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PResent perfect

I. Listening and reading

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Read and translate the text

Alice ashton’s travel weblog

During my 35 years as a travel writer, I have visited more countries than I can count. I have backpacked through Asia, I have cycled through Europe, I have driven across Africa, but I have never explored my own home, Australia. So the time has come to put this right. Over the next ten days I am planning to explore Australia with my two grandchildren. They, unlike me, want to get to know their own country before they start exploring the rest of the world. Here is a diary of our travels and adventures.

Day 1. We have done a walking tour of Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia and a big seaport. We have seen a lot of historical buildings and have admired their colonial architecture.

Day 2. We have taken a boat trip around Discovery Bay.

Day 3. We have explored numerous caves and grottos near Cape York.

Day 4. We have rafted on the Broken River. It has been very exciting.

Day 5. We have visited a thermal reserve and have seen a few spectacular geysers.

Day 6. We have hiked through a canyon and have seen a number of waterfalls.

Day 7. We've been guests at the campfire of an Aboriginal community. We have learned a lot of interesting things about their lifestyle and culture.

Day 8. We have seen a mob of kangaroos. They are incredibly cute.

Day 9. In the last 8 days, we've seen and done some amazing things. But nothing compares to the famous Uluru – the largest rock monolith in the world. For many years, I've heard people talk about the wonderful changes in the color of the Rock during sunset, but until you see it yourself, it's impossible to imagine. Day 10. We have just crossed the desert to the modern town of Alice Springs. We are going to miss all the incredible friends we’ve made and all the breathtaking places we’ve visited.


Asia ['eɪʃə] Азия

Europe ['juərəp] Европа

Africa ['æfrɪkə] Африка

Australia [ɔs'treɪlɪə] Австралия

Adelaide ['ædəleɪd] Аделаида

Discovery Bay [dɪs'kʌvərɪ beɪ]] залив Дискавери

Cape York [keɪp yôrk] мыс Иорк

Broken river ['brəukən 'rɪvə] река Брокен

Uluru [ʊ'lʊəruː] Улуру

Alice Springs ['ælɪs sprɪŋz]

II. Vocabulary

  1. to count [kaunt]

I have visited more countries than I can count


Я посетила больше стран, чем могу сосчитать.

  1. to backpack ['bækpæk]

совершать пешие походы с рюкзаком

  1. through[θruː]

through Asia

  1. to cycle ['saɪkl]

по, через

по Азии

ездить на велосипеде

  1. across [ə'krɔs]

I have driven across Africa.

через, от края до края

Я проехала через всю Африку.

  1. to explore [ɪk'splɔː]

I have never explored Australia.


Я никогда не исследовала Австралию.

  1. own [əun]

свой, собственный

  1. to put smth right

Тhe time has come to put this right.

исправлять, корректировать

Пришло время исправить это.

  1. the rest of the world

остальной мир

  1. unlike smb

в отличие от кого-либо

  1. diary ['daɪərɪ]


  1. adventure [əd'venʧə]


  1. a walking tour ['wɔːkɪŋ tuə]

to do a walking tour

пешеходная экскурсия

совершить пешеходную экскурсию

  1. to admire [əd'maɪə]

любоваться, восторгаться

  1. colonial architecture [kə'ləunɪəl 'ɑːkɪtekʧə]

колониальная архитектура

  1. to take a boat trip around

прокатиться на катере по

  1. numerous ['njuːmərəs]

numerous caves [keɪvz] and grottos['grɔtəuz]


многочисленные пещеры и гроты

  1. еxciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ]

It has been very exciting.


Это было очень увлекательно.

  1. thermal reserve ['θɜːməl rɪ'zɜːv]

термальный заповедник

  1. spectacular[spek'tækjələ]

spectacular geysers ['giːzəz]


производящие глубокое впечатление гейзеры

  1. to hike [haɪk]

We have hiked through a canyon ['kænjən].

гулять, ходить пешком

Мы прошли пешком по каньону.

  1. a number of waterfalls

несколько водопадов

  1. campfire ['kæmpfaɪə]


  1. аboriginal community [ˌæbə'rɪʤənəl kə'mjuːnətɪ]

племя аборигенов

  1. lifestyle and culture


образ жизни и культура

  1. mob of kangaroos[ˌkæŋgə'ruːz]

стадо кенгуру

  1. cute [kjuːt]

замечательный, интересный

They are incredibly cute.

Они невероятно славные.

  1. аmazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ]

поразительный, удивительный

  1. to compare [kəm'pɛə]

nothing compares to


ничто не может сравниться с

  1. famous ['feɪməs]


  1. rock[rɔk]

rock monolith


скальный монолит

  1. to be spellbound['spelbaund]

We are absolutely spellbound.

быть очарованным

Мы абсолютно очарованы.

  1. desert ['dezət]

We have just crossed the desert.


Мы только что пересекли пустыню.

  1. to miss smb/smth

скучать по к-л/ч-л

  1. incredible [ɪn'kredɪbl]


  1. breathtaking ['breθˌteɪkɪŋ]


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