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The structural-semantic aspect of the sentence

The structural aspect of the sentence deals with the structural organization of the sentence, it reveals the mechanisms of deriving sentences and structural types of sentences.

According to their structure sentences are classified into simple (monopredicative structures) and composite (polypredicative structures) which are further subdivided into complex (based on subordination) and compound (based on coordination). Clauses within the structure of a composite sentence may be connected with the help of formal markers (conjunctions and connectives: relative pronouns and relative adverbs -syndetically) and without any formal markers – asyndetically. Thus we should differentiate between two structural varieties of composite sentences: syndetic and asyndetic types. Besides these pure types there are also peripheral types: semicomplex and semicompound sentences which contain structures of secondary predication.The minimum structure of the sentence which includes the predicate and the obligatory parts of the sentence forms the structural minimum, or the structural scheme of the sentence. The sentence based on this structural scheme is called the elementary sentence. N - V intrans. - The plane disappeared.; N - V trans. - Obj. direct - / like bananas.; N - V trans. - Obj. indirect - Obj. direct - I bought myself a present.; N - V intrans. - Adv. Mod. of place - He lives in France.;N - V trans. - Obj. direct- Adv. mod. of manner — He treated the boy cruelly.

Extension. It consists in adding to a part of the sentence a unit of the same syntactic status. As a result of extension we have sentences with homogenous parts.

Expansion. It consists in modifying one part of the sentence by another, subordinated to it. Expansion results in the formation of subject, predicate, object and adverbial modifier groups. Compounding consists in changing a part of the sentence (namely the predicate) from simple to compound. The predicate may be compounded by the introduction of either modal or aspective component or both of them at a time. Contamination results in the formation of the so-called double predicate in which the verb becomes syncretic and fulfils a double function: that of a notional verb and that of a link verb. Another case of syncretism is observed in the cases when the verb combines the functions of an auxiliary and a link. Detachment consists in accentuating a part of a sentence and is achieved by a pause in oral speech and by commas or dashes in writing. parcelation as the result of which the detached part of the sentence is separated from the rest of the sentence by a full stop and forms a separate syntactic structure. Compressing. The processes of compressing the elementary sentence are:

1) Substitution consists in replacing a part of a sentence or a whole sentence by a word-substitute. The most frequent substitutes are: it, this, one, so, 2) Representation is a use of a part of a syntactic unit or a or a part of a grammatical form to represent the whole form. 3) Ellipsis is a process of deleting from a sentence one or more parts which are redundant from the informative point of view. The deleted parts can easily be restored either from the previous context or from analogous structures which exist in the language and, consequently, in the lingual memory of the speakers.

Valency is understood as the ability of the verb to combine with other parts of the sentence for the verb to realize its lexical meaning and thus become the semantic and structural centre of the sentence.