- •Network Intrusion Detection, Third Edition
- •Table of Contents
- •Copyright
- •About the Authors
- •About the Technical Reviewers
- •Acknowledgments
- •Tell Us What You Think
- •Introduction
- •Chapter 1. IP Concepts
- •Layers
- •Data Flow
- •Packaging (Beyond Paper or Plastic)
- •Bits, Bytes, and Packets
- •Encapsulation Revisited
- •Interpretation of the Layers
- •Addresses
- •Physical Addresses, Media Access Controller Addresses
- •Logical Addresses, IP Addresses
- •Subnet Masks
- •Service Ports
- •IP Protocols
- •Domain Name System
- •Routing: How You Get There from Here
- •Summary
- •Chapter 2. Introduction to TCPdump and TCP
- •TCPdump
- •TCPdump Behavior
- •Filters
- •Binary Collection
- •TCPdump Output
- •Absolute and Relative Sequence Numbers
- •Dumping in Hexadecimal
- •Introduction to TCP
- •Establishing a TCP Connection
- •Server and Client Ports
- •Connection Termination
- •The Graceful Method
- •The Abrupt Method
- •Data Transfer
- •What's the Bottom Line?
- •TCP Gone Awry
- •An ACK Scan
- •A Telnet Scan?
- •TCP Session Hijacking
- •Summary
- •Chapter 3. Fragmentation
- •Theory of Fragmentation
- •All Aboard the Fragment Train
- •The Fragment Dining Car
- •The Fragment Caboose
- •Viewing Fragmentation Using TCPdump
- •Fragmentation and Packet-Filtering Devices
- •The Don't Fragment Flag
- •Malicious Fragmentation
- •TCP Header Fragments
- •Teardrop
- •Summary
- •Chapter 4. ICMP
- •ICMP Theory
- •Why Do You Need ICMP?
- •Where Does ICMP Fit In?
- •Understanding ICMP
- •Summary of ICMP Theory
- •Mapping Techniques
- •Tireless Mapper
- •Efficient Mapper
- •Clever Mapper
- •Cerebral Mapper
- •Summary of Mapping
- •Normal ICMP Activity
- •Host Unreachable
- •Port Unreachable
- •Admin Prohibited
- •Need to Frag
- •Time Exceeded In-Transit
- •Embedded Information in ICMP Error Messages
- •Summary of Normal ICMP
- •Malicious ICMP Activity
- •Smurf Attack
- •Tribe Flood Network
- •WinFreeze
- •Loki
- •Unsolicited ICMP Echo Replies
- •Theory 1: Spoofing
- •Theory 2: TFN
- •Theory 3: Loki
- •Summary of Malicious ICMP Traffic
- •To Block or Not to Block
- •Unrequited ICMP Echo Requests
- •Kiss traceroute Goodbye
- •Silence of the LANs
- •Broken Path MTU Discovery
- •Summary
- •Chapter 5. Stimulus and Response
- •The Expected
- •Request for Comments
- •TCP Stimulus-Response
- •Destination Host Listens on Requested Port
- •Destination Host Not Listening on Requested Port
- •Destination Host Doesn't Exist
- •Destination Port Blocked
- •Destination Port Blocked, Router Doesn't Respond
- •UDP Stimulus-Response
- •Destination Host Listening on Requested Port
- •Destination Host Not Listening on Requested Port
- •Windows tracert
- •TCPdump of tracert
- •Protocol Benders
- •Active FTP
- •Passive FTP
- •UNIX Traceroute
- •Summary of Expected Behavior and Protocol Benders
- •Abnormal Stimuli
- •Evasion Stimulus, Lack of Response
- •Evil Stimulus, Fatal Response
- •No Stimulus, All Response
- •Unconventional Stimulus, Operating System Identifying Response
- •Bogus "Reserved" TCP Flags
- •Anomalous TCP Flag Combinations
- •No TCP Flags
- •Summary of Abnormal Stimuli
- •Summary
- •Chapter 6. DNS
- •Back to Basics: DNS Theory
- •The Structure of DNS
- •Steppin' Out on the Internet
- •DNS Resolution Process
- •TCPdump Output of Resolution
- •Strange TCPdump Notation
- •Caching: Been There, Done That
- •Reverse Lookups
- •Master and Slave Name Servers
- •Zone Transfers
- •Summary of DNS Theory
- •Using DNS for Reconnaissance
- •The nslookup Command
- •Name That Name Server
- •HINFO: Snooping for Details
- •List Zone Map Information
- •Tainting DNS Responses
- •A Weak Link
- •Cache Poisoning
- •Summary
- •Part II: Traffic Analysis
- •Chapter 7. Packet Dissection Using TCPdump
- •Why Learn to Do Packet Dissection?
