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Wilkinson. Essential Neurology 2005

3.29 Mб


Myasthenia gravis


Ocular involvement common in myasthenia gravis.

Myasthenia should be considered in any unexplained ophthalmoplegia, even if it looks like a 4th, 6th or partial 3rd nerve palsy (see pp. 119 and 164–6).




Eye movement abnormality which doesn't necessarily match gaze palsy, internuclear ophthalmoplegia,

or cranial nerve palsy



Normal pupils


Graves’ disease is the only common myopathy to involve eye muscles.

The patient may be hyperthyroid, euthyroid or hypothyroid.

Inflammatory swelling of the external ocular muscles within the orbit, often leading to fibrosis, is responsible.

Involvement of the external ocular muscles in other forms of myopathy occurs, but is exceedingly rare.


Often asymmetrical Sometimes unilateral Proptosis

Lid retraction Lid lag

Ophthalmoplegia in any direction Normal pupils

Concomitant squint

Very common.

Caused by dissimilar visual acuity and refractive properties in the two eyes from an early age.

Proper binocular fixation has never been established.

Known as amblyopia.

Fixation is by the better-seeing eye; the image from the amblyopic eye is suppressed, so there is no complaint of double vision.

Horner’s syndrome


Caused by loss of sympathetic innervation to the eye.

The sympathetic supply to the face and eye is derived from the hypothalamic region, descends ipsilaterally through the brainstem and cervical cord, and reaches the sympathetic chain via the motor root of T1. From the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion, the fibres pass along the outer sheath of the common carotid artery. Fibres to the eye travel via the internal carotid artery and its ophthalmic branch. Fibres to the face travel with the external carotid artery.


Non-paralytic, each eye possessing a full range of movement when tested individually with the other eye covered

When one eye is covered, the other fixes. Alternate covering of each eye shows a refixation movement in each eye very clearly


Minor degree of ptosis

Small pupil


Loss of sweating on the affected side of the face





After 1 min of bright sunshine


After 30 min of bright sunshine



Resistance to backward movement of the globe in the orbit

Palpable orbital mass

Globe displacement in the orbit by the mass

Distortion of the eyelid

Mechanical limitation of eye movement in the orbit

Possible impairment of vision in the affected eye


Holmes–Adie syndrome


Often unilateral.

An interesting curiosity of no sinister significance.

Very slow pupillary reaction to light, myotonic pupil (left eye in diagram).

Absent deep tendon reflexes in the limbs is a common accompaniment, especially knee and ankle jerks.

Site of pathology uncertain.

Argyll–Robertson pupil




• Very uncommon.



• Asign of tertiary syphilis.



• Site of pathology uncertain.

Small, unequal, not round, irregular




No reaction to light


Normal reaction to accommodation

Orbital mass lesions



benign tumours;

malignant tumours, primary or secondary;

extension of inflammatory pathology from the paranasal sinuses;

non-neoplastic inflammatory infiltrate at the back of the orbit, so-called ‘pseudotumour’.

CT scanning of the orbits is the most helpful investigation.



Trigeminal (5) nerve

Sensory loss in the face is very noticeable, as a visit to the dentist which requires a local anaesthetic will remind us. Sensory loss affecting the cornea can lead unwittingly to serious corneal damage. Pain in the face is very intrusive.

Figures 8.8 and 8.9 demonstrate the relevant clinical anatomical features of the trigeminal nerve. The following points are worth noting:

the upper border of sensory loss in a trigeminal nerve lesion lies between the ear and the vertex, and the lower border is above the angle of the jaw. Patients with non-organic sensory loss on the face tend to have the junction of forehead and scalp as the upper border, and the angle of the jaw as the lower border;

the corneal reflex requires corneal, not scleral, stimulation, and the response (mediated through the 7th cranial nerve) is to blink bilaterally. It can therefore be tested in the presence of an ipsilateral 7th nerve lesion;

the jaw-jerk, like any other stretch reflex, is exaggerated in the presence of an upper motor neurone lesion. In the case of the jaw-jerk, the lesion must be above the level of the trigeminal motor nucleus in the pons. In patients with upper motor neurone signs in all four limbs, an exaggerated jaw-jerk is sometimes helpful in suggesting that the lesion is above the pons, rather than between the pons and the mid-cervical region of the spinal cord;

pathology in the cavernous sinus affects only the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve, as the mandibular branch has dived through the foramen ovale, behind the cavernous sinus. Similarly, orbital pathology affects only the ophthalmic branch, since the maxillary branch has

exited the skull through the foramen rotundum posterior to the orbit.

Figure 8.9 gives information about the diseases that may affect the trigeminal nerve. There are really only two common ones: trigeminal neuralgia and herpes zoster.

Trigeminal neuralgia is described in Chapter 13 (see p. 219), and is the most common disease affecting the trigeminal nerve. It can be caused by irritation of the nerve as it enters the brainstem (for example by an adjacent blood vessel) or within the brainstem itself (rarely; for example by multiple sclerosis). Presumably abnormal paroxysmal discharges within the nerve give rise to the lancinating pain.


