Английский язык (методичка)
.pdfDialogue 3.
Mike: Hallo, Nick!
Nick: Hallo, Mike! I haven’t seen you for ages. Glad to see you again. Mike: So am I. Let’s meet on Saturday. Mary and I have been to McDon-
ald’s lately. The meals and beverages are fine. Let’s go there together.
Nick: They say that is not cheap, by the way.
Mike: Yes, it’s rather expensive but we can afford it now and then. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
Nick: You’ve always been a gourmet. All right. I’ll call you and we’ll fix the time. See you soon.
(On Saturday afternoon the two couples enter the restaurant hall) Girl: Good afternoon! What would you like to have?
Mike: We’d like lunch with «Big Mac».
Mary: No, Mike. I want lunch with «Fillet of Fish». I like fish, you know. Ann: So do I. I haven’t had fish for long.
Mike: O. K. What about dessert?
Ann: I think special ice–cream with strawberry syrup for all. Yes, and don’t forget about milk shakes, please. They are delicious.
Mary: What are we going to drink? I want to taste «Sprite». Mike: «Sprite» for four, please.
IV. Ask your friend:
-сколько раз в день он (она) ест;
-предпочитает он (она) легкий завтрак или плотный;
-где он (она) обычно обедает;
-какие блюда предлагают в университетской столовой;
-большой ли выбор салатов в столовой;
-нравятся ли ему(ей) блюда из мяса, рыбы и какие;
-может ли он (она) описать свое любимое блюдо;
-какие соки и напитки он (она) предпочитает;
-какой десерт он (она) любит;
-кто готовит пищу и моет посуду в его (ее) семье.
V.Act out the situations:
1.Обсудите с другом рецепт вашего любимого блюда.
2.Вы пришли в столовую (кафе) и обсуждаете меню.
3.Вы собираетесь пригласить гостей на праздничный обед. Обсудите меню вашего обеда.
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I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
cinema, the pictures; the movies |
- |
кино |
cinema-goer |
- |
любитель кино |
a film is on (running) |
- |
фильм идет демонстрируется |
sound film |
- |
звуковой фильм |
silent film |
- |
немой фильм |
colour film |
- |
цветной фильм |
adventure film |
- |
приключенческий фильм |
three-dimensional film |
- |
стереотип |
to enjoy |
- |
наслаждаться |
horror |
- |
ужас |
thriller |
- |
триллер |
overcrowded |
- |
переполненный |
performance |
- |
сеанс |
entertainment |
- |
развлечение |
cinema screens |
- |
киноэкран |
to dominate |
- |
превалировать, |
занимать ведущее место |
to be fond of |
- |
любить что-либо, |
нравиться кому-либо |
to mention |
- |
упоминать |
predominantly |
- |
попреимуществу, |
video facilities |
- |
главным образом |
видео-салон |
to emerge |
- |
появиться, возникнуть |
cinema-going habit |
- |
привычка ходить в кино |
adventures |
- |
приключения |
to release a film |
- |
выпустить фильм на экран |
to shoot a film (shot, shot) |
- |
сниматьфильм |
to spend one's leisure time |
- |
проводить свое свободное |
время |
movie audience |
- |
киноаудитория, кинозрители |
feature film |
- |
художественный фильм |
cartoon |
- |
мультфильм |
leading part |
- |
главная роль |
screen |
- |
экран |
to give preference to smth. |
- |
отдатьпредпочтение |
чему-либо |
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II. Read, translate and retell the text:
Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. The movie audience is predominantly a young one.
Nowadays we can get entertained by the TV, the radio, the theatre or the cinema. Cinema is available no matter where you live. You can always find the film you like among horror films, thrillers, westerns, detective, love, musical films or comedies.
Not so long ago most people used to visit cinema every week. Often cinema houses were overcrowded. But at present video production has flooded the market and cinema became less popular.
Of late cinema screens in this country have been dominated by films produced in the USA. And this tendency is growing.
When I want to go to the cinema, I usually see in the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friends and we discuss what films to see.
I don't go often to the cinema and my friends are not regular cinemagoers either. But if there is a film, which is a hit with the public, I do my best to watch it.
We prefer feature films but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, musical or detective film is a very pleasant way of spending free time. If I want to go to an evening show, I usually book tickets in advance. But for matinee performances I always buy tickets just before the show.