- •Sidestep DNS Queries
- •Normal Query
- •Evasive Query
- •Introduction to Packet Dissection Using TCPdump
- •Where Does the IP Stop and the Embedded Protocol Begin?
- •Other Length Fields
- •The IP Datagram Length
- •Increasing the Snaplen
- •Dissecting the Whole Packet
- •Freeware Tools for Packet Dissection
- •Ethereal
- •tcpshow
- •Summary
- •Chapter 8. Examining IP Header Fields
- •Insertion and Evasion Attacks
- •Insertion Attacks
- •Evasion Attacks
- •IP Header Fields
- •IP Version Number
- •Protocol Number
- •The Don't Fragment (DF) Flag
- •The More Fragments (MF) Flag
- •Mapping Using Incomplete Fragments
- •IP Numbers
- •IP Identification Number
- •Time to Live (TTL)
- •Looking at the IP ID and TTL Values Together to Discover Spoofing
- •IP Checksums
- •Summary
- •Chapter 9. Examining Embedded Protocol Header Fields
- •Ports
- •TCP Checksums
- •TCP Sequence Numbers
- •Acknowledgement Numbers
- •TCP Flags
- •TCP Corruption
- •ECN Flag Bits
- •Operating System Fingerprinting
- •Retransmissions
- •Using Retransmissions Against a Hostile Host—LaBrea Tarpit Version 1
- •TCP Window Size
- •LaBrea Version 2
- •Ports
- •UDP Port Scanning
- •UDP Length Field
- •Type and Code
- •Identification and Sequence Numbers
- •Misuse of ICMP Identification and Sequence Numbers
- •Summary
- •Chapter 10. Real-World Analysis
- •You've Been Hacked!
- •Netbus Scan
- •How Slow Can you Go?
- •RingZero Worm
- •Summary
- •Chapter 11. Mystery Traffic
- •The Event in a Nutshell
- •The Traffic
- •DDoS or Scan
- •Source Hosts
- •Destination Hosts
- •Scanning Rates
- •Fingerprinting Participant Hosts
- •Arriving TTL Values
- •TCP Window Size
- •TCP Options
- •TCP Retries
- •Summary
- •Part III: Filters/Rules for Network Monitoring
- •Chapter 12. Writing TCPdump Filters
- •The Mechanics of Writing TCPdump Filters
- •Bit Masking
- •Preserving and Discarding Individual Bits
- •Creating the Mask
- •Putting It All Together
- •TCPdump IP Filters
- •Detecting Traffic to the Broadcast Addresses
- •Detecting Fragmentation
- •TCPdump UDP Filters
- •TCPdump TCP Filters
- •Filters for Examining TCP Flags
- •Detecting Data on SYN Connections
- •Summary
- •Chapter 13. Introduction to Snort and Snort Rules
- •An Overview of Running Snort
- •Snort Rules
- •Snort Rule Anatomy
- •Rule Header Fields
- •The Action Field
- •The Protocol Field
- •The Source and Destination IP Address Fields
- •The Source and Destination Port Field
- •Direction Indicator
- •Summary
- •Chapter 14. Snort Rules - Part II
- •Format of Snort Options
- •Rule Options
- •Msg Option
- •Logto Option
- •Ttl Option
- •Id Option
- •Dsize Option
- •Sequence Option
- •Acknowledgement Option
- •Itype and Icode Options
- •Flags Option
- •Content Option
- •Offset Option
- •Depth Option
- •Nocase Option
- •Regex Option
- •Session Option
- •Resp Option
- •Tag Option
- •Putting It All Together
- •Summary
- •Part IV: Intrusion Infrastructure
- •Chapter 15. Mitnick Attack
- •Exploiting TCP
- •IP Weaknesses
- •SYN Flooding
- •Covering His Tracks
- •Identifying Trust Relationships
- •Examining Network Traces
- •Setting Up the System Compromise?