C2 + 3



C2 + 3

Fig. 8.8 Areas of the skin supplied by each branch of the trigeminal nerve and the 2nd and 3rd cervical dermatomes.



Fig. 8.9 Diagram to show the trigeminal nerve, and the diseases that may affect it.


5a Ophthalmic




Pons peduncles

5b Maxillary



Mandibular, with motor branches to masseter, temporal and pterygoid muscles

Orbital and




cavernous sinus


angle, subarachnoid




space and skull base




Acoustic neuroma




Basal meningitis


A–V fistula


Malignant infiltration

Multiple sclerosis



from nasopharynx




Trigeminal neuralgia


Herpes zoster (shingles) affecting the trigeminal nerve is also mentioned in Chapter 13 (see p. 220) and in Chapter 15 (see p. 239). Though the virus is in the trigeminal ganglion, clinical involvement is most usually confined to the skin and cornea supplied by the ophthalmic branch. The painful vesicular rash, sometimes preceded by pain for a few days and sometimes followed by pain for ever, is similar to shingles elsewhere in the body. The involvement of the cornea, however, makes urgent ophthalmic referral essential, and the use of local, oral, or parenteral antiviral agents (like aciclovir) important. Parenteral administration is especially likely if there is any evidence of immunosuppression in the patient.


Facial (7) nerve

Figure 8.10 shows the peripheral distribution of the facial nerve. The nerve leaves the pons in the cerebellopontine angle. It provides autonomic efferent fibres to lacrimal and salivary glands, collects afferent taste fibres from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and provides the innervation of the stapedius muscle in the ear, before emerging from the stylomastoid foramen behind and below the ear to innervate the facial muscles as shown in Fig. 8.10.

Proximal lesions of the facial nerve produce, therefore, in addition to weakness of all the ipsilateral facial muscles, an alteration of secretion in the ipsilateral lacrimal and salivary glands, impairment of taste perception on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and hyperacusis (sounds heard abnormally loudly) in the ear on the side of the lesion. If the lesion has been complete, with Wallerian axonal degeneration distal to the site of the lesion, recovery is rarely complete and re-innervation is often incorrect. Axons, which used to supply the lower part of the face, may regrow along Schwann tubes which lead to the upper part of the face, and vice versa. Patients in whom this has happened are unable to contract part of their facial muscles in isolation. When they close their eyes vigorously, there is retraction of the corner of the mouth on the affected side. When they contract mouth muscles as in whistling, there is eye muscle contraction and possible closure on the side of the lesion. Sometimes, axons that used to supply the salivary glands find their way to the lacrimal glands. In such patients, tears may form excessively in the eye of the affected side at mealtimes.

Bell’s palsy

The common disease of the facial nerve is Bell’s palsy. The cause of this condition is not certain, although there is some evidence to suggest inflammation due to reactivation of herpes simplex virus within the nerve ganglion in many cases. The lesion is usually proximal enough to have effects on taste and hearing. After some aching around the ear, the facial weakness develops quite quickly within 24 hours. It affects all the facial muscles including the forehead, which distinguishes it from supranuclear facial weakness (for example due to a stroke) where the forehead is spared. The patient is usually very concerned by the facial appearance. Drainage of tears from the eye may be disturbed on the affected side because the eyelids lose close apposition with the globe of the eye, so the eye waters. The cornea may be vulnerable because of impaired eye closure. Speaking, eating and drinking may be difficult because of the weakness around the mouth.




Internal auditory meatus

Stylomastoid foramen










pons in


























Taste in anterior



two-thirds of

Petrous temporal bone,


containing inner and



middle ear



Fig. 8.10 The peripheral distribution of the facial nerve to the muscles of the face, and a highly diagrammatic representation of the proximal part of the facial nerve within the petrous temporal bone.

The risk of poor recovery is increased if the facial paralysis is complete, if there is hyperacusis or loss of taste, if the patient is pregnant or elderly, and if the nerve is electrically inexcitable (if neurophysiological studies are done).

Care of the eye, encouragement and facial exercises in the mirror are all that can be offered in the way of treatment in the acute stage, unless the patient is seen within 72 hours of onset when a short course of steroids may improve the patient’s prospects for recovery.

Rarer causes of facial palsy

Herpes zoster affecting the geniculate ganglion, which lies on the course of the facial nerve. Vesicles may appear in the external auditory meatus or soft palate to indicate this cause of the facial palsy. This is known as the Ramsay–Hunt syndrome and behaves like an idiopathic Bell’s palsy from the point of view of recovery.

Trauma, fractures involving the petrous temporal bone.

Middle ear infection, acute or chronic.

Diabetes mellitus.


Acoustic neuroma, either before or after its removal from the cerebellopontine angle.

Surgery in the ear and parotid gland region.

Lyme disease.

Pregnancy increases the risk of Bell’s palsy (as Bell himself recognized).










The cortex most dedicated to auditory and vestibular function is in the superior temporal gyrus

Cochlear and vestibular nuclei in the pons, relaying input from the 8th nerve to cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord

External, middle and inner ear in the petrous temporal bone



Eighth, cochleovestibular nerve

Fig. 8.11 The left-hand side of the diagram shows detail of the inner ear in the petrous temporal bone. The right-hand side of the diagram shows the central connections of the 8th nerve.

