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5 курс / Психиатрия и наркология для детей и взрослых (доп.) / Pathophysiological_aspects_of_alcoholism,_drug_addiction_and_toxicomania.ppt
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Termination of drug proceeds

Psychic dependence

Physical dependence




Physical impairments, disorders



of the



Anxiety, alarm

Disorders of organs and tissues

and their sy

Repeated drug use

Stages of narco- and toxicomanias

At development drug addiction and toxicomanias allocate three naturally developing stages:

The initial stage is characterized by development of a complex of syndromes:

Neurotic and psychostenic. Manifestations: the increased irritability, fieriness, fast physical and intellectual fatigue, memory impairment, disorders of sensitivity, etc.

Mental dependence on psychoactive agent. For maintenance of a comfortable state the patient needs constant increase in a dose of substance.

Adaptations to negative effect of psychoactive agent. Reduction and disappearance of unpleasant reactions (nausea, vomiting, pseudo-allergic reactions, a headache, etc.), arising earlier at a drug taking, alcohol, other substances.

The increased tolerance to substance. For maintenance of a comfortable state the patient needs constant increase in a dose of substance.

The stage of physical dependence is characterized by formation of the following complex of pathogenic syndromes.

Physical dependence on psychoactive agent. Abstinent syndrome.

Inclusion of psychoactive agents or


metabolites in metabolism processes.Progressing increase of tolerance to

substance and transition to its toxic dosesDegradation of the personalityDisorders of function of bodies and


On this station the organism is adapted for existence in it a certain level of psychoactive agent. At decrease in its concentration or the receipt termination the abstinent syndrome develops in an organism.

Final stage ( somatic, decompensations, exhaustions) is characterized by formation of the following complex of pathogenic syndromes:

Physical dependence on psychoactive agent;

Decrease in tolerance to substance and consumed its dose ;

Multiorgan insufficiency. Reasons:

Rough metabolic and circulator frustration

Structural changes in all bodies and fabrics (though expressed in different


Degradation of the personality ;Cachexia;




Alcoholism — a type of the toxicomania arising at repeated use of alcohol. It is characterized by a pathological inclination to the use of alcoholic drinks, formation of physical dependence with development of an abstinent (hung-over) syndrome in case of the termination of reception of ethanol.

Alcoholism is the chronic disease which is showing in repeated receptions of massive doses of alcohol, causing damage to health drinking, its to social and economic functioning.

Weight of alcoholic intoxication depends on concentration of alcohol in blood, alcohol intake on an empty stomach, fatigue, an indisposition, reception of some drugs.


Easy degree:


Average degree:


Heavy degree:

Appetite increase,


Decrease in mental


Deep sleep. To calls

slackness, increase of


capacities, slackness,


doesn't react or something

mood (euphoria),


drowsiness, approach


mutters. In a coma patient

decrease in mental


of a deep sleep. After


doesn't answer to painful

activity. In 10-30 min.


awakening at the


irritations. Occurs

the speech becomes


alcoholic the hangover


vomiting. With increase of

loud, greased,


phenomena are


poisoning the

concentration of


expressed: weakness,


consciousness is more and

attention is broken,


lack of appetite,


more saddened, warm

self-criticism decreases,


discontent with and


activity, pulse of weak

uncontrolled physical


people around, is


filling falls. The similar

activity increases a


broken movement


state lasts 6-12 hours and





can end with death.

Stages of alcoholism

Initial stage:

Narcomanic stage:

Final stage:

It is characterized

It is characterized by mental

Long psychoses,

by mental

and physical dependence.

progressing mental and

dependence, lack

Physical dependence is

the necrotic violations

of quantitative

expressed in a systematic

irrespective of

control. Change of

inclination to alcohol with

continuation of abuse by

reactivity of an

the lost quantitative control,

alcohol, brain syndromes

organism on

an abstinent syndrome in a

are possible. Physical and

alcohol is

look the somato-vegetative

mental dependence on

expressed in the

frustration. Alcoholic

alcohol are expressed

form of the

psychoses, violations of

most, however tolerance


functions of an internal are

starts falling, situational



control is absent. Rough



decrease in the

consumption is


personality is




The mechanism of toxic effect of alcohol on CNS


Cerebral cortex

Small doses

Large doses

Oppression of processes of inhibition

Exit of the subcrustal


centers from


influence of brain



Excitation of the vascular-motor center

Increasing of arterial pressure

Alcoholic excitement


In the modern world of drug addiction, toxicomania and alcoholism long ago stopped being object of only professional interest from clinical physicians and pathologists experimenters. Even more often these terms appear on newspaper and journal pages, constantly meet in speeches of sociologists and politicians.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicomania - the most actual problems of modern society and on the destructive consequences are comparable with terrorism. These stupefying substances differently influence to the people, but, eventually, is equally pulls down their life.

It is necessary to fight against current situation not only toughening of control and punishment measures. On the first place has to be prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism. It is much simpler to take care beforehand of something, than then to correct the already happened.


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