- •Дорогие первокурсники!
- •Meeting people
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in sentences of your own
- •Vocabulary to Text 2
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it Forms of Address
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in sentences of your own
- •3. Answer the following questions
- •Dialogues
- •Dialogue 1
- •Dialogue 2
- •Dialogue 3
- •Dialogue 4
- •Greeting People
- •Dialogue 5
- •At the Friendship House
- •Exercises
- •1. Complete these conversations. Then practise them
- •3. You are on a stay in Britain on an exchange programme. Say how you would address each of the following:
- •4. Translate into English.
- •5. Questions on the topic
- •Jokes and fun
- •The activities
- •Role play
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •Vocabulary to Text 2
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it a Quiet Revolution?
- •2. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •Dialogue 2.
- •Dialogue 3.
- •Dialogue 4.
- •Dialogue 5.
- •Dialogue 6.
- •Dialogue 7.
- •Dialogue 8.
- •1. Translate into English
- •*2.Translate the following dialogues and dramatize them in English
- •*3. Questions on the topic
- •4. Read the following announcement and if you are not married write your own announcement
- •5. Agree or disagree with the following statements by using the phrases like: I (fully/partly) agree. I couldn’t agree more. (I am afraid) I disagree. Try to prove your point
- •Jokes and fun
- •1.Daddy’s Little Girl
- •3. Numbers in my life
- •Let’s share
- •Role play
- •Talking about the weather
- •Introduction
- •Vocabulary to Text
- •Text 1.
- •1. Read the following interview and translate it into Russian. Do the tasks following it Angry, Sad, Happy?-Blame the Weather! (Interview with an expert)
- •2. Match English word-combinations with their Russian equivalents
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •Weather in New York
- •2. Answer the following questions
- •The Weather in Britain
- •Dialogue 1. Read and dramatize the following dialogue Talking about Weather
- •Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech
- •Dialogue 3. Read and dramatize the following dialogue
- •Dialogue 4. Complete the open dialogue using the vocabulary of the unit
- •Exercises
- •1. A) Fill the gaps in sentences 1-5 with the correct-form of one of these verbs
- •2. Match these adjectives with suitable weather nouns
- •3. Guess the meanings of the weather idioms in italics in these sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian
- •4. Translate into English
- •5*. Translate the following text into English, then write a short text about the weather in your country or another country
- •6*. Translate into English
- •7. Questions on the topic
- •Jokes and fun Read the stories
- •2. The Woman Who Wanted To Sing
- •Role play
- •Keeping fit
- •Introduction
- •Vocabulary to Text1.
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it Self-Care Has Come of Age – Again!
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own.
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them.
- •Text 2.
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it
- •Aerobic dancing
- •2. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •Dialogues
- •How to ask about people's health
- •Dialogue 1 Read and dramatize the following dialogue
- •Visiting the Doctor
- •Dialogue 2. Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech
- •Dialogue 3.
- •At the Doctor's
- •Dialogue 4.
- •Dialogue5. Complete the open dialogue and learn it by heart
- •Exercises
- •1. Filling gaps. (Cloze technique) Going to the doctor
- •Going to the dentist
- •2. Translate into English
- •3*. Translate into English
- •4*. Translate the following dialogues into English. Use the vocabulary of the unit
- •5. Questions on the topic
- •Jokes and fun
- •Role play
- •Ways of holiday-making. Travelling
- •Introduction
- •Vocabulary to Text 1.
- •Text 1.
- •Planning Holidays
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •4. Find statements in the text you agree with
- •5. Discuss the text with a friend. Work in pair. Speak of your own experience in planning a holiday and spending one
- •Vocabulary to Text 2.
- •Text 2.
- •1. Read and translate the following text. Do the tasks that follow it Ways of Holiday-Making
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •4. Find statements in the text you agree with
- •2. Match the following words and word combinations. Give definition to them
- •3. Answer the following questions
- •Dialogues
- •Dialogue 2. Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech
- •Dialogue 3. Read and dramatize the following dialogue
- •Dialogue 4. Learn the following dialogue by heart
- •Dialogue 5. Complete the open dialogue. Use the vocabulary of the unit
- •Exercises
- •1. Fill in prepositions where necessary
- •2. Translate into English
- •3. Translate into English
- •4*. Translate the following dialogues into English. Use the vocabulary of the unit a
- •5. Questions on the topic
- •Jokes and fun
- •3. The Vacation In Florida
- •Short activities
- •Role play
- •Education
- •Introduction
- •Vocabulary to Text 1.