Cochleo-vestibular (8) nerve

Figure 8.11 reminds us of the extremely delicate structure of the cochlea and labyrinth within the petrous temporal bone, of the radiation of incoming information from the inner ear throughout the CNS, and of the localization of auditory and vestibular functions in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus in the cerebral hemisphere.

The common symptoms and signs found in patients with cochleo-vestibular disorders, and the common tests used to evaluate them, appear below.



















• Deafness

• Deafness of sensorineural type

• Audiometry


• Tinnitus

• Nystagmus

• Auditory evoked potentials



Positional nystagmus

Caloric responses


Loss of balance

Ataxia of gait




















Common causes of deafness and loss of balance

Fig. 8.12 The main diseases affecting hearing, balance, or both.

The top section of Fig. 8.12 demonstrates that the common causes of deafness are in the external, middle or inner ear.

Acoustic neuroma is an occasional cause of slowly progressive unilateral nerve deafness. Ideally, it should be diagnosed and treated at this stage, before it has caused other evidence of a cerebellopontine space-occupying lesion (i.e. 5th and 7th cranial nerve palsy, ipsilateral cerebellar signs, and raised intracranial pressure). The tumour is a benign one, derived from the Schwann cells on the 8th nerve.

The main diseases affecting hearing:

8th nerve

Acoustic neuroma



Acoustic trauma

External and middle ear


Otitis media



The main disease affecting hearing and balance:

Cochlea and labyrinth

Ménière's disease

The main diseases affecting balance:


Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Acute vestibular failure (acute labyrinthitis or vestibular neuronitis

Drugs (e.g. streptomycin)


Vascular disease Demyelination Drugs (e.g. anticonvulsants)


Ménière’s disease is depicted in the central section of Fig. 8.12. It is probably due to a lesion in the endolymph in both the cochlea and the labyrinth. It therefore causes auditory and vestibular symptoms. The typical patient is middle-aged with a history of unilateral deafness and tinnitus, followed by episodes of very severe vertigo, vomiting and ataxia lasting hours. It is not easy to treat.

The common diseases to affect balance without hearing loss are shown in the lower part of Fig. 8.12. It can be seen that the lesion is likely to be central in the brainstem, or peripheral in the labyrinth.

Episodes of ischaemia or infarction in the brainstem, or episodes of demyelination in patients with multiple sclerosis, are the common structural lesions in the brainstem to disturb balance. Such lesions commonly produce other neurological signs (cranial nerve, cerebellar or long tract in the limbs).

The diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is suggested by the occurrence of intermittent transient vertigo lasting less than 30 seconds strongly related to putting the head into a specific position. Turning over in bed, lying down in bed and looking upwards are common precipitants. No abnormalities are found on examination except for definite positional nystagmus. Spontaneous resolution of the problem occurs after a few months.

Perhaps the commonest type of severe vertigo is due to sudden vestibular failure. This denotes the sudden occurrence of rotatory vertigo, gait ataxia, vomiting and the need to stay in bed. Lateralized nystagmus and gait ataxia are the two abnormal physical signs. The incapacity lasts very severely for a few days and then gradually resolves over 4–6 weeks. Head movement aggravates the symptoms so the patient keeps still in bed in the acute stage, and walks with his head rather set on his shoulders in the convalescent stage. The underlying pathology is not certain. The problem may follow an upper respiratory infection and occasionally occurs in epidemics, hence the use of the diagnostic terms acute labyrinthitis or vestibular neuronitis.

Drugs that impair balance include:

amino-glycoside antibiotics, such as streptomycin and gentamicin, which may permanently impair vestibular function if toxic blood levels are allowed to accumulate;

anticonvulsants, barbiturates and alcohol which impair the function of the brainstem/cerebellum whilst blood levels are too high.




Spinal accessory (11) nerve

This nerve arises from the upper segments of the cervical spinal cord, ascends into the skull through the foramen magnum, only to exit the skull again with the 9th and 10th cranial nerves through the jugular foramen. The nerve then travels down the side of the neck to supply the sternomastoid muscle, and then crosses the posterior triangle of the neck quite superficially to supply the upper parts of the trapezius muscle.

Lesions of this nerve are uncommon. It is very vulnerable to surgical trauma in the posterior triangle of the neck. Loss of function in the upper part of the trapezius muscle produces a significant disability in the shoulder region. The scapula and shoulder sag downwards and outwards in the resting position. Arm elevation is impaired because of poor scapular stability and rotation, as illustrated in Fig. 8.13.




A patient, seen from behind, with a right-sided accessory nerve palsy: (a) at rest, (b) attempting to lift his arms to the horizontal position, and (c) attempting to lift his arms as high as possible

(the scapulae are shown in green)

The first half of the shoulder abduction requires good scapula stabilization by the trapezius (and other muscles), so that deltoid muscle contraction can take the arm to the horizontal position

The second half of the shoulder abduction requires elevation of the shoulder and scapula rotation through almost 90° by the trapezius (and other muscles)

Fig. 8.13 The importance of the trapezius muscle in arm elevation.

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