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Середа Татьяна Константиновна МОУ СОШ №20 г.Белгород

Контрольная работа №5


Базовый уровень А 2+

Установите соответствие между заголовками AD и параграфами 1 – 3. Занесите

свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании

один лишний заголовок. Если вы затрудняетесь соотнести какой-либо текст с

темой, то ставьте в таблице знак Х под номером этого текста.

A Medical charges

B Patients’ rights

C Health reforms

D National medical system

E Family doctors

1. The National Health Service (NHS) provides com­prehensive medical care which is available to all residents, regardless of their income. The NHS is financed mainly out of general taxation. Some forms of treatment, such as hospital care, are provided free; others are charged for. People are free to choose their family doctor, dentist, optician and pharmacist, who have contracts with the NHS.

2. Family doctors provide the first diagnosis of an illness and either prescribe a suitable course of treatment or refer a patient for more specialised treatment elsewhere. About 80 per cent work in partnerships or group practices, often as members of primary health care teams.

3. Patients pay for medical prescriptions, although in prac­tice almost 80 per cent are supplied free, since charges do not apply to people on low incomes, children, expectant mothers, pensioners and other groups. Charges are made for dental treatment under the NHS, although people on low incomes receive free treatment, as do pregnant women, children and young people below the age of 18. NHS hospital treatment is free.

4. Under recent wide-ranging reforms in management and patient care, each health authority is funded to buy health care for its local residents through con­tracts with public or private hospitals. Hospitals may apply to become self-governing trusts, independent of health authority control, but remaining part of the NHS; they treat NHS patients and are funded largely through contracts with health authorities and with those family doctors who choose to become responsible for part of their own NHS budgets. Trusts may also treat private patients.

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Повышенный уровень В 1

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 6 частями предложений, обозначенных буквами А - G. Одна из частей в списке А – G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Most practicing general physicians in Great Britain are part of the National Health Service, although 1 ……………………….. Established in 1948, the service provides full, and in most cases, free medical care to all residents. Patients, who may opt for a particular physician, pay minimal charges for prescriptions, adult dental treatment, eyeglasses and dentures, and 2 ………………………. , such as vaccinations. Most dentists, pharmacists, and medical specialists take part in the service. Each general practitioner may have no more than 3500 registered patients under the plan, for each of whom 3 ………………The National Health Service is financed through general taxation, with national insurance payments contributing some 14% of the total cost. The national insurance system, put into full operation in 1948, 4 ………………………….for industrial injuries, illness, unemployment, maternity costs, and for children in certain circumstances, as well as allowances for guardians and widows, retirement pensions, and death payments. Retirement benefits are paid to men at the age of 65 and to women at the age of 60. Family allowances are payable for all children up to the ages of 16 to 19, or when 5 ........................The insurance system assists the needy through weekly cash benefits and special services for the handicapped. Most of these services are financed partly through compulsory weekly contributions by employers and employees and partly by the government out of general taxation. Expenditures on health and social security accounted for about 47% of 6 .……….. in the early 1990s. At that time, life expectancy at birth in the United Kingdom averaged 79 years for women and 73 for men; the infant mortality rate was 6.6 per 1000 live births.

A insurance system

B he or she receives a fee

C some locally administered services

D all government spending

E provides benefits

F. the child leaves school

G some also have private patients







Высокий уровень B2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А1 – А5, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


After C. P. Lance

At one of the hospitals in a certain town there worked two young doctors. Let's call them Dr. P. and Dr. Q. They were very good friends — these doctors, P. and Q., and they had been good friends for a long time. They had studied at the same medical school under the same professors, and, what was even more important in strengthening their friendship, they had lived in the same room during their course of studies.

Now they worked at the same hospital and always dis­cussed what was most interesting to both of them — how to treat their patients.1

Their approach to the problem was quite different, though they had studied under the same professors.

Dr. P. was for a thorough investigation of the patients' health and condition, for a set of thorough analyses before the patient's illness could be diagnosed. He was against chance taking any part in diagnosis.

