The Russian Academy of Sciences is the higher scientific institution of Russian Federation , uniting the most outstanding scientists of the country .
The main goal of the RAS is to conduct and develop fundamental research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about all sciences.
The RAS consists of full members, corresponding members, and foreign members.
The highest body of RAS is the General Meeting .
It defines the basic trends in the Academy’s Scientific work.
It discuss important issues and solve certain problems.
Every member of the Academy wishing to raise some question at the General Meeting must give written notice of it to the Academy’s Presidium. The Presidium carries out the decisions of the General Meeting and directs all activities.
A Section of RAS is a scientific and organizational center uniting within the Academy scientists of one or several fields of science.
The Academy exchanges publications with scientific institutions, higher institutions of learning, libraries, museums, publishing houses, scientific societies and government of other countries.