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Taoist Secrets Of Love


Pai-Hui, The Crown

Pituitary Gland

(Mid Eyebrow)

The Tongue touches the root of the palate to complete the circuit of the governing and conception channels


(Cranial Pump)



The Governing




Shan Chung (Thymus Gland)


Rejuvenation Center


The Conception




Chung Wan




(Solar Plexus,

(Adrenal Gland






at T-11) Mini-pump



Ming-Men (kidney






Door of Life)



Prenatal energy






safety point



Chang-Chiang, Coccyx



(Sacrum pump)







Extra spirit




stored here

Yung-Chuan K-1

Learn to circulate your Chi in the Microcosmic Orbit to assist mastery of semen retention

& transformation of sexual energy.

The Secrets of Semen Retention


The sexual energy that moves in the microcosmic is a primordial energy. Human life begins with the piercing of an egg by a sperm cell. This is the original act of Kung Fu in the battle of yin and yang. Sexual Kung Fu is the recreation of that act within the male body. Only instead of forming a foetus from a fertilized egg growing inside the woman's womb, the sperm energy penetrates to higher energy centers inside the male body and gives birth to man on a spiritual level. It is drawn upward by the microcosmic channel where it literally gives a man a rebirth, a "new life"—the confidence of controlling a powerful flow of creative energy and the satisfaction of a deep sense of harmony. Whenever you are "in love" with a woman or with life at large, energy is flowing into your microcosmic orbit. It is the feeling of intense connectedness, of being centered in the warm flowing current of life.


By opening this microcosmic channel up and keeping it clear of physical or mental blockages it is possible to pump greater amount of sexual energy up the spine. If this channel is blocked by tension, then during the sexual excitement of love-making the hot sperm energy will seek the quickest alternate escape route and go out the penis. The sexual power is then lost until the body goes through the long and physically taxing process of manufacturing more sperm. Some of man's power of magnetic sexual attraction is temporarily lost by this discharge of sperm. There are some methods of kundalini and tantric yoga that devise a very powerful flow of energy up the spine to the head, using mantra, breathing techniques, yogic postures and locks to channel the sperm power upwards. Leaving to circulate the microcosmic orbit is an important step to sealing this energy within the body so it will circulate and revitalize all parts of the mind and body. Otherwise when intense pressure builds in the head much of it escapes out the eyes, ears, nose and mouth and is lost. This is like trying to heat a room with your body heat while all the windows open—you're going to have a very high fuel bill. You'll spend a lot of sperm energy that isn't recoverable for immediate practical use, such as sharing it with your lover.

The easiest way to open the microcosmic energy channel is by simply sitting in meditation a few minutes each morning and relaxing. Allow your energy to automatically complete the loop by let-

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ting your mind flow along with it. Start in the eyes, and mentally circulate with the energy as it goes down the front through your tongue, throat, chest and navel and then up the tailbone and spine to the head.

At first it will feel like nothing is happening, but eventually the current will begin to feel warm in some places as it loops around. The key is just to relax and try to bring your mind directly into the part of the loop being focused on. This is different from visualizing an image inside your head of what that part of the body looks like or is feeling. Do not use your mind as if it were a T.V. picture. Experience the actual chi flow. Relax and let your mind flow with the chi in the physical body along a natural circuit to any desired point e.g. your navel, perineum, etc.

Those interested in fully mastering this method of relaxation and opening the microcosmic orbit can refer to my first book "AWAKEN HEALING ENERGY THROUGH THE TAO." The best lover is a fully relaxed man who understands what is going on inside him. The man who masters this easy flow of energy inside the body's microcosmic orbit will find tapping into his sexual powers a simple and natural step.

Experience has shown that the Sexual Kung Fu practices taught in this chapter were quickly and effortlessly mastered by students who first studied the microcosmic orbit and opened its two channels of energy flow. So study of the microcosmic orbit is highly recommended to all students of Sexual Kung Fu who seek to truly master the techniques taught here. Progress to the higher levels of transforming sexual energy without first learning the microcosmic is very difficult. Many people may already be "open" in these channels and simply need to be told where the energy flows in order to do it. Others get it simply by being very relaxed and living close to nature. The benefits of the microcosmic orbit extend beyond facilitating the flow of sexual energy, and include prevention of aging and the healing of many illnesses ranging from high blood pressure, insomnia and headaches to arthritis.

Mastering the microcosmic current also prepares the serious student for utilizing other energy-conserving techniques that complement Sexual Kung Fu such as "Iron Shirt Chi Kung I, II, III," a method of packing and storing chi energy into vital organs. Another powerful technique is Tai Chi Chi Kung, a condensed form of Tai Chi Chuan that circulates chi energy between body, mind, and

The Secrets of Semen Retention


spirit and strengthens muscles, tendons and bones. (Both of these techniques will be available in publication at a later date.)

