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В папку для зачета / Project Summary Сивков

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Project Summary

Deep processing in logging is a promising, developing area in the forest industry. Development of the industry is determined not only by the maximum yield of useful timber products, but also by wood processing technology improving the ecological situation in the forests through application of waste wood that previously to be thrown into the cutting area.

Currently the products of bucking are boughs and tree crowns remains at the cutting area, cluttering it and creating favorable conditions for reproduction of insects.

This research aims to create a technology for boughs and tree crowns processing and getting useful products for farming. The technology should dry and grind crowns of conifers and then produce the green wood chips, fertilizers and vitamin flour for agriculture.

The whole process will be tested experimentally and optimized in real conditions, the production will be in demand on the global market and bring great benefits for both the man and nature.