- •Text 1.
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks that follow it How to Educate a Child
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •4. Find statements in the text you agree with.
- •Vocabulary to Text 2.
- •Text 2. Higher Education Part one
- •6. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •7.All Students a do task I together
- •Vocabulary to Text 2.
- •Text 2. Part two
- •8. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.
- •9.All Students b do task I together
- •10*. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
- •11. Speak for or against: a)European system of education; b)American system of education; c) Russian system of education
- •12. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of bachelor's degree, master's degree
- •13. Discuss the problem of higher education
- •Dialogues
- •Dialogue 1 Read and dramatize the dialogue
- •Dialogue 2.
- •Education in England
- •Dialogue 3.
- •Dialogue 4.
- •Dialogue 5.
- •Exercises
- •1. Read three different descriptions of early school memories. What are the memories about? Are the memories happy or unhappy? Note down three memories for each speaker
- •2. Translate into English
- •3. Questions on the topic
- •4. Talking points
- •Jokes and fun
- •2. Dreams
- •3. Income Tax
- •I opened the door and income tax. Role play Dramatize one of the following situations
- •5. Speak with your friend about Ufa State Aviation Technical University. Use the words given below
- •6. Make up and write down 10 questions which you would include in a questionnaire for a University graduate in Ufa
- •Text 1.
- •1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks that follow it.
- •Virtual reality
- •2. Match the following words and word-combinations, use them in the sentences of your own.
- •1. Match the following words and their definitions. Use them in the sentences of your own
- •Dialogue 2.
- •Exercises
- •1. Filling the gaps (cloze technique) the twenty-first century
- •2. Are you a ‘computer nerd’ or a ‘technophobe’?
- •3. Crossword puzzle
- •Villagers adapt to laboratory life
- •5*. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap Computers in the Classroom
- •6*. Translate into English
- •Questions on the topic
- •Active voice
- •Passive voice
- •Indirect speech Sequence of Tenses
- •Exercise 2. Change the following sentences Into Indirect Speech
- •Modal verbs Obligation and Likelihood Must, Need
- •Should /Ought to
- •Ability, Likelihood and Permission
- •May, Might
- •The infinitive
- •Complexes with the infinitive Complex Object
- •Complex subject
- •The participle
- •The subjunctive mood
- •Grammar Tests Test 1 Tenses
- •Test 2. Modal Verbs
- •Test 3.
- •Verbals
- •Test 4. Subjunctive Mood
- •Final Test
- •Keep the conversation going
- •Situation 1.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 2.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 3.
- •Invitation is Incomplete
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 4.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 5.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 6.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 7.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 8.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 9.
- •In-Laws Demand Helping Hand
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 10.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 11.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 12.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 13.
- •Vocabulary
- •Situation 14.
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Supplementary reading Unit 1. Cultural adjustment
- •Initial
- •Isolation
- •Integration
- •The Re-entry Process
- •Individual reactions
- •"Comfort Zones"
- •Business Cultures
- •Eye Contact
- •Shaking Hands
- •North America
- •Titles and Names
- •Beating Culture Shock
- •Unit 2. The Japanese Family
- •American Family Trends
- •An Irish Wedding
- •Climate
- •Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife
- •Climate in Canada
- •Climate in Australia
- •Eurorailing
- •Why laughter is the best medicine.
- •Long life
- •Are you on top of the world? Some things that can make you feel better...
- •Getting moving
- •A lively social life.
- •Self-indulgence
- •Schooling
- •Secondary Education
- •Public Education: Historical Review
- •American School System
- •Higher Education
- •Higher education in Russia
- •Computers: History and Development
- •Key Developments of the Information Age
- •Teacher’s corner
- •1. Tongue twisters
- •2. Associations
- •3. Brainstorm round a word
- •4. Damaged property
- •5. General knowledge
- •Intermediate Level
- •6. Questions about a statement
- •7. The Moon survival problem
- •Cultural adjustment
- •Celebrating holidays and special events
- •American holidays
- •Whom do you invite to dinner party?