The last film I saw was Hollywood remake of Shakespeare's «Romeo and Juliet". The action takes place in the modern world but all the rest is just like great Shakespeare had described: people, action, and feelings. The original text was used in the film. And I have to mention that the music was great. I think the actors and the actresses did their best and it looked great. I'll remember the film for a long time.
III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogue:
Voronin: Did you watch the news programme on television yesterday, Mr Blake?
Mr Blake: No, my wife and I went to the cinema last night. Voronin: What was on?
Mr Blake: We saw a new comedy at the Odeon. It started at 7 and lasted till 10, as it is a two-part film.
Voronin: Was the cinema full?
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Mr Blake: Oh, yes. It's a very popular film. I recommend you to go and see it.
Voronin: Thank you, but I don't like comedies very much. Mr Blake: What kind of films do you like?
Voronin: Well, I like good love stories or musicals. I never watch horror films or old Westerns. Actually, historical films in black and white or in colour are my favourite films. I also like detective films and thrillers.
Mr Blake: How about film versions of novels? Do you like them? Voronin: Yes, if they are close to the original and if popular actors star in them.
IV. Exercises:
1.Compose dialogues of your own beginning with the following
opening sentences:
1) – Was the foreign film you saw subtitled or dubbed? – Unfortunately it was … 2) – The photography of the film, however fine, didn’t save the film. – Yes, but … 3) – What is very important for a good film is a good script. – I’m afraid it’s not always so … 4) – Popular science fiction films can have tremendous educational value. – Yes, it’s true. I remember the film … 5) – The film is sentimental and not true to life. – It’s not as bad as all that. It’s a bit … 6) – Do you fancy going to the pictures on Saturday? – Well, I … 7) – A, really does steal the show, doesn’t she? – I suppose she does but the others … 8) – You won’t enjoy the film version of …, I’m sure.
– Why? They say it’s worth seeing though …
2.Speak about your favourite cinema actor (actress). What especially strikes you in his (her) acting? In what roles do you like him (her)
best? Use the following ideas:
To work on the leading role; a screen adaptation of …; the film deals with; a popular film actor (actress); to succeed in giving an excellent portrayal of …; to create a gallery of memorable characters (a truly attractive comedy character, people of strong character and firm principles); to have a gift of observation; to revive in his (her) characters the characteristic features of working people (the builders of a new society); his (her) talent is maturing; the characters created by … possess a romantic spirit (human dignity).
V. Answer the questions:
1.Do you like the cinema?
2.Which films do you prefer?
3.Which films have been released lately?
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4.What do you usually do when you want to go to the cinema?
5.Do you prefer to watch films at the cinema or on television?
6.Who is your favourite film star?
7.At what price do you book tickets for the cinema?
8.Do you prefer the cinema to the theatre?
9.Did people use to go to the cinema often?
10.Why are there less cinema-goers now?
VI. Act out the situations:
1.Ваш друг пригласил вас в кино, и вы обсуждаете какой фильм посмотреть.
2.Вы покупаете заранее билеты в кино и спрашиваете кассира о сеансе и о ценебилета.
3.Вы говорите с другом об актерах и последних киноновинках.
4.После похода в кинотеатр вы обмениваетесь впечатлениями о фильме со своим другом.
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Great Britain
I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
Great Britain |
- |
Великобритания |
The United Kingdom of Great |
- |
Объединенное Королевство |
Britain and Northern Ireland |
Великобритании иСеверной |
Ирландии |
official |
- |
официальный |
to occupy |
- |
занимать |
isle |
- |
остров |
island |
- |
остров |
to consist of |
- |
состоять |
total |
- |
общий |
square |
- |
квадратный |
to make up |
- |
составлять |
capital |
- |
столица |
respectively |
- |
соответственно |
population |
- |
население |
to separate |
- |
отделять |
English Channel |
- |
Английский канал (Ла-Манш) |
Strait of Dover |
- |
Па-де-Кале(Дуврскийпролив) |
coast |
- |
побережье |
to wash |
- |
омывать |
navigation |
- |
судоходство |
chief |
- |
главный |
mild |
- |
мягкий |
temperate |
- |
умеренный |
due to |
- |
вследствие |
influence |
- |
влияние |
Gulf Stream |
- |
Гольфстрим |
humid |
- |
влажный |
changeable |
- |
изменчивый |
too |
- |
слишком |
foggy |
- |
туманный |
rainy |
- |
дождливый |
producer |
- |
производитель |
machinery |
- |
оборудование |
textile |
- |
текстильный |
aircraft |
- |
авиационный |
shipbuilding |
- |
судостроение |
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monarchy |
- |
монархия |
chamber |
- |
палата |
House of Commons |
- |
палата общин |
to win |
- |
побеждать |
majority |
- |
большинство |
seat |
- |
место |
to form |
- |
образовывать |
leader |
- |
лидер |
to choose |
- |
выбирать |
to be responsible for |
- |
быть ответсвенным за |
particular |
- |
особый |
government |
- |
правительство |
to cross |
- |
пересекать |
upright |
- |
вертикальный |
saint |
- |
святой |
patron |
- |
покровитель, заступник |
daffodil |
- |
бледно-желтыйнарцисс |
thistle |
- |
чертополох |
shamrock |
- |
трилистник |
II. Read, translate and retell the text:
Great Britain
The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It occupies the territory of the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland and about five thousand small islands. The total area is over 244 000 square kilometres.
