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Топики 1 курс / Company structure

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Company structure. Good working practices.

Organisations become very important nowadays. There are many types of organisations and they produce services and goods for almost all spheres of life. In addition to that, organisations provide people with job and pay taxes to government budget.

Usually organisations consist of different rules, different types of workers and different types of buildings. Organisations include head office, branches or outlets, distribution center, warehouse, call center, factory or plant, service center and subsidiary.

But despite this some companies can have special features, which can lead them to the financial success. For example, Finnish cleaning company SOL is one of these companies. First of all, their office is different than other companies’ offices. The walls are bright red, white and yellow; the employees wander the halls talking on yellow portable phones. This company has special competitive formula and this formula has five key ingredients.

The first key means that hard work has to be fun. SOL company has freedom, which means abolishing all the rules and regulations of conventional corporate life.

The second key means that there are no low-skill jobs. SOL company has special training programme. In addition to that, SOL employees also study time management, budget and people skills.

The third key means that people set their own targets. Decentralising responsibility and authority is way of life in SOL.

The fourth key means that loose organisations need tight systems. The developer of the company Liisa Joronen believes in autonomy, but she is also keen on accountability. SOL is fanatical about measuring performance.

The fifth key means that great service requires cutting edge technology. For example, laptops and cell-phones are standard equipment for all supervisors at SOL, freeing them to work where they want and how they want.

In conclusion, to sum it up, I want to say, that if companies want to be successful, their developers and CEOs must use some special things, which can attract customers to buy their products or services.