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Taoist Secrets Of Love

velop the male yin energy pole. That is why masturbation should be used for training purposes only; it is not advisable to develop a strong attachment to it that might prevent you from maturing. This training stage for some men might last as long as a year or two. It will depend on how frequently you practice the Big Draw and other pelvic exercises and on the availability of a suitable partner.


The other occasion in which all men can use the Big draw alone is at night or in the early morning in bed when they wake up with a powerful erection. This is very powerful and pure ching chi produced after your body and mind have been charged with sleep. Some Taoists think this is the most potent chi available to a man. It is undiluted by any psychic toxins from another, and your own mind is so relaxed and free of outside tension that it can absorb the energy more easily than at other times.

You can do the Big Draw lying in bed on your right side until the erection disappears. It may take more contractions because of the amount of sexual energy pooled in the sperm palace. If this produces too much energy in the head, be sure to bring it down to your navel by focusing your mind there and spiralling it a small circle 3" in diameter. Do this first clockwise (imagine a clock at your navel facing outward) and then counter-clockwise. This will balance and center the excess energy. If this is insufficient, do the venting exercise as well.


During the Hard Contractions power is drawn in forced up from the lower trunk. Power is simultaneously forced down from the head. Thus tremendous pressure builds in the mid-trunk. This high pressure energy must be vented: it cannot go out the penis or anus for you have locked these shut.

It shoots up to the ear and eye and escapes slightly from these apertures. As the power passes through these organs it invigorates them. If the eyes are kept open at this point and moved somewhat in their sockets, more restorative energy will flow to them

The power which you have begun to generate with retention of the seed is enormous. It has the force to crack massive bone.

The Secrets of Semen Retention


For this reason the sutures atop the skull of advanced adepts often loosen. The power can drill through the plates of the skull, increasing cranial capacity and oepning direct access to higher energies.

The practices advocated herein may allow one to regain part of the prodigious learning and regenerative powers of the child. The only humans with loose skull sutures are the evolved adept and the infant.

After one to three months of practice the beginner at seminal retention may experience a certain feeling of pressure in the head. For some this feeling will be very unpleasant; for others, it will be not only tolerable but rather pleasurable. This feeling of pressure is the vital power rising to the top of the head with unaccustomed intensity. It is a sign of progress: the body has far exceeded its usual capacity of life force.

Those born for the practice of esoteric loving will enjoy this life intensity. This feeling is an early sign of the development of a super-chemistry of the body. With this chemistry energy normally lost is retained and transformed into higher states of health and consciousness. Such heightening of vital force poses no danger to your health. However, if the power grows very uncomfortable, it may be released, vented to other parts of the body, used to impower meditation or spent creatively in other areas of your life and work.


According to Taoist tradition, in the beginning of mankind our ancestors had the ability to control sex instinctively. They could control emotions, ejaculation, and sex as they wished. But gradually our ancestors were drained off of this ability. Through oversex, overpleasure, overdrinking, and over thinking by overspending themselves, they gradually lost this ability. This ability can be restored to the mind by training it to automatically stop the leakage of sexual energy. The key is repeated practice of the big draw until you do it instinctively. Then the nectar of your sexual essence will flow continuously up to the crown of your head, the golden flower. In Automatic mind control the pineal gland is the most important key to link the sex organ to the brain.

The greatest goal for this locking is that after 6 to 21 months, or 10,000 Big Draws, you will be able to use the mind alone to draw


Taoist Secrets Of Love

it up anytime or anywhere, whether standing, sitting or talking. If you can draw up and shut the leaking door continuously for a week, that means you are beginning to assume control. At that point, put your concentration on the crown (pineal gland) and try to just think the power up without using any big force, and eventually the door will close automatically and for as along as you want. When you put your mind at the crown, its pulls the power up to the head.

Some people may pull too often, or do it the wrong way thus feeling the power stuck in the heart. To release it drink honey in tea or use the hand to brush it down the front of the body towards the navel where it is safer to store. If energy remains stuck in the heart, just do normal breathing and use the mind to cure. Start circulating your chi from the perineum. Breathe in and think from the Hui-Yin (the Gate of Death and Life) up to the top of the head (pineal) and down to the third eye (Yin-Tang) between the eyebrows. Stop for awhile. Then breathe down and when it passes through the heart, try to think of it as flowing down like a waterfall and entering the navel 9 to 36 times will gradually take the power stuck in the heart out.

You will eventually reach the state where you can control your sexual urge anytime you want. Even at night when erect, you can just pull the power up and the erection will drop and the mind and the sex organs will be at one. You can control sex like a voluntary muscle of the arm. The understanding it takes to reach this stage depends on the person. Some get it quicker and some more slowly. Practice is the key. After trying for a while you will eventually have more confidence and can command the sex organs or command the door of immortals (Gate of Death and Life) to open and close at will.

Points to remember:

1. After you've really succeeded in using the mind to control the urge of ejaculation, the second or third day you may feel some pain in Hui-Yin or penis. This is a normal thing to happen. The mind orders the muscles to contract and push the fluid back which uses a lot of muscle power to hold that flow. Naturally, you will have the soreness of muscles in that area. Just rub the Hui-Yin in that area and try to relax the muscle. After a few more times you will not feel anything any more.

