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There are many opinions about street music. Some people think that it is the way of earning money ; others say that there mustn't be any amateur perfoRmances at IN/ON the streets.

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Street music has always been very popular among people. The issue about street music is contraversial: some people are fond of it while others are sure it should be banned.

In my opinion, street music brings us a great deal of pleasure and favour. To begin with, it gives us a chance to listen to live music for free of charge while walking on the street. Secondly, it is a great possibitity for creative people to introduce themselves to public and, probably, to become famous. Finally, some musicians earn money by making street perfomances,so it is their only way to exsist.

Nevertheless, there is a widely spread opinion that street music is not accessible. People claim that this music is rather noisy, it annoys them and distracts them from work. I strongly disagree with this opinion because this music is often very nice and a smile appers on my face when I hear it somewhere. Everyone can afford visiting street perfomances and it is a really interesting leisure activity.

To sum up, street perfomances are not just a way to earn an extra penny for singers, but it is a good way to spend your free time with pleasure.

FLL (Foreign Language Learning)

Some people think that you can master the language only if you study it abroad, in the native speaking environment.

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Nowadays many people believe a foreign language can be studied independently (on one’s own) and it is not necessary to live abroad, but others totally disagree with this point of view and I can understand them.

In my opinion, a language can be completely mastered if you only have lived abroad. First of all, if a person is going to study a language abroad, he/she will learn it much faster, communicating with native speakers. Secondly, life in another country gives a chance to immerse in traditions, history and habits of another country and to understand better their way of life. Finally, life abroad allows people to communicate with the natives and understand their pronunciation.

On the other hand, a number of people argue that studying abroad is a waste of time and money and it is not worth going there. Besides, they claim people should find a good teacher and learn a language with him/her.

I do not consider these arguments really crucial because people will never gain a language experience in their own country. A person, who really wants to know a language and understand it on a perfect level, will never regret spending money or time on his/her hobby.

In conclusion, I am totally sure that the best way of learning a foreign language is to live abroad and communicate with native speakers.

Extreme Sports

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.

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Today sport is an integral part of our life. For a long time people engage in for their health. But in extreme sports other way round they can get bruises and injures. So some people think that they do not have anything useful, other believe that doing these kinds of sport promotes strengthen spirit.

In my opinion, it is can be helpful activity. Firstly, it helps to build character and overcome fears. Secondly, extreme is fun. It is nice to do double back flip on motorcycle or parachute jump. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to escape from routine and everyday worries.

On the other hand, someone claims that it is very dangerous. Absolutely, these sports can seriously damage your body. Many athletes were injured and could not continue their career.

I partly agree with this, but doing they in amateur level is not so harmful. And it is important to follow safety rules and always use protective equipment. With all these instructions you can minimize a threat of getting injure.

To sum up, I am convinced that doing extreme sports is not so dangerous and useless. If do it correctly and wisely, then you'll be fine.

EDU: Online vs Traditional

Some people say that online education is an excellent alternative to traditional education. But others people believe that virtual education can not substitute traditional one.

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in today`s world online education is rapidly increasing thanks to development of computer technology. So some people assume that such education plays a more significant role than education at school, whereas others doubt that traditional education might be replaced.

in my opinion, virtual education is not as effective as traditional one. Firstly, students do not have an opportunity to communicate with their teachers and classmates face to face. They are isolated from one another that has a negative influence on their character. Their social and communicative skills are poorly developed. Secondly, at class pupils can exchange ideas and thoughts. Therefore it makes easier and more interesting to master subjects. Moreover, while studying online, students become addicted to a computer.

On the other hand, supports of virtual education are sure that it provides an easier and more comfortable way of obtaining knowledge, as there is no need to attend classes and spend time to get to school. Also they claim that pupils are not restricted in a schedule that allow them to distribute time more rational.

It might be true, but if students are free from a schedule, they will spend more time themselves. So it will badly affect studying.

In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that traditional education should not be substituted. However, it is possible that both education will be mixed.

Some people prefer to eat out. However. many people still like to cook meals at home What is your opinion about having meals at home? Write 200-250

Nowadays eating out is becoming much more popular than earlier. So, some people like to eating out: in restaurants, in cafe for example and do not less their time for cooking, but others prefer to eat at home. Who is right?

To my mind, it is nothing better than eating at home. So, I do not support people who likes to eat out. I think, home meals is healthier and you should not care about freshness of your products. Also, to my mind, meals from restaurants are not always tasty. You can make tasty food at home and spend less money.

But others people often think eating out is more practical. They argue that we are living in new era: 21th century. It is time of development science and technologies,and the time where career stand on the first place, thats why we do not have enouth time for cooking.If you eat out you do not waste time for cooking, it is fast. You only have to order some meals and wait some minutes. It is convenient.

But I do not agree with these position and think that it is better to spend some time in the kitchen, but to be sure that you eat quality food.

I prefer to eat at home because, to my mind, home meals are tastier and healthier. But it is only my opinion, and everybody decided what to eat and chosing their way of life.


Sports: Watching or Participating

Some people think it's important to do sports regularly while others would rather watch a sporting event on TV.

