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V. Insert by or with.

  1. The window was broken ______ a hammer.

  2. He was knocked down _______ a car.

  3. The lion was shot ______ a rifle.

  4. That novel was written _______ D. Lawrence.

  5. The garden was dug ______ a spade.

  6. The city was attacked _______ the enemy.

  7. The pudding was made ______ fruit and chocolate.

  8. He was hit ______ a handbag.

  9. The picture was painted ______ Pollack.

  10. The house was built ______ wood and bricks.

VI. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences.

  1. Rare bird found in remote countryside

  2. Queen welcomed to Australia yesterday

  3. New Jersey to be hit by bad weather tomorrow

  4. Five people injured in car accident

  5. Experiments being carried out on Moon rocks

  6. Pop concert called off yesterday because of rain

VII. Use the verbs in the correct form.

  1. I`ve collected all the documents that (need) for the house sale. Can you take them to the lawyer`s office to (sign)?

  2. Look, this is a secret. Come into the garden where we (not/overhear).

  3. If you hadn`t been so late for work, you (not/sack).

  4. This office is very inefficient. The telephone (never/answer) promptly, no proper records (keep), and, worst of all, no reports (written) for weeks.

  5. I was so worried about my garden while I was in hospital, but I have very good neighbours. When I got home I could see that the vegetables (water) every day and the grass (cut) regularly.

  6. Can you come to the police station? The man who (suspect) of stealing your wallet (arrest), and (question) at the moment. The police hope he (identify), either by you or another witness.

  7. We had hoped to see several famous paintings, but the gallery (reorganise) at the time of our visit and most of the really valuable works (move) for safe keeping.

VIII. Correct the mistake, if any.

  1. My neighbour is very proud of her new grandson who born last week.

  2. I`m very fond of this old brooch because it was belonged to my grandmother.

  3. My family live in Scotland but I was educated in France.

  4. I`m afraid I can`t lend you my camera. It`s repairing this week.

  5. The bridge was collapsed during the floods but fortunately no one was using it at the time.

  6. If you aren`t careful what you`re doing with that hammer someone will hurt in a minute!

  7. The word `stupid` was in my report but it wasn`t referred to you.

  8. I`m sorry I`m late. I got held up in the traffic.

  9. When did you discover that the money had been disappeared?

  10. Children under the age of seven do not allow in this pool.

IX. Complete the sentences using the right tense of get or be.

  1. I never found that book we were looking for. It ________ lost when we moved house.

  2. After the way he behaved last time he went to their house it`s unlikely he _______ asked there again.

  3. Naturally this vase is expensive. After all, it ______ believed to be over three hundred years old.

  4. I phoned to explain what had happened but I ________ cut off before I could finish.

  5. There isn`t any cheese left; I`m afraid, it _______ eaten by the children.

  6. He was a well-known expert on animal diseases and his opinions ________ greatly respected.

  7. The competition is stiff and she`ll be thrilled if her design ______ chosen.

  8. The book _______ torn when the children started fighting over who should read it first.

  9. Please don`t touch anything on my desk. You _______ employed to answer the telephone, not to tidy the office.

  10. She was quite friendly at first, then she _______ promoted and now she doesn`t care about us any more.

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