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ЖУРН. Уровень 1 (три текста).docx
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1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text.

legitimate (adj) - законный, легальный; легитимный

headline (n) - заголовок, рубрика; новости, расположенные на первой странице газеты

exaggeration (n) - гиперболизация, преувеличение

pejorative (adj) - уничижительный

reliance (n) - доверие, уверенность

decry (v) - осуждать

unabashed (adj) - бессовестный, бесстыдный, беззастенчивый, наглый

promotion (n) - продвижение, раскрутка, рекламирование, промоушен

circulation (n) - тираж (газет, журналов); распространение (информации, изданий)

lavish (adj) –зд. чрезмерный

faked (adj) - фальшивый, поддельный; сфабрикованный

misleading (adj) - вводящий в заблуждение, обманчивый

pseudoscience (adj) – псевдонаучный

so-called (adj) – так называемый

coin (v) – зд. создавать неологизмы (новые слова и выражения)

accused (adj) - обвиняемый

sensationalize (v) - устраивать сенсацию

up-to-date (adj) - современный; новейший; соответствующий современным требованиям

2. Commentary and Notes to the text.

emphasis - выделение [в тексте], выделительный шрифт применение специального стиля шрифта (например с подчёркиванием, курсива, полужирного, капители) для выделения слова или фразы в тексте

underdog – аутсайдер; непроходной кандидат на выборный пост, который начинает предвыборную кампанию с весьма низким рейтингом, практически не имея шансов на успех. Это не исключает возможности его победы на выборах.

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase: "Follow your bliss."

Frank Luther Mott (April 4, 1886 – October 23, 1964) was an American historian and journalist, who won the 1939 Pulitzer Prize for History for his book, A History of American Magazines.

3. Answer the questions giving below.

1. Give a definition of the term Yellow journalism.

2. What techniques may yellow press include? 

3. Enumerate five characteristics which can define yellow journalism.

4. When was the term yellow journalism coined?

5. What was the reason to name it “yellow”?

Text 3. Tabloid journalism

Tabloid journalism is a style of journalism that tends to emphasize topics such as sensational crime stories, astrology, gossip columns about the personal lives of celebrities and sports stars, and junk food news. Such journalism is commonly associated with tabloid sized newspapers like the National Enquirer, Globe, or The Sun and the former News of the World. Not all newspapers associated with such journalism are in tabloid size; for example, the format of Apple Daily is broadsheet, while the style is tabloid. The terms tabloids, supermarket tabloids, gutter press and rag refer to the journalistic approach of such newspapers rather than their size.

Often, tabloid newspaper allegations about the sexual practices, drug use, or private conduct of celebrities is borderline defamatory; in many cases, celebrities have successfully sued for libel, demonstrating that tabloid stories have defamed them. It is this sense of the word that led to some entertainment news programs to be called tabloid television.

In the United States, Canada and United Kingdom, "supermarket tabloids" are large, national versions of these tabloids, usually published weekly. They are named for their prominent placement along the checkout lines of supermarkets. Supermarket tabloids are particularly notorious for the over-the-top sensationalizing of stories, the facts of which can often be called into question.

Collectively called the "tabloid press", tabloid newspapers in Britain tend to be simply and sensationally written, and to give more prominence than broadsheets to celebrities, sports, crime stories and even hoaxes; they also less subtly take a political position (either left-wing or right-wing) on news stories, ridiculing politicians, demanding resignations and predicting election results. The term "red tops" refers to tabloids with red nameplates, such as The Sun, the Daily Star, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Record and the Daily Sport,[ ]and distinguishes them from the Daily Express and Daily Mail. Red top newspapers are usually simpler in writing style, dominated by pictures, and directed at the more sensational end.

1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text.

tend (v) - иметь тенденцию (к чему-л.)

gossip (n) - о типе, характере передаваемой информации – болтовня, сплетня; слухи

rag (n) - зд. газетёнка

allegation (n) - голословное утверждение

defamatory (adj) - бесчестящий, позорящий, дискредитирующий, клеветнический

libel (n) - клевета, пасквиль, диффамация

sue (v) - преследовать в судебном порядке; подавать в суд, возбуждать иск,

hoax (n) - обман; ложь, мистификация, неправдa

ridicule (v) - осмеивать; высмеивать, поднимать на смех

resignation (n) - отказ от должности; уход с должности