transformation of new image of the

notion (concept) of the object


object itself


of integral


Correct spatial articulation of different

participation and fragmentation


parts in whole image; combination of





different parts of different objects





Whole, regular and coherent structure of

acknowledge of inner structure of real

visual space, followed by creation of





whole symmetrical forms.

Preference for the right spatial field

Preference to the left spatial field

Representation of geometry of objective

Representation of geometry of visible

space (a set of technical drawings

space (creation of volume illusion on

methods, plane solution)


the plane)

Representation of distant space (direct

Representation of near space (reversed

perspective, far point of view)


perspective, near point of view)



A system of binary oppositions «up-

Creation and perception of distant

down», «left-right», and, then






(AUTUMN-(decrepitude)-OLD AGE)





Metaphorical thought (AUTUMN-

Symbolic substitution of whole by part


Linear order, logical coherence and








thought (AUTUMN-














thought mechanisms. The right hemisphere is capable of differentiation between grammatical categories, of integrated perception and statement integration, understanding metaphors and idioms; it is capable of solving syllogisms based on experience from the real world [see reviews by Cook, 1986; Deglin, 1996]. However in general this problem remains unsolved. In particular it is unclear how the right and left hemispheres interact while performing visuospatial analysis and language processing.

Our results show that, under various conditions of brain activity, different and mutually complementary modes of space reflection arise. In some states (left hemisphere suppression with the right hemisphere active; neuroleptic injection; depression) the creation of a visual image of a volumetric object from the viewpoint of normal (routine) vision is characteristic. The synthesis of different projections evidences an ability to integrate the diversity of the object's sides from different viewpoints in the process of „mental rotation" of an object. The ability of the right hemisphere to provide "mental rotation" in the process of representation perception has been reported earlier.

Since the object geometry changes depending on the point of view, representations of visible geometry created by the right hemisphere also reflect the perceptive space. In other words, the right hemisphere forms the person's perceptive space.

In another states (right hemisphere suppression with the left hemisphere active; after injection of psychotropic drugs (antidepressants) which improve mood; manic state) the patient's drawings lose the illusion of three-dimensionality. This is achieved via schematization and employment of technical drawing methods. The drawings lose vividness, likeness to the object; the represented scene is removed from the observer via a decrease in dimensions and perspective reductions. Thus, under predominance of left hemisphere activation, there is a tendency to reproduce knowledge, an idea of the object, and to represent it in the far space.

The image which appears in the inner space needs to be transferred into an essentially different language, i.e. a left hemispheric language of signs. This language operates with a finite number of discrete units,

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logical succession, and learned grammar rules. This process can be explained by activation (information) transfer from the right hemisphere to the left. Thus the natural and spontaneous creative process, which is finished by a conscious effort, can be understood as an activation impulse transfer from the right hemisphere to the left and back.

In the dialogue between the sign systems a beautiful idea has the last word, i.e. a sense of beauty obtained by Homo Sapiens in the evolution process.

However, permanently enforced pressing of the left hemisphere on the right one has a negative effect as well. Vivid spontaneous impressions are substituted by artificial schemes. Theoretical thinking begins to suffice on human being in educational process. The orientation on logical thinking induces difficulties in human being adaptation. The laws of formal logic lead to false conclusions. Dogmas of totalitarian regime may be established. Anyway, the life of human being is in certain equilibrium, when theoretical knowledge is balanced by vivid spontaneous experience.

Николай Николаевич Николаенко ПСИХОЛОГИЯ ТВОРЧЕСТВА Учебное пособие Директор Л. Янковский

Главный редактор И. Авидон Ведущий редактор О. Гончукова Технический редактор О. Колесниченко

Корректор А. Борисенкова Художественный редактор П. Борозенец Подписано в печать 10.10.2005. Формат 70х100'/|6. Усл. печ. л. 22,1. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ № 4319

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