Let's move into the first technique of semen retention during love-making. Even if you don't sit daily and circulate the microcosmic current, just being aware that it exists in your body and functions automatically during these practices should help you more quickly master the methods of Taoist loving. You may even learn it through your love-making; all it takes is attention. The less "automatic" and the more conscious you become of the functioning of subtle chi energy in your body, mind, and spirit, the greater your freedom to creatively love and be yourself.



(Pituitary Gland)



The Valley Orgasm

Let Chi build up in the major energy centers If the polarity with your lover is balanced the Chi will rise up effortlessly




Taoist Secrets Of Love


Three Fingers Method of seminal retention has been practiced in China for more than five thousand years. It is so easy and simple that anyone can learn it quickly and with considerable effectiveness. The method seals in the vital fluid from the outside with fingertip pressure. It requires slightly more coordination than stepping on a garden hose to stop the flow of water.

The Three Fingers Method involves essentially this: Several seconds before the moment of ejaculation, press the mid-point between the anus and the scrotum with the three longest fingers of the right hand. This seals in the fluids and much energy.


1.Locate The Point: Apply the pressure at the mid-point between the anus and scrotum. This point, which lies at the very bottom of the trunk, is a "door" through which energy enters and leaves the body.

2.Apply pressure: Apply pressure neither too hard or too light. The proper amount of force must be found with experience. Generally speaking, the stronger the finger tips, the less pressure needs to be applied to halt the fluid.



Ductus Deferens

Seminal Vesicle

Anal Ring





External Locking Method

Several seconds before the moment of ejaculation press the mid-point between the anus and scroturr with the three longest fingers of the right hand

The Secrets of Semen Retention


3.Use Three Fingers: The passage through which the semen travels tends to slide away from one's fingers. Two fingers cannot hold the tube and block it at the same time. We use the second and fourth fingers to press both sides of the urethra and anchor it in place. Then the middle finger presses directly on the urethra itself, which doesn't slip away because it is pinned on both sides by the other two fingers. The fingers should be curved slightly. The middle finger is a little more bowed than the other two in order to provide a solid, even wall through which the fluid cannot pass.

4.Timing: As soon as you feel the inevitability of ejaculation, apply the fingers for External Locking. If you wait too long, no force can stop the flow. When you know that ejaculation is imminent, apply the fingers. The locking should be applied before, during and after the contractions. Lock until you are certain that the pumping has ceased completely.

The net result of locking in the semen is that much fluid flows back to the reservoirs from which it came. There is no harm whatever done to the bodily organs, for the tissues in this region are highly elastic and accept the fluid which returns when you reverse the flow.

It might seem that the seminal reservoir cannot hold fluid beyond a maximum level. This would be true if the male reproductive system were a simple hose and tank. This it is not. When the fluid reaches a high level, several things happen.

First, production of sperm automatically declines. This saves the energy and materials needed to produce the nutritionally-rich sperm. Second, there is a natural tendency for the body to reabsorb these fluids spontaneously. Third, the Taoists have perfected a system for "steaming" the seminal power up to the higher vital centers, thereby reducing pressure in the lower sperm ducts and prostate gland. This involves transmuting the liquid sperm to a higher energy state. It is somewhat like boiled water becoming a gas, a property which allows moisture to travel upward to the sky while still retaining the essence of water. The liquid ching is likewise transmuted into a different and more mobile energy form that retains the creative essence of ching.

Remember that the force of the seed is more than mere chemical analysis can explain. Any scientist can stew together the ingredients of the sperm. But inspiring them with the power to re-


Taoist Secrets Of Love

produce life is a much more difficult task. It is the life in the seed which we seek to conserve and transform.

The main use of this method is for beginning and intermediate practitioners of Sexual Kung Fu who have not yet mastered the Big Draw method of retaining semen yet want to continue love making without losing their seed. In short, it is an external crutch that should be thrown away when you have thoroughly learned the more internal practices. You may experience a little discomfort after the first few times after you try this method. This is normal and no more cause for alarm than stiffness in long-unused muscles after a good workout.


1.Don't overdo it at first. For the first few weeks, use this powerful practice no more than once every two or three days. The elderly and sick should use the method not more than twice per week at the beginning of practice.

2.After using the method, the vital heat may so increase that you will feel quite thirsty. Simply drink more water.

3.After practicing External Locking for one to three months, and in some cases sooner, the sexual drive will be appreciably heightened. Erections will be more frequent. Increase your sexual activities at a moderate pace. Don't abuse your newfound power.

4.The practice requires strong fingertip pressure. If you are too weak to do it do several fingertip pushups every day. Use five, then four, then three fingers and increase the number of pushups as your strength develops.

5.Since a small amount of seed will remain in the urethra, some semen may leak out when erection is lost. Thus, to use this practice for birth control, you must withdraw from the vagina before erection falls. For contraceptive purposes urinate before entering the woman for a second act of intercourse. To be 100% safe use this method in conjunction with a spermicidal foam or other contraceptive of your choice.

