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1) ancient-древний

2) humanity-человечество

3) to invent-изобретать

4) to grind-молоть, измельчать

5) grain-зерно

6) the contribution-вклад

7) to improve-улучшать

8) to exaggerate-преувеличивать

9) to require-требовать

10) to make investigations-делать исследование

11) An engineer must know market for the results of his activity were maximum good – Инженер должен знать рынок, чтобы результаты его деятельности были предельно хорошими

12) to have demand-быть востребованным

13) minimum expenses-минимальные затраты

14) installation-внедрение

15) trust-доверять

16) to oblige-обязывать

17) to substitute-заменять

18) abacus-счеты

19) is valuable-быть ценным

Текст № 12.

My future speciality

I am a day student of the first course of the Sterlitamak Branch of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University. My speciality is "Automation of Technological Processes and Productions". Many enterprises1 are needed in such specialists. Our University trains highly skilled2 specialists in this field. It trains specialists with a wide theoretical and practical outlook3.

"Automation" is a word coined4 in the 1940-s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously5 performed by people.

Advances6 in industrial production of some goods7 need in high-accurate processes8 of manufacturing, assembling, etc.

In five years9 I'll graduate from the University and shall become an automation engineer. During the first two years we are taught general subjects, such as, Physics, Mathematics, Strength of materials, Theoretical mechanics, English, etc. In a year we shall begin specializing in one or another field we like best.

In our time computer technologies occupy10 an important part of the industry. All machines work by computer commands. And machines talk to each other in a binary code11. We will study many subjects of this field in final courses, such as, "New Computer Technologies", "Languages of programming", etc.

The higher school has a specific task to train engineers of a new type who would combine fundamental knowledge with a high professional level and practical training in the specific field of the national economics. I like my speciality and I'm sure it will be useful for the humanity.

At present automation of the industry is vital12.

When I finish my study, I'll work in an enterprise on my speciality. There are many enterprises of this field in our city, such as "Chemical factory", joint stock company13 "Kaustik", joint stock company "Kauchuk", etc.


1) enterprises-предприятие

2) highly-skilled – высококвалифицированный

3) outlook-взгляд

4) to coin-придумывать

5) previously-ранее

6) advances-продвижение

7) goods-товары

8) high-accurate processes – высокоточные процессы

9) in five years-через пять лет

10) occupy-занимать

11) a binary code-бинарный код

12) vital - жизненно-важный

13) joint-stock company – акционерное общество

My future speciality

From the times I was a pupil I got interested1 in sciences and most of all in physics and mathematics. My teachers recommended me the right books to read and supplied2 me with different bits of equipment3 to set up4 my own experiments, let alone the participation in different competitions in Physics and mathematics. Later on I got interested in engineering and after leaving school I firmly5 decided to enter the faculty of general engeneering6 of the Ufa Oil University and become an engineer. Now I am a first-year student of the mechanical department. Our University is one of the major7 centres for training engineers for different branches of our industry.

In five years I shall graduate from8 the University and shall become a mechanical engineer. I like my future speciality and study with great interest. During the first two years we are taught9 general subjects, such as, Physics, Mathematics, Strength of materials10, theoretical me­chanics, English. In a year we shall begin specializing in one or another field we like best. I am deeply interested in Engineering. Engineering demands a sound11 training in general sciences particularly in physics, mathematics and chemistry. So I work hard. At the last examination session I passed all my exams with good marks. A friend of mine is also interested in engineering and looking forward to12 become a mechanical engineer. It is our future speciality. Our work will deal with13 designs, constructions and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and everyday life. By the way14 my friend is very good at15 English and often helps me with it since I'm only a beginner.