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Статьи в научных изданиях мира, индексируемых в базе данных Scopus

  1. Barashyan, V.U. The improvement of management of financial stability in the system to ensure the financial security of enterprises // American Journal of Science and Technologies, “Princeton University Press”, 2015, № 2(20). – 0,5 п.л.

  2. Barashyan, V.U. Upgrading of risk management in the context of implementation of the strategy to ensure the financial security of the company // Oxford Journal of Scientific Research, 2015, No.1. (9) (January-June). Volume III. “Oxford University Press”, 2015. – 0,7 п.л.

  3. Usenko, A.M. Financial and economic aspects of monitoring social and spatial development of rural territories // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. – Volume VI, Issue 2(12), Summer 2015. – 1,0 п.л.

  4. Usenko, A.M. The content and structure of the financial mechanism in the financial management system // Canadian Journal of Science and Education. – 2014. – №2. – 0,7 п.л.

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