- •Detecting the Mitnick Attack
- •Trust Relationship
- •Port Scan
- •Host Scan
- •Connections to Dangerous Ports
- •TCP Wrappers
- •Tripwire
- •Preventing the Mitnick Attack
- •Summary
- •Chapter 16. Architectural Issues
- •Events of Interest
- •Limits to Observation
- •Human Factors Limit Detects
- •Limitations Caused by the Analyst
- •Limitations Caused by the CIRTs
- •Severity
- •Criticality
- •Lethality
- •Countermeasures
- •Calculating Severity
- •Scanning for Trojans
- •Analysis
- •Severity
- •Host Scan Against FTP
- •Analysis
- •Severity
- •Sensor Placement
- •Outside Firewall
- •Sensors Inside Firewall
- •Both Inside and Outside Firewall
- •Analyst Console
- •Faster Console
- •False Positive Management
- •Display Filters
- •Mark as Analyzed
- •Drill Down
- •Correlation
- •Better Reporting
- •Event-Detection Reports
- •Weekly/Monthly Summary Reports
- •Summary
- •Chapter 17. Organizational Issues
- •Organizational Security Model
- •Security Policy
- •Industry Practice for Due Care
- •Security Infrastructure
- •Implementing Priority Countermeasures
- •Periodic Reviews
- •Implementing Incident Handling
- •Defining Risk
- •Risk
- •Accepting the Risk
- •Trojan Version
- •Malicious Connections
- •Mitigating or Reducing the Risk
- •Network Attack
- •Snatch and Run
- •Transferring the Risk
- •Defining the Threat
- •Recognition of Uncertainty
- •Risk Management Is Dollar Driven
- •How Risky Is a Risk?
- •Quantitative Risk Assessment
- •Qualitative Risk Assessments
- •Why They Don't Work
- •Summary
- •Chapter 18. Automated and Manual Response
- •Automated Response
- •Architectural Issues
- •Response at the Internet Connection
- •Internal Firewalls
- •Host-Based Defenses
- •Throttling
- •Drop Connection
- •Shun
- •Proactive Shunning
- •Islanding
- •Reset
- •Honeypot
- •Proxy System
- •Empty System
- •Honeypot Summary
- •Manual Response
- •Containment
- •Freeze the Scene
- •Sample Fax Form
- •On-Site Containment
- •Site Survey
- •System Containment
- •Hot Search
- •Eradication
- •Recovery
- •Lessons Learned
- •Summary
- •Chapter 19. Business Case for Intrusion Detection
- •Part One: Management Issues
- •Bang for the Buck
- •The Expenditure Is Finite
- •Technology Used to Destabilize
- •Network Impacts
- •IDS Behavioral Modification
- •The Policy
- •Part of a Larger Strategy
- •Part Two: Threats and Vulnerabilities
- •Threat Assessment and Analysis
- •Threat Vectors
- •Threat Determination
- •Asset Identification
- •Valuation
- •Vulnerability Analysis
- •Risk Evaluation
- •Part Three: Tradeoffs and Recommended Solution
- •Identify What Is in Place
- •Identify Your Recommendations
- •Identify Options for Countermeasures
- •Cost-Benefit Analysis
- •Follow-On Steps
- •Repeat the Executive Summary
- •Summary
- •Chapter 20. Future Directions
- •Increasing Threat
- •Improved Targeting
- •How the Threat Will Be Manifested
- •Defending Against the Threat
- •Skills Versus Tools
- •Analysts Skill Set
- •Improved Tools
- •Defense in Depth
- •Emerging Techniques
- •Virus Industry Revisited
- •Smart Auditors
- •Summary
- •Part V: Appendixes
- •Appendix A. Exploits and Scans to Apply Exploits
- •False Positives
- •All Response, No Stimulus
- •Scan or Response?
- •SYN Floods
- •Valid SYN Flood
- •False Positive SYN Flood
- •Back Orifice?
