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Example: Gerry works for company that/which makes typewriters.


The book is about a girl...


What was the name of the horse...


The police have caught the man ...


Alexander Bell was the man ...


Where are the pictures ...


The police are still trying to identify the body ...


A dictionary is a book...


I don’t like people ...

10. It seems that the Earth is the only planet

  1. Fill in that, who or what only where necessary.

  1. She gives her children everything they want.

  2. Tell me you want and I’ll try to help you.

  3. Why do you blame me for everything goes wrong?

  4. I won’t be able to do very much but I’ll do the best I can.

  5. I can’t lend you any money. All I’ve got is a pound.

  6. Nora is the only person understands me.

  7. I don’t agree with you’ve just said.

  1. Put the correct prepositions: at, on, in.

  1. The course begins 7 January and ends 10 March.

  2. I went to bed _ midnight and got up 6.30 the next morning.

  3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived 5 o’clock the morning.

  4. Mozart was bom in Saltsburg 1756.

  5. Are you doing anything special the weekend?

  6. Hurry up! We’ve got to go _ 5 minutes.

  7. I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I saw her last Thursday.

  8. It can be dangerous when children play football the street.

  9. I’ll meet you the corne of the street _ 10 o’clock.

  10. We got stuck in a traffic jam _ the way to the airport.

  11. There was an accident the crossroads this morning.

  12. Look at those beautiful horses that field!

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

What is a marketing plan anyway?

Building a business that grows steadily in size and profits is like building your dream house. First, you identify what kind of home you want, then you and your architect plan and create blueprints for your house, then you built it, move in and enjoy.

Now imagine that you didn’t have the time to plan your home but went ahead and hired a builder to get started. How would he know what to build? Without a plan, the result would be unlikely to meet your needs and you'd have wasted a lot of time and money.

Everyday I get calls from frustrated owners of small businesses. Their marketing isn’t helping them generate a steady stream of new clients or bring in the revenue that they think they should be making.

My conversation with Ken, from Toronto, was typical. I asked Ken to describe his business and business goals. I asked him to tell me about his target market and what he is doing to market his business. He easily describes his technological and design expertise, his Web services and the ads and mailings he was using to promote his business. Then I asked the question that stumps almost everyone who calls me for advice: I asked Ken if he had a marketing plan and what it was. He didn’t have one.

Do you?

You know what your goals are and where you want to take your business. You also know that marketing involves activities such as building a web site, mailings, advertising and phone calls to prospects. But without a plan tying these efforts together, these activities by themselves may do little to help you achieve your goals.

You need a well thought out blueprint for your marketing, just as you would for your dream home.

Here is how to start putting your marketing plan together.

  1. Identify your marketing goals.

What specifically does your marketing need to achieve for your business to grow? You can state this in terms of the number of qualified leads generated each week, the percentage of leads converted to sales, total revenue and profit.

  1. Define your marketing strategy.

This is your overall approach and positioning relative to your goals and your competition. My marketing strategy is an educational one. It is based on giving people ideas and information they can use as a means of getting their attention and demonstrating the value I provide.

  1. Set up your marketing System.

Develop a plan of action. To increase sales, your marketing activities and the media you use need to reflect your marketing strategy and work together as one.

I use articles and pay-per-click ads to get people to my web site, a free marketing guide to generate contacts, forms to generate leads, and follow up with auto responders, my phone calls. Each individual activity supports and works in harmony with the others to bring me a lot of business.

  1. Map out your marketing activities.

Now flesh out the details. You’ve decided what your marketing activities will be; now for each marketing activity you’ll need to determine who will create and implement it and when.

  1. Sharpen your marketing tools.

Each marketing activity involves using one or more marketing tools. These include everything from your web site to your phone scripts to your marketing messages. To cut through the information clutter and get your prospect’s attention you’ll want finely honed tools.

Plan your marketing like you would your dream home. The time you spend developing a marketing plan - your blueprints- based on your business goals, a clear strategy, a coordinated system will pay

off. Use your marketing plan in conjunction with a set of sharp marketing tools. You’ll be building your client base and profits in no time at all.

  1. What do your dream house and your business have in common?

  2. Why do you need a marketing plan?

  3. What is a marketing strategy?

  4. What marketing system does the author of the article use?

  5. What are marketing tools?

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