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Methodical indicatings to operation of students on practical employment

The module 4.

Practical employment №18.

Subject: Treatment of fractures in a hospital. Dislocations

І. Actuality subjects

Treatment at fractures and dislocations begins with is adequately rendered to first aid. The poor transport immobilization or the wrong rearrangement of the victim can lead to fracture by osteal fragments of receptacles, nerves, organs and tissues. Insufficient immobilization leads to a delay formation osteal callus or a pseudoarthrosis. Super urgent immobilization on the contrary - result its contractures and recommencing function of an extremity, and an early canceling immobilization and prolongs promotes secondary shift of spells. Disturbance of principles functional result is treatments of fractures to a lot of complications. There for the question of treatment of fractures is the to remains especially actual as each fifth patient unfortunately still gains manifold complications.

ІІ. The whole employment:

To know philosophy of treatment of fractures.

To be able to define the indication to the certain view of treatment of fractures.

To be able to impose gypseous longet or a circular plaster bandage.

To be able to execute on a moulage sceletal you an attraction.

To be able to select metal constructions for extra-and intramedulary ostemetalsintezis.

To seize a procedure of diaplasis of dislocations humeral to a joint method Hippocrat, Koher, Mot-Muhina.

The nobility possible complications at inadequately lead treatment of fractures.

ІІІ. Maintenance of a datum level of knowledge-skills

The basic literature:

  1. Butyrsky A. General surgery. – Simferopol. 2004.

  2. Schevchenko S.I. and others. Surgery. – Kharcov. 2004

The additional literature:

  1. Kushnir R. Lectures of General surgery. – 2005.

  2. Lyapis M.A. Methods of examination of a surgical patients. – 2004.

  3. Methodological recommendations on surgical patients care. – Vinnitsa medical national university. 2006.

Tests and problems for checkout of the day off equal knowledge

1. For performance insistently occluded reposition and osteal spalls first of all necessary

1 redresation

2 rotation with bracing

3 Abduction of an extremity

4 Reduction of an extremity

5 Blockage of a place of fracture (+)

2. The first moment uninstantly occluded reposition and osteal spalls is termed:

1 reposition

2 Bracing

3 extensition (+)

4 мcontrary extension

5 Abduction

3. The latin name of the first moment uninstantly reposition and osteal spalls:

1 сdislocatio

2 ехtensio (+)

3 reclinatio

4 combustio

5 luxatio

4. Bracing at uniinstantly occluded reposition osteal spalls is carried out behind the help:

1 Operations

2 Sceletal extention

3 Plaster bandage (+)

4 The transport splint

5 Kramer's splints

5. Bracing at many-stage occluded reposition and osteal spalls is carried out behind the help:

1 Operations

2 Sceletal extention (+)

3 Plaster bandage

4 The transport splint

5 Kramer's splints

6. At sceletal extention contrary extension it is reached by means of:

1 Weights

2 Standing of the patient in bed with the lifted tender extremity (+)

3 Abduction

4 Reduction

5 Plaster bandage

7. At sceletal extention traction is reached behind the help:

1 Weights (+)

2 Standing of the patient with the lifted tender extremity

3 Abduction

4 Reduction

5 Plaster bandage

8. Shift of osteal spalls on breadth in latin tongue:

1 dislocacio ad ахin

2 dislocacio ad latum (+)

3 dislocacio ad реreferiarum

4 dislocacio ad longitudinale

9. Reposition osteal spalls at sceletal extention it is erected behind the help:

1 Measuring of the relative length of an extremity

2 Palpation

3 The survey

4 Measuring of terrain clearance length of an extremity (+)

5 Measuring of a weight of the weight

10. The basic assignment of the first stage of treatment at occluded reposition and osteal spalls:

1 Recommencing of function of an extremity

2 Recommencing of anatomical integrity of a bone (+)

3 To development of joints

4 Making of a physiologic standing of an extremity

5 Making of the forced standing of an extremity

11. The basic assignment ІІ a stage at occluded insistently reposition and after recommencing anatomical integrity of osteal structure is erected to:

1 Recommencings of function and development of joints (+)

2 reposition osteal spalls

3 Formation of a pseudo-joint

4 osteometalosynthesis

5 Sceletal extension

12. For the correct comparison of osteal spalls at fractures of bones of extremities at sceletal extension:

1 The central spall concerns on peripheric

2 The peripheric spall concerns on central

3 The extremity is tapped

4 Rotation change stack

13. At the open fracture use a following plaster bandage:

1 Circular

2 londetti

3 window (+)

4 Gypseous corset

5 Gypseous splint

14. The metal hinge at intramedulary osteometalosyntes on diameter should:

1 To be smaller on 1 mm

2 To be thicker on 1 mm (+)

3 To be thicker on 5 mm

4 To be smaller on 5 mm

5 Precisely to respond diameter of the done marrow canal

15. Application compression-distraction allows reaching a method of treatment of fractures:

1 Secondary accreting

2 Primary accreting (+)

3 Artificial to a joint

4 Interposition and tissues

5 Pathological mobile

16. One of the parents of formation vicious to a joint is:

1 Kind blood supply of osteal spalls

2 Kind immobilization

3 Insufficient{Poor immobilization (+)

4 Ankilos by upper situated to a joint

5 Arrest of development of muscles

17. One of the parents of formation vicious to a joint is:

1 Kind blood supply of osteal spalls

2 Kind immobilization

3 interposition tissues between spalls (+)

4 Ankilos by upper situated to a joint

5 Arrest of development of muscles

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