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Nowadays many people relate to sport as to an integral part of their lives. However, not all of them do sport themselves as they prefer watching it on TV.

In my opinion people should do sports on a daily basis as it is utterly beneficial for their health.

Firstly, sportsmen are said to have good immune system as a result of their regular exercise and this enables them to stave off getting sick. What is more, for people who are complaining about being overweight due to sedentary lifestyle, sports seems to be the only way to get into shape and lose a couple of kilos. Finally, when people lead an active life they do not have time to get bored and consequently sports may become an excellent tool to entertain yourself and boost your energy level.

Nevertheless, they opponents claim that watching sport events on TV brings enough excitement and they do not need to be involved in it personally. Additionally, while doing sports one may get injured and end up in hospital.

Although they allegations may hold some water but it is also true that only by doing sports we are able to strengthen our body and improve our health.

All things considered, while I agree that watching sports may make an amusing pastime but regardless of this every person should do some sports as it is a prerequisite for good health.

Extreme Sports: Character

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.

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Different groups of people have opposite opinions about extreme sports. Some people believe that this kind of sports can develop negative character traits. Anyhow, nowadays there are a lot of people who keen on it.

In my opinion, doing adventure sports is much useful for a person. And it is more preferable than sitting in front of television or computer, for example. First of all, participation in extreme sports teaches people to cope with difficulties, to overcome fears, to be more confident in their selves. Secondly, sports force to be in motion, that can help to stop being lazy. Finally, it is the best way to get rid of tension, negative emotions such as rage, anxiety, anger and so on. Instead of it, this sport brings new energy for life, adrenaline and positivity.

However, many people think that extreme sports can do a person selfish. Moreover, those people who like to do something adventurous put their lives at risk.

Although this is true to some extent, but I think, people should do in for sports with friends in order to stop development of self-interest. Consequently, they will develop team spirit. And I am sure if people observe basic safety rules there will be no reasons for fear of life.

To sum up, I am strongly convinced that advantages to doing extreme sports considerably outweigh the disadvantages. And it helps people to develop some traits of character which can be useful in everyday life.

School Uniform

At many schools, it is compulsory for pupils to wear a uniform. Thi is much better than letting students wear their own clothes to school. What is you opinion?


Our parents wore a school uniform many years ago. In the beginning of 21 century this rule was cancelled. Nowadays many schools want to return old tradition. Is it good or bad?

In my opinion school uniform is good way for pupils to be organized. They should understand that on the important meetings you must wear formal clothes. Furthermore, uniform makes pupils equal in material sense. Children from poor families won’t think that they are worse than others. Also your parents won’t spend much money for clothes every year, because school orders uniform for all pupils at once.

However, many people think that the same uniform doesn’t feel yourself individual personality. Besides, uniform often has dark color, for example black or brown, and it can spoil the pupil’s mood. Moreover by the end of the year uniform becomes untidy and not pleasant to look at it.

In conclusion I want to say that pupils must wear strictly uniform, because it makes them to study better.

~ENV: Nature vs People~

Some people think that nature will take steps to rectify any damages in the environment caused by people.

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The problems of the environment have been a subject of hot debates for the last decade. There is an opinion that if we keep on rejecting responsibilities to take care of nature and ecology the human race is doomed to failure. However, there are those with more optimistic views.

In my opinion, people overestimate the recovering capacities of nature and one day may find themselves living on barren lands and breathing poisonous air. The first point to bear in mind is that air pollution created by fabric emissions and car fumes effect the ozone layer a lot. If it is destroyed completely the Earth will be exposed to scorching sun rays and end up being burnt. A further point is that there is no way nature will be able to recreate the population of endangered species ones man has hunted them to the point of extinction. As result of it the balance in the ecosystem will be devastated and some animals will fail to find food and gradually die out.

However, there are some people who claim that we have nothing to worry about as all the changes in the environment are inevitable and natural. According to them, the ozone layer is self-repairing and the ecosystem is regenerative.

With all due respect, I tend to disagree with this point of view as the truth is that but for humans there would never be polluted rivers without fish and rainforests abandoned by animals.

To sum up, even though nature does have a great ability to rejuvenate some damages caused by people it is obvious that it will not be able to win the fight against the humans’ distractive actions.

Studying History

Nowadays some people say that the study of history is largely a waste of time as it prevents us from challenges of current life.

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Should we study history or should not? Some people consider the study of history is a sheer waste of time, while others totally disagree with that.

In my view, learning history is far preferable to not learning. It offers a wide range of benefits for us. To begin with, the process of history is all about reasons and consequences. Studying this structure makes us think logically. It is an important skill for life in general. What is more, the study of history broadens our minds. By studying history we will encounter customs, traditions, household of the people of all walks of life in any century, we will get acquainted with political systems too. Furthermore, the question of being well-educated is partly based on your knowledge in history. One needs to know history not to be considered as a fool, a simpleton.

However, there are people who oppose this opinion. They say that since it is past, it does not matter at all. In their opinion, modern society is too different from the previous one. Besides, they say the speed of modern life is too fast to learn something about the past, the history.

But what they forgot about is that some bases and rules exist for ages. So they are not right at all.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that knowledge of history is a matter of vital importance for all of us. Everybody should study the history.