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Some of the ceremonies in London date back to medieval times. One of the strange ones is

The Boar's Head Gift. The Butcher's Company pre­sents the Mayor with a boar's head on

a silver plate every year, as a payment for lands granted in the 14th century.


The famous red telephone boxes were designed by architect Giles Gilbert Scott in the 1920s. The colour red was chosen to make them easy to spot. Sadly, these images of England are now disappear­ing. After the privatization of the Post Office Telephone, British Telecom began to replace them with a new model.


It was British comic Lenny Henry who came up with the idea. "Why not have fun and help peo­ple at the same time?" he thought. Other comics liked the idea and in 1985 a special organization — Comic Relief — was set up. Since it first started, Comic Relief has raised over £300 million by involving the public and celebri­ties in fun events.


As you have probably guessed, the symbol of Red Nose Day is the clown nose. Each year a different red nose is sold. Since 1985 there have been all kinds of noses: boring plain ones, the ones that looked like faces, then the ones that squeaked, then the ones that changed colour when they got hot, then the ones that stuck their tongues out when squeezed... And this year's noses had fuzzy red hair which you could style as you pleased (it came with its own gel!).


According to a survey conducted by a television company last year, Britain is a nation of tea-lov­ing soap opera fans who value privacy, love their pets, grumble about the weather and very proud of their sense of humour.

73 percent of people drink traditional tea, com­pared to six percent who prefer Earl Grey tea, 53 percent of people treat their pets like a mem­ber of the family, 39 percent think the weather is the most annoying aspect of living in Britain. People generally don't mind queuing and can be spotted abroad by their tanned skin, football shirts, wearing socks with sandals and a pint of beer in their hand.


A recent survey showed that 31% of British people said they were British and gave no other answer, 50% described themselves only as English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish, and 13% said both of these. In Scotland 80% said they were Scottish and 20% said they were British. In Wales 62% said they were Welsh and 35% mentioned British. In England, 67% said they were English and 48% British. The survey did not cover Northern Ireland.


Britain is just under 1,000 kilometers long, from the south coast to the extreme north of Scotland, and just under 500 kilometers across at the widest point. No place in GB is more than 117 kilometers from the sea.

A – The nose

B – English character

C – Unusual gift

D – What is their nationality?

E – What do the British say about themselves?

F – Red telephone box

G - The idea

H - Where is the sea?