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Unit 10 Past Simple Кремнева.docx
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4. Put the verbs in brackets into Past simple.

Little Red Riding Hood (live) with her parents in a little house near the forest. One day Little Red Riding Hood (decide) to visit her grandmother. The grandmother (live) not far away. Little Red Riding Hood (bake) some cookies and (pack) them in her basket. Then she (walk) through the forest to her grandmother’s house.

Suddenly a big bad wolf (jump) out of the bushes. Little Red Riding Hood (not stop) because she (not like) the wolf and (not want) to talk to him. The wolf (follow) her. He (ask) her, “Little girl, where are you going?” “I’m going to visit my sick grandmother,” she (answer), “and I’m taking her some cookies.” The wolf (be) happy. He (like) cookies and little girls.

Finally, Little Red Riding Hood (arrive) at her grandmother’s house. She (notice) that the door (be) open. She (enter) the house and (walk) into the bedroom. Her grandmother (not be) there. But the wolf (be). Little Red Riding Hood (not expect) to see him. She (reach) into her basket, (take) a gun out and (kill) the wolf.

5. Make the sentences negative.

  1. I worked as a waiter last summer.

  2. The chef cooked a delicious dish.

  3. The waiters all worked very hard.

  4. She usually stayed at home in the evening.

  5. They shared the bill yesterday.

  6. My parents were on vacation last month.

  7. Last weekend we went out for dinner to a new trendy restaurant.

  8. The café was crowded and the music was very loud.

  9. He loved Italian cuisine.

  10. The choice of food and drinks was fantastic.

  11. Monica had an excellent taste.

  12. The salad tasted very good.

  13. I ordered coffee and ice-cream for the dessert.

  14. He gave the waiter a good tip.

  15. The fruit was fresh and tasty.

6. Put general questions to the sentences. Then put special questions to the italicized words.

  1. Mrs. Gross did all her housework last Saturday.

  2. She fixed breakfast at 7 o’clock.

  3. After breakfast she washed the dishes.

  4. Then she dried them.

  5. In the morning she cleaned the house.

  6. She vacuumed the rug and dusted the furniture.

  7. She carried out the trash.

  8. She cooked dinner for the family.

  9. In the afternoon she washed the clothes.

  10. Then she ironed and folded them.

  11. Then she shopped for food.

  12. And of course, she cooked dinner.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into Past simple.

Michael got up (get up) at 8.30 last Tuesday. First thing he (clean) his teeth and (shave). But he (be not) very careful and (cut) his face. Then he (take) a cold shower because there (be not) any hot water. After the shower he (walk) into the bedroom and (put on) his favorite suit. Then he (go) into the kitchen. He (read) the newspaper , (eat) his breakfast and (drink) some coffee. Then he (spill) the coffee all over his favourite suit. Michael (be) very upset. He (change) his clothes and (drive) to work. On his way he (get) stuck in the traffic jam. When he (arrive) in the office it (be) already late. So his boss (shout) at him. What a terrible morning it (be)!

8. Translate the sentences.

1. Вчера Джон и его друзья ходили в новый модный ресторан.

2. Была пятница, поэтому (that is why) в ресторане было людно, и негромко играла музыка.

3. Меню предлагало большой выбор блюд и напитков.

4. Официант был очень любезен и помог им сделать выбор (make their choice).

6. Он также порекомендовал напитки.

7. Они заказали салаты, мясо и напитки.

8. Еда была свежей и очень вкусной, кухня была хорошей.

9. На десерт они ели фрукты и пили кофе.

10. В конце они разделили счет и оставили чаевые.

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