- •IMAP Exploits
- •10143 Signature Source Port IMAP
- •111 Signature IMAP
- •Source Port 0, SYN and FIN Set
- •Source Port 65535 and SYN FIN Set
- •DNS Zone Followed by 0, SYN FIN Targeting NFS
- •Scans to Apply Exploits
- •mscan
- •Son of mscan
- •Access Builder?
- •Single Exploit, Portmap
- •rexec
- •Targeting SGI Systems?
- •Discard
- •Weird Web Scans
- •IP-Proto-191
- •Summary
- •Appendix B. Denial of Service
- •Brute-Force Denial-of-Service Traces
- •Smurf
- •Directed Broadcast
- •Echo-Chargen
- •Elegant Kills
- •Teardrop
- •Land Attack
- •We're Doomed
- •nmap
- •Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
- •Intro to DDoS
- •DDoS Software
- •Trinoo
- •Stacheldraht
- •Summary
- •Appendix C. Detection of Intelligence Gathering
- •Network and Host Mapping
- •Host Scan Using UDP Echo Requests
- •Netmask-Based Broadcasts
- •Port Scan
- •Scanning for a Particular Port
- •Complex Script, Possible Compromise
- •"Random" Port Scan
- •Database Correlation Report
- •FTP Bounce
- •NetBIOS-Specific Traces
- •A Visit from a Web Server
- •Null Session
- •Stealth Attacks
- •Explicit Stealth Mapping Techniques
- •FIN Scan
- •Inverse Mapping
- •Answers to Domain Queries
- •Answers to Domain Queries, Part 2
- •Fragments, Just Fragments
- •Measuring Response Time
- •Echo Requests
- •Actual DNS Queries
- •Probe on UDP Port 33434
- •3DNS to TCP Port 53
- •Worms as Information Gatherers
- •Pretty Park Worm
- •RingZero
- •Summary

compromised hosts to attack a site. Therefore, you have multiple origins of hostile hosts simultaneously attacking the victim site. The intent is to clog the portals of the victim site by consuming the resources for handling legitimate traffic. The victim site has to figure out a way to block the DDoS traffic while still allowing the legitimate traffic.
DDoS Software
Historically, four different DDoS programs were known: Trinoo, Tribe Flood Network (TFN), TFN2K, and Stacheldraht (German for barbed wire). With each new release, they seem to have evolved into more complex packages with richer functionality. Most work on Linux or Solaris hosts, and TFN2K works on Windows NT hosts. Reports of new Windows-like DDoS are surfacing.
Some new terminology must be introduced. At the top of the DDoS attack, you have a host, usually known as the client, which is used by the person coordinating the attack. Next, at a layer below that, you have a host or hosts known by the term master or handler. The master controls subservient hosts to launch attacks. Finally, at the bottom, you have hosts known both as agents or daemons, which actually launch the attacks. The terminology gets tricky because it sometimes differs for the individual attacks.
This software uses controlling hosts known as masters, and attacking hosts known as daemons. The communications between the client and the masters and the masters and the daemons is done using TCP and UDP. There are standard ports, but these can be altered. Trinoo can send only UDP floods to random destination port numbers on the victim host. Communications between hosts in an unaltered configuration are as follows:
client |
master: |
destination port TCP 27665 |
master |
daemons: |
destination port UDP |
27444 |
daemons |
master: |
destination port UDP |
31335 |
Chapter 4, "ICMP," discussed TFN. Basically, there are TFN masters and daemons, which again represent the controlling hosts and the attacking hosts. The communication between master and daemon is done via an ICMP echo reply. The ICMP echo reply can direct the daemon to send a UDP flood, TCP SYN flood, ICMP echo flood, or a Smurf attack. The master can manipulate the IP identification number and payload of the ICMP echo reply to identify the type of attack to be launched. TFN can also spoof the source IP to hide the origin of the attack.
TFN2K was the first of the DDoS programs to be transported to Windows. The communications between the master and agents can be encrypted and can be over TCP, UDP, or ICMP with no identifying ports. The master can spoof the source IP so that if it is detected, the real master cannot be identified. The agent can attack using a TCP SYN flood, a UDP flood, ICMP flood, or Smurf (as we saw with TFN). Additionally, the attacking agent can alternate among these types of attacks for any given attack. And, the agent-generated attack packets have a spoofed source IP by default.