As for Dr. Q., he said that a thorough investigation and sets of analyses were important, but could sometimes be wrong, and it was just as important for a doctor to use his talent, experience, and intuition when diagnosing a patient's illness, all the more so, since sometimes there was no time for a thorough investigation and analyses — something had to be done quickly to save the patient's life.

The nurses at the hospital thought Dr. P. to be a better doctor than his friend, for whatever he did, he always did it thoroughly. 'One feels sure with him,' they said. As for Dr. Q., some of the nurses thought that he took the treatment of his patients too lightly, because he sometimes diagnosed their illnesses at once, before making a thorough investiga­tion. It was true that he always diagnosed them correctly, but people thought that he was sometimes too quick in his decisions.

One day a worker was brought to the hospital. He had suddenly fallen ill at the plant where he worked. There hadn't been any accident. He had just fallen ill, and fallen seriously ill.

The doctors examined the man but could not diagnose his illness for sure. It was clear that the man was suffering greatly and that he took his suffering bravely. But what did he suffer from? — that was the question.

Dr. P. ordered a thorough investigation of the patient; but when Dr. Q. examined him, he thought that the man must be operated on at once. It seemed to him that he knew the man's illness. But how could the man be operated on before all the analyses were made, before one knew for sure what was wrong with him?

Late that night the man's condition became much worse, and he nearly died. It was Dr. Q. and the nurse on duty, who were with him all the time, who managed to save the man's life.

Next day, when the results of the analyses came, it became quite clear that an operation was absolutely necessary, and that valuable time had been lost.

After the operation the man felt better and was later able to go back to his work at the plant. Nothing terrible had happened. The man was well again.

A1. The nurses at the hospital thought Dr. P. to be a better doctor than his friend because

1. he was for a set of thorough analyses

2. he was for a thorough investigation of the patients' health and condition

3. he was against chance

4. for whatever he did, he always did it thoroughly

A2. The nurses at the hospital thought that Dr. Q. took the treatment of his patients too lightly because

1. he was against a set of thorough analyses

2. he was against a thorough investigation of the patients' health and condition

3. he diagnosed their illnesses at once

4. he was sometimes too quick

A3. One day was brought to the hospital.

1. a worker

2. a seriously ill worker

3. a worker from the plant

4. a suffering worker

A4. Dr. P. ordered a thorough investigation of the patient because

1. he didn’t know the illness

2. he couldn’t operate the man without analyses

3. Dr. Q. thought that the man must be operated on at once

4. they both couldn’t put the diagnose

A5. Dr. Q. thought that the man must be operated on at once because

1. he knew the man's illness

2. it seemed to him that he knew the man's illness

3. that valuable time would be lost

4. he thought that an operation was absolutely necessary


Student Cards

Task 1 (3-4 min)

Give a talk on the topic “What benefits do people receive?”

Remember to speak about:

  • social payments;

  • different categories of citizens and their rights;

  • benefits, which are paid to different categories of people in Russia (the UK or the USA);

  • medical care through social programmes;

  • how elderly people live in different countries.

Task 2 (1, 5 -2 min)

You and some of your friends have come to a home for elderly people with presents. You want to know as much as possible about the life of these people and ask the director the following questions:

You are discussing the most important points of your work with your friend. You want to know:

  • who lives in the home;

  • why these people don’t live with their families;

  • if they are unable to look after themselves;

  • what they think about their life in the home;

  • what allowances they have;

  • what they can buy at a reduced prices.

You will start the conversation

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask all the questions to get the necessary information.

Task 3 (4-5 min)

You and your friend are discussing contributions of different categories of people to our society. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society.

You have to decide which type of contribution is valued more by our society and explain why. Give specific reasons to support your answer.

You begin the conversation.

Remember to:

  • discuss all the points;

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

  • come up with suggestions;

  • give reasons;

  • invite your partner to come up with suggestions;

  • find out your partner’s attitudes and take them into account;

  • come to an agreement.

Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10.