The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are: London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. The population of the country is over 57 million people; about 80 % of them live in cities and towns.
Great Britain is separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The west coast of the country is washed by the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long and not good for navigation. The chief rivers are the Severn and the Thames.
The climate in the United Kingdom is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. It is mild, humid and changeable. It is never too hot or too cold. Great Britain is well known as a foggy and rainy country.
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The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the main important industries of the country is shipbuilding. The largest cities of Great Britain are: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh.
The United Kingdom is a monarchy. The Queen is the official head of the state. The legislative power is vested in Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal. The party which wins the majority of seats in Parliament forms the Government and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses about twenty MP's from his party to become Cabinet Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of government.
English is the official language, but some people speak Scottish, Welsh and Irish. The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross (with arms going into the corners) is the cross of St.Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. David is the patron saint of Wales. Rose is a symbol of England, daffodil is a symbol of Wales, thistle is the symbol of Scotland and shamrock is the symbol of Ireland.
III. Answer the questions:
1.What is the official name of the country ?
2.What parts does it consist of ?
3.Is the population over 57 million people ?
4.What is Great Britain separated by from the continent ?
5.The chief rivers in Great Britain are the Severn and the Thames, aren't they ?
6.Why is British climate mild ?
7.Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country ?
8.What British industries do you know ?
9.Who rules Britain officially ?
10.What does the British Parliament consist of ?
11.What is the official language in Great Britain ?
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IV. Ask your friend:
-какое официальное название страны;
-какая общая площадь;
-отделяется ли Великобритания от континента Английским каналом;
-являются ли реки пригодными для судоходства;
-чем хорошо известна Великобритания;
-какие самые крупные города страны;
-кто находится во главе государства;
-какие три главные партии в стране;
-является ли английскийофициальным языком страны;
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I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
to be concentrated |
- |
быть сконцентрированным |
the Royal Exchange |
- |
Королевская биржа |
the Bank of England |
- |
Банк Англии |
the Stock Exchange |
- |
Фондовая биржа |
a port area |
- |
портовыйрайон |
to be quiet and empty |
- |
быть тихим и пустынным |
to stay alive |
- |
бытьоживленным |
nearby |
- |
близлежащий |
a pub |
- |
кабачок, пивная |
a concrete building |
- |
бетонное здание |
to live outside the center |
- |
жить вне центра |
the total population |
- |
все население |
the Greater London |
- |
Большой Лондон |
a suburb |
- |
пригород |
to be home for |
- |
быть местом нахождения |
чеголибо |
the headquarters of |
- |
центральныеучреждения |
a government department |
- |
власть (как часть |
правительства) |
the major legal institutions |
- |
главные судебные учреждения |
the monarch |
- |
монарх |
transport network |
- |
транспортнаясеть |
to contain |
- |
содержать |
the national television network |
- |
национальнаятелевизионная |
сеть |
the original walled city |
- |
первоначальныйгород, |
обнесенный стеной |
to be founded by Romans |
- |
быть основанным римлянами |
a poorer residential area |
- |
бедный жилой район |
a luxurious hotel |
- |
роскошный отель |
an expensive shop |
- |
дорогой магазин |
the main tourist attraction |
- |
главный предмет интереса |
туристов |
King Edward the Confessor |
- |
король Эдуард Исповедник |
an abbey church |
- |
церковь аббатства |
a royal tomb |
- |
гробница короля или |
королевы |
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