The Secrets of Semen Retention


2.Some people, if they have been collecting a lot of power this way, might feel very hot and some might have an irritating feeling to vomit or headache because the sexual energy is stuck in the head of chest and the power is too great. This is a mild case of the "Kundalini syndrome". The method mentioned of eating honey or brushing the chest alone cannot solve the problem. You may have to use running to burn the energy away, or other extensive exercises. The energy should be disposed of in a non degenerative way. Completing the Microcosmic Orbit is the most important safety valve to help distribute the sexual energy evenly.

3.In the final stages of automatic mind control of sexual energy, there is no need to clench the teeth, anus and buttocks. The whole body stays relaxed and you contract not the buttocks but the front urogenital diaphragm and the perineum only.

4.To more easily achieve the goal of automatic internal locking, bear in mind you can do internal locking any time you want, driving the car, sitting down, coffee or doing work. Practice contracting the urogenital diaphragm, the contraction in front, not the buttocks. Do this until you can fully control an erection or an urge to ejaculate with a flicker of your mind.






"Yang can function only with the cooperation of Yin, Yin can grow only in the presence of Yang"

Yellow Emperor's Female Consultant on Sex.

Our universe changes perpetually because of the eternal flow of yin and yang energies. The very essence of yin-yang exchange is the cyclical alternation of day and night. Due to this alternating energy flow, this respiration of the heavens, living things can grow. Were there only day and no night, all would be burnt; or if there were only night and no day, nothing would have strength to grow. As living things, humans are also subject to the law of yin and yang exchange.

The human being can live happily only if he/she is in harmony with the principles of life. If one violates the law of the yin and yang interchange, by forbidding the sexual communion of yin and yang energy, energy will not flow in the body. The life force will slowly stagnate and leach out. Life will become a long slide into depression interspersed by spasms of enslavement to the passions.

If you have learned to block the urge to ejaculate, or even decided that you have the will to learn the Tao of love, you are on the threshold of a new experience. That experience will alter your perceptions of your own body and mind. It will change the way you

144 Taoist Secrets Of Love

see your lover, and change your understanding of sex and love. Drawing Nectar up to the Golden Flower is incomplete with-

out the Exchange of Yin and Yang energy. The Golden Flower is the light at the crown of the head. The Big Draw conserves your nectar, the sexual essence. It is exchanging your ching with your lover that transforms it, and in the process gives you an experience of sex which is deeply shared as love. Your orgasm will be totally unlike that known to simple ejaculators. As you make love over periods of time, the pleasure spreads over and fills the entire body. This orgasm of the whole body is unknown to quick-ejaculating males whose thrill is confined primarily to the genital area. Most important you will gain a new sense of inner equilibrium that will be stored in your body long after your pleasure has become a flitting memory.

This method prolongs penetration to one-half hour, one hour, two hours, or more. You can enjoy this form of sexual love indefinitely without paying for your pleasure with your life force. The difference is in the type of orgasm. The ordinary one may be called the Peak Orgasm: one fleeting moment of intense, even excruciating pleasure, then nothing.

Taoists advocate the Valley Orgasm: continual rolling expansion of the orgasm throughout the whole body. The Valley Orgasm provides more gradual, but ultimately greatly heightened ecstasy. Carlos Suares used an image similar to the Taoist Valley Orgasm to distinguish true loving in sex from ejaculation: "Erotically, the man is more like a valley watered by innumerable streams than like a deep gorge where an overwhelming torrent rushes along."

During the Valley Orgasm, lovers can relax and have all the time in the world to share their tenderness. There is no frenzied explosion, only wave after wave of higher subtle energies bathing the entwined man and woman. The Valley Orgasm is not a technique, but rather a certain kind of experience that the lovers allow to happen to themselves. But it can be encouraged by following this time-tested process:

1. Timing: after thrusting, relax and exchange energy.

Following the Hard Contractions of the Big Draw return to thrusting. After another round of 81 shallow (and 9 deep) thrusts, you may again be drawing near ejaculation. Meanwhile, the woman has been highly stimulated by your passion. She, too, may be approaching orgasm.

When she becomes very excited, the vaginal lubricant flows

Cultivating The Valley Orgasm




. Peak Orgasm


What Happened Here?

Genital orgasm with ejaculation is intense but cuts short love-making.


Power awakens

Pass Gate

Power up to

Hold seed, begin

of the


to transform its



energy up in

to Chang-

Solar Plexus)

the Microcosmic






Valley Orgasms are spontaneous openings for lovers, to higher levels of Taoist Chi cultivation.

more freely. In this fluid there are large amounts of Yin energy. Following the second series of thrusts you need to perform the Big Draw a second time to prevent ejaculation. Or if the woman is about to have an orgasm, cease rubbing while she performs the Big Draw. In either case, the momentum of your sexual energies should be established and moving up toward your higher centers.

At this point cease thrusting and begin to exchange the restorative energies with her. You will gently release the hot, male Yang energy into her. She will release the cool, female Yin into you. Remember you cannot take in her power without giving freely of your own. The exchange heals both. Man needs the soft recep-

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