- •Plan the Perfect «Core» College Curriculum.
- •1. Pizza
- •2. That Terrible Bus
- •Improve your ability to use the idioms in conversation with a couple of your classmates by acting out one or more of the roleplays below:
- •American slang
- •1. Read the following dialogue in slang and try to guess the meaning of the underlined expressions At school
- •2. Use the explanations given below and compile the dialogue in standard English
- •Vocabulary
- •3. Read the same dialogue translated into Standard English and compare it with your variant of translation At school
- •4. Read the following dialogue in slang and try to guess the meaning of the expressions At the movies
- •5. Use the explanations given below and compile the dialogue in standard English
- •Vocabulary
- •At the movies
- •7. Complete the phrases by choosing the appropriate words from the list below
- •9. Underline the word that best completes each phrase
- •Speak test
Dialogue 4.
Read and dramatize the dialogue. Work in pair
N: Ann, meet the aunts and uncles, grannies and grandpas, the nephews and nieces, and all the rest.
A: Pleased to meet you all, I'm sure. My, what a big family you are!
N: This is only the immediate family. You're the only outsider here now. You will sit next to the oldest member of family present — my great-grandfather. Grandpa, dear, I'm going to put my friend in this seat near you.
GR.-GRANDF: The pleasure is all mine. Please sit down, my dear. Make yourself at home. So, Nadya must give me away at once and tell my age.
A: You don't look your age at all. So don't mind her.
GR.-GRANDF: A person is as old as he feels, they say. Still...
A: Nadya is your great-grand-daughter, isn't she? She's the exact image of you (there's a strong family resemblance between you) — of course, taking the difference in age into consideration.
GR.-GRANDF: Does she really look like me so much? I'm flattered. She's a good-looking girl, isn't she?
A: How wonderful it must be for you to look round the table and see four generations of your descendants!
GR.-GRANDF: We are a long lived family. Only your dear granny died young.
N: (to A) She was 50 when she died.
A: Your family, it seems to me, are very much attached to each other.
N: Well, more or less, I suppose.
Dialogue 5.
Complete the open dialogue and dramatize it.
Use the vocabulary of the unit
A: Good afternoon, is your wife in?
B: No, Jane isn't home yet. Won't you sit down?
A: ____________________________
B: Oh, yes, it's very warm and sunny. While waiting would you like to have a look at our family album?
B: They are our parents. This man and woman are Jane's parents, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. And here are my parents.
A: ___________________________
B: And father? He is still a very handsome man, isn't he?
A: ___________________________
B: He is 67, but he is still very handsome. And this is our son Martin.
He is nineteen. He is a student.
A: ___________________________
B: This is Jane's cousin, my sister-in-law. Her mother, Jane's aunt, is a famous actress, and her uncle is an artist, and a very good one. His son is also an artist.
A: ___________________________
B: Yes, and a very big boy now.
A: Oh! It's not you, is it?
B: It is!
Complete the open dialogues and dramatize them. Work in pair
Dialogue 6.
Kate: Hello, Ann!
Aim: Hello, Kate! Haven’t seen you for ages! Meet my fellow student Lena.
Kate: How do you do? Glad to meet you, Lena. Are you from St.Petersburg?
Kate: Do you live in the hail of residence or rent a room?
Kate: You are lucky. Is your sister married?
Lena: _____________________
Kate: What is her husband?
Lena: _____________________
Kate: And is your sister also a manager?
Lena: _____________________
Kate: Is she fond of her job?
Lena: _____________________
Kate: Yes, I am. All my family lives in St. Petersburg.
Lena: _____________________
Kate: Rather. We are five: my parents, a grandmother, my younger brother and me.
Lena: _____________________
Kate: No, she is a retired pensioner. She is over sixty. But she does a lot of housework.
Kate: Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year. He is seventeen.
Lena: _____________________
Kate: His dream is to be an actor. He is a great theatre-lover.