The Secrets of Semen Retention


6.At first you may experience light fatigue after sexual activity. However, the body's vital reserves will rapidly increase so that all fatigue will disappear despite a minor loss of power.

7.Some vital energy is lost in this method. Loss is avoided with the more perfect Internal Locking Method described later in this chapter. The energy loss of External Locking is usually 40 to 60% of the power of the seed. Nevertheless, this is greatly preferable to indiscriminate ejaculation of the fluid. The External Locking very appreciably improves strength and virility. It is an excellent beginner's method and prelude to the Internal Locking.


After using the External Locking, you must massage two key acupuncture points of the body. The first of these points is called the Hui-Yin or perineum. It is the midpoint between the anus and scrotum. You pressed this point to lock in the seed. The other point is the Chang-Chiang, midway between the coccyx and the anus.



The Chang-Chiang point lies between the coccyx tip & the anus.

The perineum lies midway between the anus & the scrotum.

Gently massage the perineum & coccyx areas to facilitate reabsorption of the seminal fluid & to prevent congestion

of energy in the prostate gland.

124 Taoist Secrets Of Love

Hui-Yin: This is the starting point of the energy path running up the front of the trunk. It is the bottom of the trunk. The Hui-Yin links the highest point, the "Crown" of the head of Pai-Hui, with the lowest point on the sole of the foot, the Yung Ch'uan.

From the Pai-Hui (the crown of the head) the power of the heavens is drawn into the body. From the Yung-Ch'uan (sole of the foot) the power of the earth is absorbed into the body's web of etheric energy. The Hui-Yin (perineum) is thus the central point between the crown and the sole. It is a crucial midway juncture of energy transmission.

Through the Hui-Yin (perineum) the Yin energy, the energy of the earth, enters the trunk. The energy of the testes also enters and leaves the body through this door. In other words, when the door of the Hui-Yin is closed, it retains the life energy. But when ejaculation opens the Hui-Yin, vital power can spill out with dire consequences. Slowly flowing blood settles and stagnates in the Hui-Yin. When the blood lingers there due to weak flow of the chi and gravitational influence, many health problems arise. Hemorrhoids may develop. The veins bloat with blood when chi constantly leaks out through the lower body energy door.

Chang-Chiang: The point lies between the coccyx tip and the anus. Through this point the power flows up to the head. From the head energy will radiate forth to the entire body.

At the Chang-Chiang many major nerves terminate. It is never the beginning of the second main route of electrical energy in the body known as the Governor Meridian. This route runs from the Chang-Chiang to the Pai-Hui to the palate of the mouth roof.

Massage the Hui-Yin and Chang-Chiang vigorously with 27 to 81 circular rotations on the point with two thicknesses of folded silk cloth. Massage with the middle three fingers. The use of silk cloth helps prevent irritation in these sensitive areas. It also increases the flow of power by generating electricity.

The massage helps release muscular tension and facilitates reabsorption of the seminal fluid. It is essential in preventing any prostrate problems. Most importantly, it stimulates the power flow up to the Pai-Hui Crown of the head.


The power which you have begun to generate with retention of the

The Secrets of Semen Retention


seed is enormous. It has the force to crack massive bone. For this reason the sutures atop the skull of advanced adepts often loosen. The power can drill through the plates of the skull, increasing cranial capacity and opening direct access to higher energies.

The practices advocated herein may allow one to regain part of the prodigious learning and regenerative powers of the child. The only humans with loose skull sutures are the evolved adept and the infant. The meditational practices taught in the books and courses at the Taoist Esoteric Yoga Centers allow one to replicate another aspect of the child's life processes. They allow one to direct energy along the passages of electrical respiration used by the foetus in the womb. The foetus uses energy far more efficiently than the human being at any other stage in his/her existence.

The vastness of this accomplishment in the womb makes other works of human creation seem comparatively insignificant. The meditational process acts to renew the fountains of creative energy that flowed when we were in metamorphosis from a single microscopic dot to a quadrillion-celled human being.

After one to three months of practice the beginner at seminal retention may experience a certain feeling of pressure in the head. For some this feeling will be very unpleasant; for others, it will be not only tolerable but rather pleasurable. This feeling of pressure is the vital power rising to the top of the head with unaccustomed intensity. It is a sign of progress: the body has far exceeded its usual capacity of life force.

Those born for the practice of esoteric loving enjoy this life intensity. This feeling is an early sign of the development of a super-chemistry of the body. It has been popularized by Hindubased yoga teachings in the west as the Kundalini force. With this chemistry energy normally lost is retained and transformed into higher states of health and consciousness. A gradual heightening of this vital force poses no danger to your health. However, if the power surges too strongly or grows very uncomfortable, it may be released or vented to other parts of the body. Physical labor, massaging the feet, and a heavy grain or meat diet will also help to ground this energy.

If you don't wish to perform the venting exercise (see chapter six) or to advance further on this path at this time you may simply ejaculate once or twice to release the excess power. Then once again carefully harbor the seed for superior health and pleasure

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