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2 семестр / Работа № 3 / Вариант 3.doc
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6. Измените предложения по образцу.

Образец: A telephone call woke me up. - I was woken up by a telephone call.

1. The neighbours don't use this room very often.


2. Thomas Coryate brought forks from Italy to England.


3. He has just repaired his car.


4. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person.


7. Перепишите следующие предложения в пассивном залоге.

  1. They sell milk in this shop.


  1. She always invites me to her dinner parties.


  1. We send our daughter to the rest in the south every year.


  1. People don’t use this road very often.


  1. Somebody cleans this room every day.


  1. You can do the work in three days.


  1. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year.


8. Употребите глагол в скобках в правильной форме пассивного залога

1. Perfect shoes ____________ (manufacture) in Italy and Germany.

2. This road never ____________ (clean).

3. Gold ____________ (discover) in Eastern Canada.

9. Скажите, кем, где, когда или из чего были сделаны различные вещи. Образец: My sweater was made in Ireland. It is made of wool.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________

  2. ______________________________________________________________________

  3. ______________________________________________________________________

  4. ______________________________________________________________________

10. Переведите следующие предложения.

  1. Музыка к опере «Женитьба Фигаро» была написана Моцартом.


  1. Ре­зультаты экзаменов будут объявлены завтра утром.


11. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требую­щееся время глагола.

1. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.

2. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

3. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.

4. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man.

12. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требую­щееся время глагола.

  1. I didn't know that you already ___________ (to wind) up the clock.

  2. I was afraid that the little girl ___________ (not to be) able to unlock the front door and ___________ (to go) upstairs to help her.

  3. He says that he ___________ (to know) the laws of the country.

  4. Sarie understood why Lanny ___________ (not to come) the previous evening.

13. Употребите следующие предложения как придаточные дополнительные, в роли главных используя предложения, данные в скобках. Сдви­гайте времена в соответствии с правилом согласова­ния времен.

Образец: They will send a dog after the burglar immediately. (I supposed.) - I supposed, they would send a dog after the burglar immediately.

1. He is painting a new picture. (We heard)


2. His new picture will be a masterpiece. (We were sure)


3. You will fall and break your leg. (I was afraid)


4. My friend has never been to Washington. (I knew)


5. She never drinks milk. (I was told)


14. Передайте следующие повествователь­ные предложения в косвенной речи. Образец: Не said to me: "I live in the suburbs ." - He told me that he lived in the suburbs.

1. The teacher said to Jack: "You work hard, I know. You are a good boy."


2. The teacher said to the pupils: "Next year we shall have six hours of English a week."


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