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Экзамен ОЗО бакалаврыГульшат

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Вопросы к экзамену по страноведению Великобритании и США

для студентов IV курса ОЗО (бакалавриат, англ. отд.)

  1. The geographic features of the British Isles (the geographic position, peculiarities of climate, the landscape, flora and fauna).

  2. The population and the problem of national minorities in the United Kingdom. Languages spoken in the U.K.

  3. The general outline of the historical development of the British civilization.

  4. The political and governmental structure in the U.K. The role of the monarch. The major political parties.

  5. The role of mass media in the British society.

  6. England and its political, social and cultural role as the constituent part of the United Kingdom.

  7. Scotland and its political, social and cultural role as the constituent part of the U.K.

  8. Wales and its political, social and cultural role as the constituent part of the U.K.

  9. Northern Ireland and its political, social and cultural role as the constituent part of the U.K.

  10. The role of religion in the British society.

  11. The British character. The role of values and beliefs, hobbies pastimes and preferences in the formation of the British mentality.

  12. The basic features of the British economy and its distribution across the state.

  13. Primary and secondary education in the U.K. Independent schools and their political and social role.

  14. Further and higher education in the U.K. Oxbridge and its educational, political and social role.

  15. London and its political, economic and cultural role as the capital of the U.K.

  16. Theatre and cinema life in the U.K.

  17. Architectural and artistic traditions in the U.K. Major museums and galleries.

  18. British musical traditions.

  19. British sport and its role in the modern society.

  20. The role of holidays in the British lifestyle.

  1. American natural landscapes: mountains, plains, rivers, lakes, etc. Climate and weather.

  2. The U.S. geographical and cultural regions and their characteristics.

  3. The main events in American history.

  4. Ethnic diversity in the U.S.A. and waves of immigration.

  5. The political and administrative system of the U.S.A.

  6. The U.S. mass media.

  7. The role of the USA in the modern world. The U.S. foreign policy.

  8. The U.S. economy.

  9. The American system of primary and secondary education. Elementary and high schools.

  10. The system of higher education in the U.S.A.

  11. The role of religion in the American society.

  12. The U.S. artistic and architectural traditions.

  13. The U.S. theatre and cinema

  14. The U.S. music.

  15. Basic American social and cultural values and beliefs. The American Dream as a national idea.

  16. The U.S. everyday culture (family and home, housing, foods, clothes, transport, leisure time activities, etc.)

  17. The role of American holidays and festivals in the national lifestyle.

  18. The role of sports in the U.S.A., its political and social implications.

  19. Washington and its role as the capital of the U.S.A.

  20. New York as the second capital of the U.S.A.