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Английский. Учебник МЭО 1 курс.docx
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Task I. Write a Summary and a Gist of Text A and Text B.

Task II. Write out advantages and disadvantages of barter.


Task I. Prepare a presentation on the History of Money. Mark the major stages of its development, illustrate with the examples of your own.

Task II. Prepare a presentation on the Forms of Money. Give examples of your own of different objects used formerly as money.

Task III. Act as an interpreter for Parts A and B.

1. Сегодня у нас в гостях известный ученый, экономист, профессор Лондонской школы бизнеса Стивен Брэдли, мы продолжаем разговор о деньгах и сегодня хотели бы остановиться на их формах. Все мы знаем, что современные формы денег отличаются от первоначальных. Наш первый вопрос, профессор, от каких факторов зависит эволюция денег?

2. Мы знаем, что деньги прошли долгий путь развития. Не могли бы вы остановиться на самых важных моментах этого пути?

3. Понятие «бумажные деньги» стало неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Их роль в качестве средства обращения, средства платежа и накопления была ясна, когда они могли напрямую обмениваться на золото. На чем же сейчас основывается ценность бумажных денег?

4. А как вы оцениваете появление так называемых «нематериальных денег» и их вклад в экономическое развитие общества?

5. В заключение, профессор, мы бы хотели поблагодарить вас за интересную беседу и выразить надежду на последующие встречи.

I’mreally glad…

Let me start with…

I totally agree that…

It’s worth mentioning…

I’m sure, that …

You must bear in mind the fact that…


I can’t but mention…

There are some points I find most interesting…

It was real pleasure taking part in this discussion…

Part 2

Text A

Student’s Success

Read the passage below and make up the appropriate heading for each paragraph.

  1. Progress

  2. Post School

  3. Standardized Tests

  4. Grades

  5. Improvement

Definition of Student Success

Defining student success is something educators, students, parents and even politicians have been trying to do since schools have existed. They have long argued over what success means and how best to measure it. With more and more focus being placed on student success as a measure for school and teacher success, it has become an increasingly important question to address.

1. ……

Perhaps the most traditional method of measuring student success is grades. Grades measure how well the student completes work and if they show mastery of the material. If the teacher grades on a curve, then the question is also "how well did they do relative to their peers?" Grades would be a great indicator if every teacher was the same and every assignment was completely objective.

2. ……

Another measure of success is the ability of a student to progress towards a goal, whatever that goal may be. Such is the measure of progress in subjects such as math, where a student progresses from simple addition and subtraction to complicated geometry and calculus. Students are successful if they build from the basic to the complex.

3. ……

Many argue that another measure of student success is seeing the student do something that they couldn't previously do or perhaps do it faster or more completely than they could previously. This is a particularly popular model for success among special needs students who would not get good grades in regular classes or couldn't keep pace with their peers.

4. ……

One of the most popular methods for determining student success is to subject students to a series of standardized tests designed to test benchmark knowledge levels. Students and their schools are then judged based on how they score when compared with state and nationwide averages. Often such importance is placed on these tests, that educators complain about having to teach the test rather than the material.

5. ……

Since the educational system is essentially to prepare people for the working world, many make the case for the students' success in the world after school that defines their success in the educational system. Students may not do well within the confines and limitations of the standardized schooling system but excel in the job market largely because they managed to retain many non-quantifiable lessons.

Ex 1. Give your comments on each method of measuring student success mentioned in the text. Do you find them effective enough? Which one do you consider the most (the least) effective? Bear out your statement.

Text B

Read the text below and match each paragraph with the appropriate heading.