module test 1
.docxModule 1
Total 20 points _________
Name _________________________
Date __________________________
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verbs form, active or passive, positive or negative. (5 points)
A German architect, Werner Sisslinger, thinks that he (1) __________ (find) the answer to our crowded cities. He (2) ________ (invent) a portable micro-appartment. These apartments (3) _________ (call) ‘Loftcubs’, and they can (4) ________ (lift) onto any empty flat roof by helicopter. Each Loftcube (5) ________ (design) with a kitchen and bathroom, as well as a large living room.
Complete the sentences with these expressions in the correct form. Do not use them all. (5 points)
make up for sth., make the big time, do without sb., make sth in time, make off with sth., make sth of smb., could do with sth. |
Wow. Look at your name in lights outside the theatre! You’ve really ______________________!
Thank you so much for helping me! I couldn’t _________________.
A.: What happened to my ham sandwich?
B.: I’m afraid the dog grabbed it and _______________! Sorry!
Flowers and chocolates? I know you’re trying to ________________ forgetting my birthday. But you’ll have to try harder than that.
I’m really hungry. I _________ a big steak and chips right now.
Use those words to make a small story. (5 points)
runway, crash helmet, traffic lights, traffic jam, hang luggage.
Translate into English. (5 points).
Вона дуже талановита. Було б добре, щоб батьки купили їй піаніно Якщо вона почне грати зараз, вона буде видатним музикантом.
Якби мої батьки були багаті, вини б уже давно купили мені автомобіль.
Вона здорова. Якби вона була хвора, її брат сказав би мені про це.
Якби він не був такий короткозорий, він би впізнав мене вчора в театрі.
Шкода, що ви на чули музики Рахманова. Якби ви її чули, ви б знали який це чудовий композитор.