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1) to be involved in -быть вовлеченным в...

2) a scientist - ученый (занимающийся точными и ес­тественными науками)

3) a scholar - ученый (занимающийся гуманитарными науками)

4) exact science - точная наука

5) natural science - точная наука

6) to obtain data - получать данные

7) Research Laboratory - исследовательская лаборатория

8) Research Institute - научно-исследовательский центр

9) Research Centre - научно-исследовательский центр

10) International Research Counsel - международный совет по научным исследованиям

11) to join efforts - объединять усилия

12) space exploration – исследование космоса

13) a noble occupation – благородное занятие

14) profitable – прибыльный, выгодный

15) rewarding – приносящий удовлетворение

16) to interpret - объяснять, интерпретировать

17) to come to a conclusion - прийти к выводу

18) accumulate profound knowledge – накапливать глубокие знания

19) to be known - быть известным

20) curiosity and diligence – любопытство и усердие (прилежание)

21) to result in - привести к (иметь результатом)

22) amazing – поразительный, изумительный

23) the law of gravity - закон всемирного тяготения

Текст № 9.

My plans for the future

When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It's not an easy task to make the right choice of a job1. It is known that each school leaver has to make serious decisions2.

It is a dilemma for the whole family. Fathers usually want their children to follow their footsteps3. Mothers don't want their sons and daughters to leave the native town. So they persuade4 kids to enter local colleges and universities.

But it's extremely5 difficult for a person to solve this problem. On the one hand6 young people want to acquire7 and accumulate knowledge, develop their skills. On the other hand it is not easy to make yourself study hard for many years. In addi­tion they want to earn as much money as possible. Each young man would like to do flourishing business8/and to establish and run his own company9.

To make a right choice you should consider your traits of character10. To become a good doctor you must be patient11, caring12 and kind. The teacher's work requires love for children13, pro­found knowledge14 of subjects and the ability to ex­plain. Detective's job is very stressful15. He must be brave, fair, witty and strong.

Since childhood kids16 have been trying to choose their way in life. There are too many won­derful professions around. Very often they change their mind17. Little girls, for example wish to be ac­tresses (stars), mega models (top models). Boys dream to become cosmonauts (astronauts), presi­dents, outstanding sportsmen. As years pass we understand that all the jobs are necessary and useful. And the most important thing for a person is to do any work professionally.


1) to make the right choice of a job – сделать правильный выбор работы

2) to make a decision - принять решение

3) to follow one's footsteps - пойти по чьим-то стопам

4) to persuade – убеждать

5) extremely – чрезвычайно

6) on the one (other) hand – с одной (другой) стороны

7) to acquire - приобретать

8) to do flourishing business - иметь процветающий бизнес

9) to run a company - управлять компанией

10) traits of character – черты характера

11) patient - терпеливый

12) caring – заботливый

13) to require love for children – требовать любви к детям

14) pro­found knowledge – глубокие знания

15) stressful – напряжённый, fair - справедливый, witty – остроумный

16) a kid – ребёнок

17) to change ones mind - передумывать

Текст № 10.